The "Glamorous" Life of Auditions - Day 13 ( Audition 14 )
Another liner for a cool show that I actually watch and am a fan of but I didn't know until I arrived. I get the notification for an audition for the next day but no sides attached. I check the sides to see if it's posted and when I ask my agent, they send what they had received which stated the line will be given at the audition so of course no context, no pre-figuring out the many ways you can play, just off the cuff stuff and hey, it is what it is at this point. Know it pretty much has to do with what you look like and somewhat how you delivered the line so have as much fun as you can possibly have. Traffic is a nightmare so I arrive just in time which stresses me out but it's better than being late which is what being on time feels like to me, I race in after finding parking and there's a list of 1 guy, 3 groups of 2 gals ahead of me so I'm able to look at the line as the casting assistant is explaining the set up. I take a quick picture ( yes, ask to do that if no copy is given and you feel you may go up on a line which is easier to do at times when it's just one line and you're getting it as you audition... ) and relax saying my line over and over in my head every chance I get until I feel like it's just spilling out of me. Although the role is for a TSA agent and there's an actual note to bring a vest, I don't have quite the full get up and decide I'll head the opposite way. Olive, relaxed button down and my skinny jeans - middle of the road and pretty much acceptable in my book for most roles. I keep my hair in braids and pulled into a clean bun, this should be enough but of course I'm in the room with everyone...and I mean everyone is dressed in black slacks, black shoes, that blue type shirt I don't own and vests....some even had the gloves/radio attached. Yikers! This can work in my favor or make me look like I didn't even try...I work for the former - HA! This was a conscious decision discussed with my beast...I felt everyone would come in looking a certain particular way and since I didn't have the full get up, I would arrive on the opposite end of the rainbow. The girl I was paired up with had the black slacks and a off white button down top luckily so I didn't feel like a sore thumb, we went in together and she was asked to start first after we stood next to each other and slated. I stood off to the side listening but going over the line the way I wished for myself to say it, as she simply read the line, he asked for a bit more bite and the line read was pretty much the same but the great thing was, he understood her choice and just asked her to commit to her choice. Not everyone has to read it the same,but it's nice when the person behind the camera can understand that but of course that made my read look overdone when I went up. Although I kept it tight, he asked me to bring it down...then even stated that less was more - if I didn't know that but sometimes it's just the way it works, laugh and make it happen which is what I do. At least there were different ranges to my read so they got the fact that I was able to do whatever was needed and off I went! There are always 2 schools of thought when it comes to dressing the part, I don't believe it helps or hinders in most cases but you've gotta be confident in whatever choice you decide to make, especially if you're going against the grain. Do you...ALWAYS!
I had a reading for a film rescheduled to this past weekend which I was unable to attend because of a traditional family get together on Easter weekend plus a celebration of 1 year for our 2nd niece - Pi as we like to call her since given that nickname by her older sissy poo. These moments in life are precious, don't miss them...I get it, that audition just came in as you booked your flight, that shoot now wants to be on the exact day you leave for your vacay, that meeting now wants you on the only weekend that month you've got plans - it sucks, it happens but remember you get to decide and be happy either way. I usually try to work things out and most times they do, every now and then there is no way around it and I remind myself what's important. If it's a huge project and you're getting paid, no question but when it's workable, do your plans...rearranging your life every time isn't a guarantee that the show will go according to plan. So I'm crossing my fingers I'm not out but if I am, I send them nothing but good vibes and I understand that it just wasn't for me no matter how fantastic this role would add to my character list plus it's been floating for years now with backing finally pushing it through. I can only hope to get to play this Somalian mom of FGM so off I go to focus on my dialect because you just never know...but I'm really glad I got to spend some much needed time with my other family because I wish my folks lived closer and I miss them terribly. So fun times with family was had and I got my egg hunt on...yay to life's moments!
Also found out besides just being Black and Korean, that not only am I 45% Nigerian, I'm 30% Japanese, 20% Chinese ( NO KOREAN DNA, ) 6 % Eskimo/Inuit and 4% other stemming in the Middle Eastern Regions...although this comes as a shock, I am so happy to be a person of our lovely world. How can anyone be racist???? Even getting my mom to finally tell me of an "old tale" of our great, great, great, grandfather being Japanese was such a kicker since she's such a proud Korean, but I had to tell her to love the Japanese and Chinese side of our story now as well...especially since I know now! Our DNA is LOVE....let's spread that....
