I'm in the midst of a Greek meltdown of memorization, running an hour to and from the Getty Villa for rehearsals every day in these last 2 weeks and now an audition to be made via eco-cast - WHEW! I usually love 'em but in times like these, they are difficult to pull off but I've learned to let it be and that includes this notion of "being professional." Look, I would love a solid white background and amazing ring lights to hide my imperfections every time I do an at home audition but that is not possible. I've got art on the walls, I've got paint/texture, I've got no space so it will be what I can make it to be, however "distracting" they may find it. Hey, maybe that's why I haven't booked one of these things but I'm sure I've been close enough not to stop. Plus, when I do get the opportunity to do a white wall, I've never gotten a different response, so....fogettaboutit!!!! I know this industry is about what is deemed professional, but I'm saying, if you've got to send a video tape in, then just make do. It should be a no stress, no brainer kinda of taped audition...I know what others tell you but I find being yourself is always the best bet anyway. Just make sure your sound is good, the lighting looks right and you're having fun, I'm tired of making this process any more crazy than what it is...so relax, do your thang and give them a slice of you! This audition was for a paying web series and with Peter Pappas, a name I haven't heard since I started back in the early 2000's so I hit that audition notice up and got the eco-cast invitation. I decided to have our "Hercules - Reginald" read for the part but with him being on stage the whole time, I had to swap out to the "mercant sailor - hmmm, hmmmm captain - aka Rosie" from the play and shoot it in our green room. Lighting not great but less disturbances and sound wasn't bad plus I was able to finally get another actor to read the lines which makes the process easier for the beast who has to shoot, keep me in frame and read lines all at the same time. So I framed up the shot on my camera and used those tri-pod legs to get my scene in. I needed an intro and I could've just slated right then and there but to have more fun, I decided I'm on the Getty Villa grounds dammit...no one was there that day except for the workers and us, so guess who went into the gardens and did her slate, with microphone attached to face and all...WHY, because you can't beat scenery like that. I'm there, I love the space so why not include it. I promise you, I don't think it really makes a damn whether you slate is plain or adventurous, they may all scream plain but you got what you got for a reason...use it, especially if it makes you happy instead. I was able to express how happy I was to be called in and I got to show I was in the midst of working as well, you can't beat that for advertisement. There is no rhyme or reason in the business, whatever everyone is screaming for you to do, make sure you do it with happiness in your heart or this will become a job that wears on you instead. Look, if you're going to do some of the casting work by submitting yourself, don't go pay $40 or so if you don't have the time or money for it. Your phone works good enough, just making sure your sound and lighting is on point enough, you've done your job so keep this easy, breezy. Below is my silly introduction...because I like to just be me regardless of what they want and I've gotta use the Getty backdrop somewhere!
With all the goodness we put into our body, we need to remember to push it as well. Whatever your workout is, continue to do that but switch it up to make sure your body doesn't learn to just go through the motions. I've recently added to my 2 hour workouts pending where I am and when I can, the sauna room or steam room for an extra 20 - 30 minutes, just to squeeze out those last bit of toxins lingering. This not only relaxes my body/mind but it's a treat to just lay around and let the heat do the work. Throwing some coconut oil on my face/body makes me feel I'm at the spa without the payment after so make sure to use those nice facilities at your gym if you've got 'em. I've missed my training for the past 2 weeks because of the hectic schedule with "Archer of Malis" but now I'm ready to get back in and I'mma go hard...give it to me! Nothing like working out your fears, frustrations and negativity by feeling like you've got 2 left feet in Zumba or just trying to hold the downward dog as your arm shakes like you can't hold your own body weight for 1 min. Leaving all the other crap at the door is something I've always cherished through karate, because once you step on the mat, it ain't about nothing else but you paying close and present acknowledgement of what is unfolding before you. The challenges are wondrous for you psyche as you go out to face this business of being "perfect" because you learn that you are...just the way you are, so bottoms up to that dark, chocolate beer float - you deserve it, keep understanding that and treat yo'self NOW!!!! Work HARD, Play WELL & Eat GOODNESS....
