The "Glamorous" Life of Auditions - Day 7 ( Audition 8 )
Yay to auditions and even more yays to auditions with directors you've worked for...this never guarantees you a spot but another chance to work your work in a room with someone you know as well as with those you don't, at least you have someone cheering you on. Although I was unfamiliar with this play, I was happy to be called in for it because I thought I wasn't actually the type they were looking for but it's always interesting to see what you as an artist can do with that. I don't believe you should ever turn down an opportunity unless it's so far beyond that you feel you can't find your truth in the matter but go in with the idea that you'll play and see where it may take you, who knows, it may lead to a booking. Loved getting the chance to read for something I wasn't quite sure about but happy that through my busy closing time, I was able to get it together enough to not embarrass my wonderful friend who trusted me to come in. I had just come off the hectic weather of a weekend on the show and my hair had it's own agenda as well as it's own life. I had to roll with it and my look was my look. Get that you can't always be perfectly coifed/done for every audition, let that go...all you can try to control is your art...go in focused on only that aspect and give them your shine because your work will stand over what your clothes look like, how your hair is responding and what your make-up wants to do. These little things are distractions from your work, don't let 'em in! #BigHairDontCare went to #HugeHairLetGo - HA!!! We're human, we forget our flats and only have flip flops that we wore to be comfortable in the car, we forget that perfect scarf that sealed our look for the character, our make up looks crazy because we had to put it on in the car once we arrived because we raced from work, our clothes are wrinkled because we threw them in the back and had to juggle 3 different looks today for different calls...the list goes on but you can't allow that to agitate your space. The outer look, those parts are just icing on the cake so you roll in there with all your attitude and art in that person you've created and rest assured those qualities shined through, even if you don't get the part. I love how some folks will tell you to always look the can try but that won't be the defining factor and it shouldn't get in your way as an artist, this type of thinking will kill the joy outta that audition you just got outta the hundreds that submitted because you're too worried about what you look like. Go in, give them your work...let your work speak and understand that even if they don't actually get you, they now know what you can bring and that is all that matters...keep having fun!
With bittersweet love, we're closed on "Bee Luther Hatchee" and I can't tell you how it brings my heart joy knowing I was a part of such a beautiful story especially needed in these times. The Artistic Director ( Christian Lebano, also playing Sean ) have had this play in his back pocket for over 4 years and pushed to get it done on his stage. Although it was tough to convince people that this show was needed at the Sierra Madre of all places, he went through with the first steps of getting it started and then the grant from the Sheri & Les Biller Foundation came through to cover lost costs...everything worked to get this story out there and it was grand just being a part of it, part of the dream. Getting to play Libby was once again a bucket list character I didn't even know about but had it in my heart to play her as soon as I read her...what a lucky gal I am to be to play her in such a way to help with the arguments within the story. I have no clue as to what theatre show is next for me, but I'm ever so proud of my last 2 years of characters I've had the opportunity to portray to further my acting skills and be on stage doing something I love - creating in the moment when things go wrong or off, still somehow saying the lines when the back door opens and floods in light right in my face and just the pure joy of feeling the audience respond to the show in a way that made most of them stay for talk backs where they could engage with themselves as well as us. What an experience, what a way to start the year and I look forward to seeing what's next...time to get back to it and push for my next as you do the same!
When things are meant to be, things are meant to be and the universe works in that wondrous way of making sure you're a part of the project. This is why when you know you killed it in the room, when you slayed every facet of what was needed and still don't get the part...IT'S NOT YOU! Understand not everything you do perfectly will be yours and not everything you feel like you've screw up on will lead you to not getting the part...things happen that are out of your control and you must learn to stand in your light, shining as brightly as possible whenever the chance arises while leaving it all there. I love when things just happen in a serendipitous way...when some friends asked about a date to shoot I was already committed to the play. Then it was pushed and they asked about another day which ended up being my closing day with matinee which would've been too much, then they checked in for the following week and it was open - too happy to work with friends and people doing wonderfully, creative projects. This one is a musical, shot as a segment to push it forward and what a day of beautiful singing...just being surrounded by all that talent inspires me to no end. Loved having the opportunity to finally be on set with a FB actor, friend - Phrederic and Courtney, it's been a long time coming as well as being directed by the wonderful Lowes! I'm reminded to keep at "JANE" no matter what, it's all just a matter of time and opportunity...for that I'm ever so grateful to keep plugging away...