Although I've been out and about, I still am pushing towards a healthier body and no better way to end the ridiculous workout on the TRX which I've been privy to for over a month than by stretching. Most people hate this aspect and may even think it's a waste of time, but if you're constantly pushing your muscles with no recoup, no elongations you could be just steps away of hurting your body in a very bad way. I always try to end a full hour workout with some vibration plate time and then 30 minutes of stretching with this very ouchy wall, gravity split stretch I do for 5 minutes at the end of it all. What a way to go to the steam room and I've always had less injuries than most of my counterparts because of this ritual. Don't skip the stretching folks, it's always the little things that keep you in tip top wellness - MUAH my arties, go out and keep gettin' 'em with your mind, body and soul!!!!
Thursday, April 13, 2017
The "Glamorous" Life of Auditions - Day 12 ( Audition 13 )
Wow, wow, wee, wow to my 2nd commercial audition of the year and trust me when I say I couldn't be more ecstatic. I stated before and I'll state it again, I just can't seem to find my footing in the commercial world and it's not the lack of trying - commercial agents have been baffled at this paradox as well. Maybe there is a certain "screw you" vibe in my commercial shots since it seems like for years, getting called in were little baby miracles! No matter what agency or if I was submitting myself, for me, commercial auditions are truly a blue moon occasion and if you think it's you or only's not. I just can't seem to break into this lucrative genre so I've placed my sights elsewhere hoping it'll come. Remember when I say, everyone has a niche? You just gotta find yours and hone in - still see everything out there but understanding your work and fighting for it is all you can do. For some reason the commercial world doesn't get me nor wants me there and I'm okay with that but I'm not going to not still try. Now getting one, two or three commercial auditions a year is killer because I feel for commercials especially, it's a numbers game and the more you go the easier the process is. You can say that about film/tv/stage auditions but since you usually focus on these, most of the time you're ready to go when asked and you pretty much know what's going to happen in the room. Commercials can just be you walking in, showing profiles saying your name with a smile and then exiting, sometimes there's improv, sometimes there's action like skipping across the room - it's weird and can leave you perplexed but the more it happens the easier it feels to have this kinda "up in the air/whatever can go" a part of your being. It's not a part of mine but this audition had dialogue, so this is a strong suit and therefore I clung to that aspect for dear life. First take went smoothly and I was able to get through all the lines without messing up or feeling off but then...the "debacle" - HA! I had just watched a gal go through her schpeel ( we were brought in 3 at a time with different pieces ) and her note was to act more involved in the beginning, make it more of a big deal so when it was my turn he just told me it was going to be that simple but obviously after reading mine, he made other plans. The night before I had read the casting notice sent to me and I noticed improv was going to be a part of it if asked so I prepped myself so when he stated he was then going to throw in a leading line and we were going to go into the work, I assumed to improv away...still in line with the script, just in my words. NOPE...that was stopped and he stated he was going to throw in improv'd lines and I was to read the script as is to make it sound more conversational. Of course, starting and stopping got me off and I stopped the take and asked for another. It's that simple guys, ask to start again, collect your thoughts, hear what was said and then move on at your pace but as quickly as you can get it. He had no problems letting me restart and I had no problems restarting but you have to feel confident in that and you have to gather it all in, push through and show that you're capable of being thrown off but still focused on getting it right. Never feel like if you're off that it's a bad thing to ask to go back to get it right and then get it so right they don't question that you asked. Know it's your right as an artist to get the take you want in the room as well. Of course, let's not make it all about you and force the issue but if you absolutely feel like it can be better, do that and do you so you can walk out of there ready to celebrate another audition well done. It may not have gone as smoothly as you had hoped, but you're proud of the work you gave! Life's short, truly realize that and enjoy your moments please, especially when you're walking along to your audition and see LOVE ( signs are everywhere ), so much LOVE - I know I'm going to, please join me! So...celebratory, lunch and lunchtime whiskey treat anyone???? beast knows my heart and it was the first time ever having whiskey in the afternoon - YAY to that!!!!