Because life isn't guaranteed, whether you decide to be strict or whether you decide to eat all bad, life has no qualms when it's your time. So decide now what makes you happy, how you can enjoy that and still keep balance or not enjoy it and still be at a balance. I wanted for my soul awhile ago, the cleanse of the regular, to stop chatting negative thoughts and actions outward, to truly enjoy my life the best that I can with what I've got right now. To see all the wondrous, deliciousness life has for me at every moment whether the situation seemed "bad" and to then answer it with it can always be worse. I've never shed a tear for the passing of a celebrity artist, I've shed tears while reading about them or seeing their story etc., but never at the news of someone leaving this space. For the first time yesterday, I felt a loss hearing that Prince had passed away, I was never a Prince Fan because growing up my folks were super strict about secular music and well Prince was Prince so I pledged to Team Michael instead. As I grew older and moved out of the house, I watched Purple Rain and cried, I appreciated Cherry Moon and I bought a few of his older cd's loving his rock/funk vibe. My beast is a Prince Head and eventually over the years of us being together, I was made to go to a Prince concert happening in L.A. at the Forum and because tickets were so cheap, we went twice. He also performed intimately at the Troubadour and we were able to get tickets for it because of a head's up from someone working with him at the time and I couldn't believe the magical genius of this soul. From the Forum to the club he played almost everything on the stage, he sang exactly as his voice sounds on cd's - not an octave lower or higher unless he chose to do so and he danced his boo-tay off. He ripped on guitars the whole club show without singing a note and I realized I was in the presence of greatness - he convinced me I was team Prince all along and that didn't take away my appreciation for Michael it just made me realize had I known more about Prince in my younger years, I would've been a fan for much longer. Funny because immediately following my foray into loving Prince for the mad artist he was, I was able to ask a question by being at the Arsenio Hall show that night...something else given to me because my beast is a Prince Geek. They wanted more lighter questions and I asked such but boy do I wish I would've had the chance to ask him - "When you were boo'ed off stage at the Rolling Stones Concert, what made you go back to that? How did you push past that type of unacceptance because most people would've never wanted to show their face again." I'm so glad he did, I'm so glad he realized that those boos were nothing but from people who had no clue at the time and he stayed around long enough to either gain them as fans or at least have them respect him as an artist. This choice will forever be ingrained in my mind...as an artist, you may be heckled, boo'ed, sneared at or written up as a joke, it is up to you to know you're better than all of that and work that much harder. See it through to the end, you'll be surprised but you'll never know unless you do just that...go out, be brave and spread your ART!
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
The Glamorous Life of Auditions - Day 10
Another small bit but this time as a nurse for another network show on the Radford Lot and I certainly do know it's about the look on this one. I always feel when auditioning for small, bit "medical roles" they look for what "fits" into their show, so I never go crazy on these. Yes, I learn any medical terms that seem to stump me, I get my "doctoring persona" on and I go in to have fun - meet another casting director that took the time to see me. These type of auditions should be a "NO STRESS" factor on you, understand that it's usually a look they want because it's not like you can dress up those type of medical terminologies with too much on it so go to have fun, like commercial auditions for the most part. I love these because I get to say words I normally wouldn't say and that gives me practice for future roles along with some knowledge in the medical industry because I'm always having to look something up. They only saw a few of us, I was definitely the tallest/biggest there but I wore my pink, nurse top, sky blue, full sweats and some white sneaks I had - went in, read it and was told they liked the take but do it 2 beats faster...delivered and was out, wahoo!!! Good times and another casting office in, don't blink an eye at these types of auditions, they are what they are and you did what you did. Leave understanding all of that and celebrate the fact you got in, did it and worked your craft in another way, the rest is up to them. Dump whatever negative thoughts in the trash as you exit the lot, you came, you conquered...that is all!
Are you still eating well? Treat your body right, you put it through so much and there is no excuse to leave your health out for the taking. You're never too busy to do right by your body, it's constantly up and working and moving for you so don't let it break down, put you out of commission just because you feel the need to push so hard you forget your body needs to be replenished. Not in 2 hours but now...even I forget at times but I'm getting better at realizing that I only hurt myself when I do that so why not just take that out of the equation as much as possible so that when it happens, it's not that big of a deal. Full vegan meals are happening in my life and I'm loving the tastes along with the visual beauty. How can you not with purple, sweet potatoes and coconut soy sauce with crushed red peppers boiled down with your veggie melange?! Keep giving me more please, my taste buds are peaked with taste sensations of the natural kind....ummmmmmm, ummmmmm! Then what do I do after??? Dessert of course and of the vegan, donut kind - SAY WHHHHHHAAAAAATTTTTT!!! They had ice cream stuffed donuts along with a Samoa ( yes after the girl scout cookies I use to buy ) and an apricot jelly filled wonderful goodness from Highland Park's Donut Friend and that's a friend fo life! All vegan/vegetarian...come on now!!!! Get yo donut on my friends!!!!
