The "Glamorous" Life of Auditions - Day 15 & 16 (
Auditions #18 & #19 )

Auditioned just a couple of weeks ago to a role I felt I took too much direction on with casting, however low and behold I get another call but this time straight to producers. So I prepare but this time with more of my choices to not be swayed along with an optional button on the scene. Too much? Maybe, but it's what would be natural if the camera keeps rolling. Now I know with this type of show it's always stated that it's on a time crunch and the lines are the lines, however, you as an artist must choose sometimes to button up that scene if it makes perfect sense. Nothing too long or out there but something your character may do or need to do whilst on set. I felt way more comfortable this time around and the room was receptive as all get out. Got to see a familiar face in the lobby as we chatted since I met Noelle the last time around and noticed that they had a variety of peeps for this role this time around. Happy to be given the opportunity to read again and crossing fingers for another shot and this time I'll go strictly with the lines to show I've got whatever is needed. Play, play, play in the don't know what they're looking for or why so go in, have fun because it's your time! We take ourselves way too seriously and give way too much power to the room instead of to ourselves, it may or may not cost you the gig but if you art for your art then you haven't lost a damn thing...

Make choices and keep it going. Whatever you decide the character to be, stick to that and grow as an artist. Walked into this audition with virtually no makeup...decided this person could be really sick given the circumstances for this particular role and thought bare minimum, a bit of blush and a little undereye concealer cause no one wants crazy looks from me. No foundation, no mascara, no eyeshadow just moisturizer and my work. Decided to show up early because of location and the time only to have to actually wait the hour to my audition...such is the audition life! I noticed that all the other ladies in after me was more made up but knew for what I was going for, that I liked the practice of this. We get so caught up in what we look like, we forget what the character looks like and the reason why. Quickly in the room I ask how sick is she? However, it's the assistant, who's been super sweet and kept me updated on getting me into the audition room because the other gal is sick so she's not quite sure. I decided to do it at a 5, she liked it and wanted to see it pushed more which I gave. Then stated why not it be nothing really, so I played...3 times and had so many more to go if need be. Haven't seen Anya in years so it was a delight to get back into the office and make a mark once again for this year's projects. Go in, go for it and fah-get about it, you do what you do and then you celebrate YOU!

Worked for Team Ramsey Entertainment a couple years back as a nurse on "Ole Bryce" which is making festival rounds like nobody's business this year. Eric had an idea for an assassin movie which he discussed with me soon after, saying it would be in 2 parts and I'd be in the second half if I wanted. Of course I was in...his work is passionate, his vision is indie and I love the fact that he trusts my work. Started noticing all the promos for "Part 1 - In The Company of Assassins" and was pleasantly surprised to get the call to see if I'd be interested in making an appearance in the first part. They had rewritten the script to include some of the other characters so I was thrilled to get on over to the table read. Love my character and I'll be able to help choreograph my own fight scene which is what I've been pushin' for and Ramsey Entertainment is giving me my very first chance to do it on their film. Excited to see a full diversity of POC represented in this film and especially in this genre without star names. Can't wait to show you what it's all about because this should be fun...real fun and that's what we're in it for! Let's Grow Arties 💗