The Glamorous Life of Auditions - Day 41

So I get an audition for a pregnant, snotty, fun doctor type character for a pilot in takes everything in me not to dissect her...she's a bit appalling but I love these types of people, I've had to deal with them all my life so I savor the moments I can bring someone I've studied and also the darker parts of me infused into a being I would have nothing to do with. She's fun because she's someone I haven't had the opportunity to really dig in to yet and that pulls me into a creative push...I thrive on moments getting to play someone that isn't remotely close to me, I want it so badly I've built my whole artistic being around it. How can I play someone I don't ever in life want to be but bring humanity towards it so you as a viewer might at least have compassion towards this individual whether you agree or not? That is a mark to leave in your work...I don't want to be hated for hated sake, that's too easy and a cop out to me. Sure I hate this type of person, so I play it with hate and my director accepts the hate and now everyone in the process hates this's so easy to hate...but to understand, not to accept but to "get it" is where I want my work to give back. We want to just judge someone without the work of trying to get what or why but this life is full of whats & whys...someone just isn't hate out of the womb, that isn't human...a baby just doesn't show hate so where does it come from, how does it enter, why does it change this soul through those series of unfortunate events and how can we view these "hurtful" acts. Should we be so quick to compare ourselves? I don't want that in my work, I don't want that to be in me so I fight everyday to bring that nuance into my art...why...because the world needs it. When we're so quick to judge, to hate, to say we'd never, then our work becomes limited because our views are...this is the beauty of this creative world that I cherish. We as artists can fight to bring full character choices if we choose to do so and make the world view individuals with much more care or we can keep on creating things we hate and make it easy for everyone else to hate because isn't that just simple?!?! Finding humanity in the most inhumane act is the brilliance of work I love to see, I don't like walking out of a theatre hating a character...I then realize the artist didn't fully give me the scope of the being portrayed and yes, maybe it's the director's fault or producer's fault but hopefully it was done fighting with your last breath for the sake of the character as an artist regardless of whether it was shot down because we have a responsibility as the outlet to find that nugget of truth in all that hate, that is our work if we truly want to try and change some of the views of the world. Maybe it isn't so deep for you as an artist and that's okay too but I hope if it arises, you too will choose to dig in. For me and my work, I want it to move someone to change perspective, even for a moment and to realize our callous behavior at times towards our fellow human does that and boy is it glorious when it does. Yes, we can have fun and make fun and enjoy this fun but we can also change people, change views, change outcomes and change the future with our I only hope we can do it all by giving it our all whenever the opportunity presents itself because it is all fun but with responsibility as well and we should all challenge ourselves to such. Easy, shapeezy...give me the stuff that'll make me question who I am and challenge me to grow as an artist and individual purdy please!

Had a callback from the Boston Court but for a different role in which I didn't really see anyone else from the 1st round lead roles but was excited for another opportunity to audition for the ensemble part which was equally as beautiful. I went in with one of 8 ensembles and was asked to stay, almost left by the mistake of the assistant running around letting people go but didn't quite leave fast enough which was a good thing because I was then told to stay put and went in as the one of 3 actresses at the very end, to then perform the sides as a monologue to about 8 people in the room. One day, 11 pages with lots of starts and stops and I pushed on although every one else with this call back had already auditioned for the ensemble...left as the last actress in the room, with the writers and artistic director in tears along with many thank yous and feeling great. I didn't book this which I found out going back to the Boston Court to see one of my favorite directors perform in a reading a week later but was simply told that she was sorry to have not picked me for this one, that I was amazing and absolutely wonderful (to my director) and was definitely remembered. Can't ask for more than that especially after seeing the short works they had in progress, I know this is a place I want to be on stage in the future so I will make sure to shine every time I walk into this building because I will get my chance in the future. I love that they had quite a few diverse, minorities at the callbacks for the ensemble and I was one of 2 black females with a couple of Asians during the lead auditions...finally, some openness to the lead casting parts regardless if neither one of us books because it means they are serious at least about seeing different perspectives. Loved seeing so many ethnic people getting the opportunity to just work their work...had to take pictures around the room to remind me how it should always be...even saw a familiar face at the callbacks - Tamiyka - from "When Stars Align" and Kyla in the lobby after the short play reading which featured my favorite director Saundra, all of which brightened my spirit!