These past two weeks has been a world wind of crazy for me. We've had 10 days to basically prep for a "workshop" that turned into a full blown production of the Greek play "Philoctetes" as "Archer From Malis." Full of challenges and fear, I pushed through knowing I've been given an opportunity to do something most women will never have the chance to on such a big stage...play a male, Greek figure! What a rush, what a sense of purpose to shatter this idea that just because it's written for a male and nothing but males have had the chance to play such a role, that we are living in a day and age that if we want to make people more aware of theatre that we represent as much as possible in it. Did I know the story....kind of...did I ever study it...not much - WHY? Because I never had the idea that I would be included in a way such as this. Damsel in distress I am not but fighter, soldier...strength and layered character - YES! So getting to play Odysseus as Odyssea first time ever for me in a Greek production was a dream come true. Did we get some head butts, of course but the director wouldn't change a thing which I am simply proud of that fact. Why play it the same way over and over again...is that not what art is for? To change, to make way, to push boundaries?!?! I wanted to be in this as I always want to be involved in certain productions, not just because it serves a self serving, acting thing but that I get the opportunity to work at amazingly different venues and make people think about what they just watched...challenge everything! Since pay in theatre can be hard, why not do something tremendous with it? Something you haven't done nor tried, do it because of art and do it to make people just see whatever the other side of it all is. Being on the Getty Villa lands, soaking up all that beauty of nature ( can you see the deer behind me? ) and works of art ( got to rub on Venus yah ) made me see how far I've come, how far I'll go if only I keep pushing for it! Now it's off to the Lounge Theatre to finish the production and I'm truly looking forward to pushing this story to another level...wowsers, what an experience to have under my belt now, can't wait to do an outdoors production in this type of setting below...one day! Go do your art and challenge everyone, every step of the way - much LOVE, much ART and many DREAMS!!!
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
The Glamorous Life of Auditions - Day 9
The "dreaded" one liner...how to act, what to do??? Would you believe me if I told you it's up to you?!?! I've learned to stop giving them what I think they may want and giving them what I truly believe the character to be. I know how it's to be delivered...I've watched enough shows, I see the assistants, receptionists, the pizza person...but they ain't me nor am I coming in to be forgotten. Look, most roles require that, that's the purpose, to have a line thrown out and it's gone, it's what you do with it that can make it all magical for you and for them, you just gotta be brave enough to show them over and over and over again. You can choose to walk in and read it as you know it should be read, but now I feel you've put yourself into a box only to be judged by what look they may want and that's a 50/50 shot. I'm NOT HERE FOR THAT!!!! Of course I don't go all willy, nilly in the room, I stay within the context of the scene but I always have and always will push for more. I want them all to realize that if they want to make this a bigger role, they can trust me to handle it so no...I won't walk in and say the line expected at first, I will always create a story with that line because regardless of how they may feel in the room because they've had 20 people come in and say that line, I know what my purpose as that character is and it's as real to me as I am...because it is me...saying that line. It's taken me years to understand how my fulfillment as an artist works for me, you must choose your way...if you walking in and just doing it and it is working and you're booking like nobody's business then rock on. However, if you're not or if you feel like you're in a rut artistry wise, try exploring and pushing some boundaries when you walk in. See that line and choose for it to have a double meaning, then let them tell you to play it blasey blah. You just got 2 chances to show them what you got and then the choice is up to them but at least you created with what you were given so you can walk out of there feeling like the artist/mad scientist you are. Yes, you'll be denied and often, but then, there will be those moments when even when you think it's not yours because of the redirect and you get that e-mail saying that the network approved you, you can see the possibilities of more work and so can they. I'm not here to blend into the background, I'll give 'em that if that's what is required but I will never lead with that just to do my "job" and get out. My work is to create, to give reality and validity to this one, itty bitty line and I take that seriously because no one in the real world usually talks for empty reasons...no one, not if you listen. So with that, I finally booked "a liner" on a network show - HA!!!! I did go in a few weeks ago to the same office for a slightly bigger role, but didn't book that, however getting another call for a different role let me know what I did was appreciated so I did it again. I walked in and played the simple line with another meaning, she then redirected me to be more uncaring...easy, peasy - boom done but with 2 choices in case the producers watching can get what I did...and they did. But realize it wasn't for them...it was for me, I got tired of just coming in and walking out of an office feeling like that was that and did I do well, I don't have to ask anymore...I know for the most part I did because I created and gave that character life. Now I feel like I made this one line into something and I have FUN, I enjoy this - I truly love it...one line and all!!! I can't announce this one either until it's all in the clear, but I'll let you know asap so you can realize that what you bring to the table is special and if you keep giving them special, they're gonna make that choice on you - soon, very soon!!!
Started rehearsals for "Archer From Malis" being Odyssea instead of Odysseus - written for a man but because of the insight of this director of Griot Theatre, he cast it as a woman, as well as the role of Zeus and Neoptolemus/Neoptolema. This is our wonderful cast because his mission for his projects is to give actors that are usually passed up, the chance to work on strong characters whether male or female. Gotta love people that think outside the box and I'm loving that I'm meeting more of them, it keeps me in the loop of inspiration! I get to be here at the wondrous Getty Villa for the next 2 weeks until we workshop it out and then it's to the Lounge Theatre for the rest of the run so I'm gonna enjoy this view as much as possible while I keep pushing to do interesting work...now made easier because I see other artists out there making a way!!! All you gotta do, is trust your work and step right on in...go ahead - JUMP!!!