Thursday, February 16, 2017
The "Glamorous" Life of Auditions - Day 6 ( Audition 7 )
It's pilot season - WAHOO!!! Although I rarely get the massive auditions for new T.V. shows, most people have during this time, getting one is huge for me because one is always better than none and I don't believe I had one last year - I was in Santa Barbara doing a play and the season passed me. I'm not known in the network world and my agency is small but hardworking, there's only so much one can do except to keep building their body of good work however they can. Remember me having the nurse audition for a musical show and I decided to take the risk ( although not written in the script ) of singing one of the lines? I didn't book that role but welp, the same office called me back and this time for this pilot with 2 co-stars roles that could go anywhere. Now understand that pilot season is that much more difficult...some movie stars are now becoming the series regs/head lining the shows so the usual series regs working actors are now the ones looked at for the Guest Starring parts, the actors that are recognizable - that usually get those Guest roles are being considered for the bigger co-star roles that could reoccur so that leaves the rest of us, no names...floating. It's a more difficult market that gets harder every year but a shot in the room, is still a shot and another chance to make a fan. This is my 2nd time in Fasano/Kanani's Casting Office in a matter of a few months ( November 2016 ), all I can keep doing are the things that will keep getting me called back into that room for another shot. Yes, it's a one in a million chance but things do happen and you must keep in belief that they do...nothing is worse than a light getting snuffed out before it's chance to shine - Persist, PerSist, PERSIST!!!! Got to do the 1st scene twice since she wanted a take where I looked more busy since I gave her some to go off of and then the smaller role was what it was, she laughed and we were done! I got to see my gal ( Tiffany ) again and nothing warms my heart more than seeing beautiful women in the room putting it down. This business is hard enough already, make someone smile...
Callbacks went well and there was nothing more I could've done in that room, I laughed, I cried, I was angered...everything I could find in a few pages, I did my damdest. I was there on time and they were running behind but understand things work out the way they are. This short was being filmed for AFI ( which wasn't stated in the breakdown since I usually skip these because of no compensation ) and I had no clue whether they were paying but I had submitted since the role seemed like something I should have..."A spoken word mother being found..." I did find it misleading that they put the rate of pay as a SAG short film rate which could be anything and nothing was clarified whether it was deferred. I would've brought it up during call backs but I was called in with 2 other actors auditioning for the role and we all left around the same time and I wasn't trying to linger since I had been there for some time already. I decided although I wanted the part, if offered I would have to ask since most AFI films have very little to no monetary compensation and I wasn't going to do it unless my time was compensated, not much but something to take up the day and gas at the very least. At some point and time you must decide how much of your art you're willing to give and whether you should be compensated and what that is to you. I'm not a person that asks for much, I did a low budget film and wound up finding out that I was to be opposite of Sally Field and Tyne Daly so pay isn't the defining factor. I'm sure many turned that role down/not auditioned for it, not knowing who'd be in it/directing it because of the low budget pay - you can't take yourself out of the mix because it isn't the full SAG rate, again, you'll be waiting for some time to work because recognizables are doing those roles. Give yourself the opportunity to get work but understand your work deserves something in return besides tape if you've been at it for awhile. $75 - $125 a day doesn't seem like much but if it's a role that's guest starring/something you don't get a chance to play, that's not only some footage and some cash but also a earned credit you might not get the opportunity to have unless you've already got it so keep these things in consideration, they may surprise you. You may not even get to audition for a big co-star unless there is some guest starring roles/lots of little co-starring roles on your resume so think about it and choose wisely. You can be selective now with what you're wanting to do since money isn't the driving force...decide how the role can push you, give another look into your work, make you not you etc. You've gotta build your career wisely, each part/step should be something to push you forward if you're looking for longevity, fame is a different story and there are easier ways to accomplish that so again, stay focused and clear. I don't mind doing the occasional freebie, especially for good friends with great scripts but figure out how/if it helps you and then decide.
