Inspirational! Geoffrey Rush's character was riveting...I could watch him all day doing his thing. I can only hope to rise to the occasion in someone else's life and am truly humble for all the Geoffreys in my life. Who says talking heads can't be interesting...I found the fact that they used angles and length to add depth to the feel of the movie was fantastic because the only thing I concentrated on were the actors and the moments it created. Although I watched this weeks ago, it still stirs within my heart. I mean, how many times were you told you weren't good enough? Not strong enough? Not enough? It's heartbreaking for me in the scene where he is auditioning but told he wasn't right because he didn't have the air of regality. Someone judging you within seconds not knowing who you really are or the depth of your character, such a quick scene but such a powerful moment. After partaking in this brilliant film, I feel only inspired to deal with all of life's up hill battles only to answer them with my truth and to keep doing what I know to make others rise around me because in life isn't that what we want to leave behind...inspiration and love? I do.
I give this film a B+ because of the spirit it evoked in me.....Geoffrey is worth the watch!
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