Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Glamorous Life Of Auditions - Day 9

Print job audition yesterday and like most people, I have no idea what all that entails but I got a good sense into this other life! For actors, these jobs of just taking pictures can mean extra money in our pockets while waiting for the next audition/job and who can be mad at that? What is maddening is the time frame of say 12p - 7p with no time slot, just show up whenever....CATTLE CALLS...urgh! Arrived only to see all sorts of people and your number....#114 and you hear them just call #75 as you're done with your sign in sheet. It is here I just want to walk away but I've already used up gas to get here, put on make-up and clothes and got up early to prep the day, so here I am and here I shall be.
These jobs aren't bad however and usually a couple of hundred bucks for a few hours of your time (at the very least usually) can pay some of the much needed bills but most commercial print auditions will take up 30 mins - an hour if not more of your time. So if you can wait it out, it does pay but boy is it another level of patience.  Bring games, chat and be prepared to hang out!
More happier to leave this mad house of the print world held today at the Space Station, I would've preferred my acting auditions to this and then maybe crash this type of work. Which brings me to the next point...crash commercial print auditions! If you're sitting around for something else and you see a mass load of different peeps hangin' about, go over, sign in while waiting. Most of these print jobs require no prep except for the clothes you may have on, so if at an audition and you're in casual wear, bring a dress shirt with you just in case. Money wise, these are so well worth it...time wise for the audition is another story but hey, if you've got no where to be for a minute....

Thank goodness I hit up my new favorite thrift store in the valley and on Wednesdays they have pretty much 50% off of everything in the store!!!! I was asked if I had any pencil skirts for an upcoming shoot and since I didn't, I figured I may help wardrobe out in case I could find some on the cheap and have it in my wardrobe as well since business attire is a necessity at auditions. 2 black pencil skirts (one with a slit in front and back, one without,) another black fitted, with pleats all around - 1 of the skirts is Jones of New York and the other Ann Taylor, all of them looking practically new, a white skirt - FOR ME dammit, because I can never go shopping just for the task at hand, a pair of business dress shoes and 4 books...yes one of them is a Star Wars book, a gift for the beast...and me since it's the story between Empire Strikes & Return, don't judge, it's not polite...for $27!!!! So either you can save, save, save and shop at the malls which can be easier or you can thrift store rummage and find everyday audition items to fit your budget so you can spend your cash on other items in this business where you usually can't get a deal...the choice is yours...HA, see what I did!!!!
Until next time....

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