Got a chance to shoot a sketch before the Thanksgiving weekend filled with silliness with the big RED which for me was no work at all. Getting the opportunity to bring life to another actor's work from Lifebook is always an absolute pleasure...our community of artists don't just work and wait, we work and do as much as possible as well. All I can say is that there were karate moves and my bare feet no one should really have to deal with those...EVER! Thanks for the good time Jared and Eugene - look for the blast in the new year!!! Also was convinced to send "JANE" into a pitch contest for Project Greenlight...first pitch we know if it made it ( it looks like it didn't make it ), so it's off to film festivities in the new year. Sometimes the confidence we need to step forward and to push is from the very people who surround you, so listen to the encouragement being whispered even while working on something completely different - <3 you Jared for that talk and Terri for the heads up! Take risks, the worse that can happen is a no and you're already at that so why not?!?! First practice pitch to help me with the future practice pitches...everything comes at it's time, I know this because I'm an artist slowly seeing my work finally unfold and it has been one heckava journey just to get here. So I push forward because we as artists have to take this rejection, not as a reflection that we're not worthy but that the right eyes haven't seen it and until then, we've got to fight to get in front of the right eyes with all of our talents.

Just before leaving for a week of fam bam foodie goodness & bliss, we celebrated our niece's Born Day at Knotts in which another friend was able to the good, play times with positive, supportive friends and family! It's difficult to find people who may be in your casting to be supportive, but they're out there - gravitate towards them. The ones who'll cheer you on and the ones you can cheer on because they're beautiful people inside and out. The worse thing with this work, is the competition and jealousy easily infused with this business, understand you're not in competition...EVER! That person isn't you, never will be you and can't be you and nor should you be anyone else...this is truly what being an artist is about. We don't have to wonder why someone else booked that role, your time will come and you will step into your light and no one will take that shine from you. So compliment each other in the waiting room, wish everyone to break a leg and truly learn that there is a place for each one of us in this business.

Bought a voucher to another vegan joint called Vege/table in Studio City but here, the vegetables were the main attraction...beautifully presented with the taste to match - watermelon steak salad, sugared sweet potatoes, teriyaki mushrooms, spicy cashew mac and eggplant lasagna....I mean C'MON!!! Everything marinated to a taste bud's dream, this life of eating better and lighter is so much more easier with places like this and to have it be so different from the others always tickle my fancy, art food is something I will do a very happy dance for every time because it reminds me that our work in our art can be different, we just gotta realize our own uniqueness and give that. Thanks Colleen for always being down for vegan good eats and kiddie rides!

I've learned as I take myself too seriously at times, I must take the time out to play just as feverishly, it creates inspiration and it allows my spirit to just play and nothing is more playful than hanging with kiddos! Make sure to allow yourself child like playtime because there is nothing like the imagination unleashed by a 5 year old girl doing chalk, living art on her uncle's black sweats (if that doesn't inspire you....) and then there is Gobble, Gobble Day! This is always when all bets are off, all foods are on and doughnut tastings are a must. Workouts are more of a maybe and I enjoy just being with family, connecting with life and giving my usual art life a much needed break.

Shadows on sidewalks remind me how lucky I am to still have two feet planted on this wondrous planet, the food lets me know how much is sacrificed for my being, the flowing of wine & drinks tell me of the sweetness of simple gifts I miss acknowledgement of during my rush, the desserts remind me of the beauty still left to behold and my bigger family embodies me with precious love. Eat, drink, savor and love - ART!!! Me and my beast even gave back selfishly by purchasing a pie from Mama's Kitchen via Aimee, that helps get food to people restricted to home living and I ate a piece of it...some of it....okay, most of it =)...with ice cream...and it should be dammit! Okay, I got an ice cream sandwich as well...dipped in chocolate, with nuts, on brownie cookies...that's just how I roll!!!
Work hard but play well & many doughnut cheers along the way in this thankful season...keep on, keeping on my fellow artists!