Who said facials need to cost a lot of money or time? When you're broke or out of time and of need of a quick fix, I've been using these 2 staples for over 20+ years since reading it ages ago in a magazine like Allure. I still do egg whites on the face from time to time but reach way back into your cabinets and dig out the Noxema. That's right, I said it correctly, this should bring back some serious memories and after giving pause to those moments, head to the kitchen for some loose oatmeal...I usually always have Quaker oats (not the microwave kind) on hand.

In the lid of the Noxema, take about 3-5 healthy pinches (you'll find your perfect number the more times you play around with this concoction) and add about 2-3 small scoops of Noxema and stir. Once everything is mixed together, apply all over the face skipping the eyes and mouth please and let sit for about 15-20 minutes. Tingling will occur and yes, you will look like a wilderbeast but while doing so, I have found this mask to subside cyst like pimples, bring smaller pimples to the surface and give me glowing skin. Tissue off as much of the product you can then rinse the rest off. Although I'm able to afford a nice facial once a month now, on other weeks I still do small facials at home to upkeep my skin because taking care of my outsides are just as important as taking care of my insides and this tried and true facial hasn't disappointed me in all these years. Play around with the mixture, maybe you need more oatmeal, maybe less Noxema...whatever your mix is, play with the times starting with 5-10 minutes first to check for any irritation then move on. One of my best kept facial secrets with no cooking involved and cost about $8-$10 for both items with multiple uses. Enjoy!
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