"Bee Luther Hatchee" is finding it's last weekend in a couple of days and I couldn't have been more proud of a show. Although the houses haven't been sold out, they've been full and more so as the weeks chug along and I know it's because of the content plus the name being unfamiliar but those who have came, watched and participated in the talk backs (after every show) have all left with a bit more perspective on cultural appropriations, social responsibility and comradery that we're in this fight together if we so choose to do so and to do so with open hearts and minds. Most patrons have stated that it's been the best show they've seen at that particular theatre and it gives me hope that Sierra Madre will continue to dive into deeper, more meaningful works of art as well as their usual productions. Making these type of transitions can be disheartening when you think no one is paying attention but I see a different story amongst our beautiful audience who linger behind to discuss their feelings and bias in a safe, comfortable setting. This show may not have sold out, but the amazing reviews to wonderful responses given should be taken in that our culture, our society does want more in art at times as well. This can only grow up from here and I'm looking forward to seeing it as well as being a part of it whenever I can! "Libby Price" was challenging to the core and to have people say that part was tailored to me is satisfaction in my art well done!!! Got to see my gal Christianne in the house as well as "Trouble Creek" writers/directors Stacey K. Black & Shea humbled whenever my peeps can come out and watch me in a show or just send me good vibes...I take those too!!!! DON'T EVER STOP....
Thursday, February 9, 2017
The "Glamorous" Life of Auditions - Day 5 ( Audition 6 )
Short film audition about a mom finally found and I'm thrilled with the writing, hoping for a call back which I rarely get from these at home, sent in auditions. I'm actually glad I'm at this point, the place where people can view me as a mom, an aunt, a nurse, a cop...these roles are the bread and butter of the industry but for so long my "look" was such an outside box. It's all coming, I've hung in, I've done my time and I want the meaty, meat of the roles, I'll take bread and butter, but it's time...give 'em all to me and keep filling my plate up. My beast suggested we go a bit more all out and he'd bring in the professional gear along with ring lights and even do the editing real quick...what would I do without this type of support system, someone who believes in my art when no one else would pay attention. Find your tribe...find them and don't ever let 'em go! They didn't need my tape until Monday evening but I had booked a print job for the day and my reader/lighter/camera operator was to be at work. I had a day and a half with about 3 pages of dialogue, one being a small monologue into a spoken word side, then a scene between me and my son all the while of performing Fri/Sat and Sun in the play. I pushed it all in and by Sunday ( after the show and talkback, 3rd quarter of the Superbowl caught up at a friend's house and then racing home to look over the sides a few more times before shooting ) evening before bed, I put that bad boy to rest...wish I had the extra day but I couldn't figure out how to get it done without stressing. One thing going wrong would've put this audition at jeopardy and I had already kinda passed on one already because of content. Hitting some funny snafus along the way, made it all worthwhile as I needed the much wanted laughter although at the most inopportune time, I took it and enjoyed the moment. I sent it with much love just hoping for another chance to be able to read it once again with all the focus I'm used to giving during a read and just got word, it's a CALLBACK...and a face to go with it!!! Can't wait to show 'em what I'm really working with this evening and then go back to prepping for another theatre audition for Monday. With all this goodness happening, I had to show the fun stuff of what can go wrong while self taping at home...especially when you've got a bull dog!
"Bee Luther Hatchee" is going on it's 5th weekend, that's only 2 more to go and I can't believe, just like that, it'll be over. The process of rehearsing, pushing the character choices, playing with your space and working your art comes to an end for a show - this I love, this I truly adore and am in awe with as I see that every night's performance is different. God, I love theatre and I am thankful to be vested in worthwhile projects that always mean something, always have something to say. Plus, getting to hang out in the back alleys of Sierra Madre during intermissions have been part of my Sunday delights! I want to do as much theatre as I possibly can, while I have the time...who knows what the future may hold so I must work my art to the fullest so that I can say, I've performed at almost all the houses in L.A. Thanks for all the energy sent, the love wished and your presence known ( Malik, Kimba & friend then Oded & Oscar - MUAH )'ve made my work that much more inspired...<3 to infinity!!! Having the NAACP rep in the house was another wonderful seal of approval but that little girl, wanting to make sure she got a picture with "Libby Price" made my work that much more meaningful. That girl, with curly hair and interesting look is my journey in this make it easier for her so that she may not be judged or put in a category by what she is viewed as but by her work is my goal in every room, on every stage and with every show I'm a part of. I'm gonna keep working hard for this little lady here and the countless others that are just "different!" <3 to art and <3 to me/you making a difference any way you/I can, whenever you/I can - don't ever give up, someone is watching and counting on you!!!