This month has been wonderfully hectic and I was able to get into a film of a friend, that I've known for years but never worked with nor actually been able to hang out with. Lucky for me, Eric Ramsey, the writer/director had kept an eye on me via Facebook and offered me a role in his upcoming production of "Ole B.R.Y.C.E" that I had the pleasure to shoot this past week. The wonderful aspect of this role is that although I've had the opportunity to use my southern accent on the stage in a couple of plays, I finally get it on film and for me, that is what was so fantastic about getting this role. A 70's Bama nurse named Jean Lewis and I was able to bring that accent to this role - yippeee!!! Although I had to work early in the morning that day at the bakery, I was able to rush home, get ready and race to set pretty easily which allowed less stress when the scenes came around...even got to throw some improv around. Glad I got to work on accents for the stage, constantly readjusting the sound, the tonal quality and finally having enough confidence for film. Another magical aspect was getting to work with an actress I had the pleasure of pushing a pilot years ago with that never came through - Mrs. Rhonda Morman herself and after that disappointment, we finally had some screen time together to play along with meeting and being downright nasty to the wonderful actress Riji who improv'd back at me. Nothing better than playing with people you know and getting to play with new peeps who give it back - Gimme more please!!!
The world premiere of "Trouble Creek" also happened, on the red carpet as well as YouTube and the experience of it all made me even a better business actress. I've always wanted to skip the red carpet event and even interviews, I always feel uncomfortable at these types of functions...some thrive, I feel like I wither - I don't enjoy this part of the process...playing characters on film I can handle, talking about them, I'll pass. However, this time my beast not only pushed me but I decided for myself I'd allow myself to fail miserably if that's what it took to get over this hump. Thank goodness for all the practice of talk backs in most of my plays I've been involved in...every single one, got better and I became more confident in discussing my process or what I felt the role truly meant because I began to realize someone truly wanted to know. I went to other small step and repeats and would take pictures not only out of vanity, I want to stop critiquing myself in pictures ( HA) but for my system to start getting familiar with the space. So with all that bit by bit training I was able to step up on the carpet with a different aspect and although I was scared enough to pee in my boots, I watched the gracefulness of actress Doris Morgado before me as she backed, shoulder worked it and I decided right there that I'd totally bite her move...mine looked goofier of course but I decided to throw caution to the wind and just get it, get it the best I could taking her moves I felt I could accomplish this time. While she was doing her thing, I even had to give her the props of just working that carpet like it should and I also learned this could be fun if you choose it to be so. So I laughed hard at myself, I tried and I still giggled profusely but I made it through the gauntlet unscathed except in some ego since my beast wanted to keep pointing out how I totally jacked Doris' moves - DAMMIT, I MADE THEM MY OWN....ha, ha, ha, ha!!! Learn to laugh, especially at yourself, it's a part of the journey because you don't want to be the one who takes themselves so seriously you become that person, it's unnecessary and hindering to exploring all aspects of yourself. I faltered when I chatted, I may have given away a plot point, my mouth wouldn't form the words that wanted to come out of my mouth but I did it, one step at a time and I enjoyed myself finally. I even had the chance to race across the lot and make sure to take pictures with my stand in/actress Ms. Veda who made sure I was good to go when I walked on set because she be da bees knees! It took me only a day to recover although I was still a bit out of sorts the following day as well but I finally felt like I had a good time. Learning to chat it up about your involvement in a production is a part of the process, get as much practice in now and enjoy your moment when you step into it all. I even had my first really comfortable interview a week later with one of the hosts that left me with the mic on the red carpet while he was live streaming the event to his viewers and I felt so settled. I had actually made myself go to this...I almost allowed myself to skip this just because but I really took the interview by the horns and pushed towards my fun space that was me. Do it much as you can when you can because practice makes better and better is all you want to achieve!
Check out the full 7 episodes on YouTube now, ( ) starting with the first one here:
If you love shorts and you're free, I'm in the Silicon Beach Film Festival in "Walk Away" done by Sue Keeton and Brian Kronenberg ( The Package ) on April 22, 2017 at 12p. and it won't disappoint. Let's keep pushin'....