Thursday, February 2, 2017
The "Glamorous Life Of Auditions" - Day 4 ( Audition 5 )
The sun is shining and I'm at it again for a web series via a friend - thanks Kylie! I love when my friends are creating work and I'm never too busy to audition for a friend...I would never expect a role and I love the challenge of just walking into an audition for a chance to show my work. As an actor, never feel like the role is yours because you've got a friend behind the thankful that you're in the room, showing your art to a few more different faces and who knows where that will lead. Friends shouldn't feel pressured to see you and you shouldn't pressure as if the job is yours...that's a quick and easy way to lose a friendship and a job - no one wants that! Through out my career, I've never asked anyone close for help especially if I knew they were in an upper position...I just didn't want to be seen as "that actor." I decided a long time ago that if someone wanted to help, they'd offer ( most times went unaccepted ) but for me to ask was a no, no. Could I have been further along? Maybe...but maybe not. People have helped along the way in different ways but I've never pushed to ask, I decided I'd let my work speak for itself because I know that once I'm given the opportunity, it'll all fall into place, my work is what I've got. Some will tell you to seek out folks but for me, I've always shied away from anything that doesn't come first through an appreciation of my art. You must decide what path you wish to follow way has been difficult and slow, but what I've gained is so much more, I can't even see doing it any other way. When my time comes - and it is coming - there will be a different type of joy celebrated for this journey and I look forward to feeling all that goodness of hard work going forward into my dreams! This wonderful session as a Therapist/Psychiatrist was another chance to play with this type of role and I was met warmly by the room. We played the first scene and the director wanted faster...3 takes later and he was satisfied knowing I could do it, 2 takes on the last one and what a fun time. Got to try different things and get a feel of what they wanted in the material and although this role wasn't booked, it was nice to receive a wonderful email thanking me for my good work in the room which made my heart smile, knowing I received another email from the theatre company also letting me know how good I was, they just went a different way. These e-mails make my day...I love knowing they considered my work, thought long enough to take time out and send me a private message letting me know. This is a win always guys, learn to love the fact that you're going into a room and making an impression, another fan don't get so caught up in the "Why not me..." because soon enough it will be but you've got to trust your work. The fact that you're getting responses back is letting you know that they liked you, see it as such and celebrate ( like going to Veggie Grill and picking it all up to go because you got a Born Day Coupon for $5 off and you have to get the pumpkin loaf as well )...they liked you...know that and let it help you keep making those interesting choices!
As much as I love vegan food, I enjoy my occasional meaty, cheat day and hand made snasauges down the street is the stuff dreams are made of! LinkNHops just opened up and even better than their regular meats are their 7 varieties of vegetarian/vegan links as well ( that whole bottom row is veggie goodness waiting to be eaten...and I'm the person to slowly but surely try!!! ) - WAHOO to places that cater to all. I was tempted to do vegan tonight but with a beef and bacon link, my first time here with some crazy fries ( nacho cheese, hot grilled jalapenos, tomatoes and a grilled kielbasa ridiculousness ) was what I needed for my tastebuds to be in heaven. I can't tell you the deliciousness in my mouth to belly goodness I felt to celebrate the start of the New Year, to the wonderful auditions abounding and the fantastic reviews coming in for the show. Life is good...sometimes all you need is a chocolate/coffee porter/stout and amazing food to let you know why you're living! Enjoy your moments, take time to celebrate and's all working for you as you work for that chance to shine. YUMMERS!!!
"Bee Luther Hatchee" is just past it's halfway mark and along with NAACP coming through, we've got more good reviews rolling in. It's a show I'm so happy is being done, the questions it raises for you as an individual to answer is at it's core and I'm ever so lucky to be a part of this wondrous cast that has brought this story to life with all the help of production/crew. I've always wanted to be a part of making "aware" art and I'm glad my journey has lead me along this path! What you choose to do is just as important and what you choose not to do in your creative life - listen to your soul and follow your art forwards and beyond as you watch what you've steadily put in, bloom into the goodness you deserve! Slowly but surely your work is recognized...
Loved doing this small, short with a wonderful friend/actor I had a chance to work with last year - Rodrigo Brand himself and how happy I was to just join in although my schedule was tight, to create some fun! YAY!!! Let's keep creating...
Especially when you find out, the web series you became a part of for Season 2 just got Honorable Mention at the L.A. Film Awards...yes to all this goodness and many more!!! GumPaiiiiiiiiii