So I auditioned for a small, itty, bitty, teeny, weeny role last year in a low budget film and walked into callbacks with Michael Showalter, a younger female who was also a writer - Laura Terruso and casting in the room. I was like, wow...this should be interesting. I shocked them with an improv'd ending and Michael laughed hard and didn't want to see anymore/another take although casting asked. I went home and got the call...BOOKED! Awesome I thought, another job finally. Had an interesting welcome with the check in lady but I was happy just to be on set so no worries. When she finally figured out I was part of the cast and not an extra, I was ushered into my trailer room which I told her I was just thankful to be there...this was going to be a good night! I had gotten my script and call sheet for the job a few days beforehand and noticed a very big name, then another one...then another one. It all dawned on me that my teeny scene was with Sally Field & Tyne Daly - WHOA! I get to shoot with both of them...OMG! It was heavenly to just be around these two amazing women and then to have Tyne ask me my name again, after seeing my improv'd moment...then the scene got a bit bigger because she then improv'd her own moment - HA! Glorious is all I can say and a moment I will always remember. Then I heard nothing for quite some time and thought, I got a chance to shoot that part but no one will ever get to see it. See, most small scenes can be cut from the film if it doesn't drive the story forward and although I felt my scene was fun, you never know when it gets to editing what makes the cut. Then a friend of ours saw an advanced copy before it hit SXSW and let me know I was in the damn thing with Sally and Tyne - WAHOO! Then found out it just got distribution and will be out in theaters 2016...YAY! I can't wait to see it, I was told by casting the scene was funny, so crossing my fingers I'm not too critical of myself!
You just never know what small role will be with whom, so never turn down an audition unless it's totally against what you believe, no matter the pay because it may be low budget but filled with so much goodness, you'd be disappointed in the end for turning it down because of pay, not caring etc.
So, I'm ready for my audition as Detective Holt in another paying's not much, but you never know what may come so don't discard itty, bitty, teeny, weeny parts, they may just make your day! Start submitting and don't stop!!!! And remember, you are the best version of you right at this moment, if you've put in the work, made no excuses and have been pushing, you are going to be right for that role when it's right. Don't be someone else, don't play someone else, you are you for a reason. Within you lies everything you need to make a character so don't play what you think they want to see - play what you know the character is to be...and that's you, all the beautiful, gritty, crazy bits of you that make you unique. Then, walk away...if they can't see you for all the gloriousness you are, take the risk on you, it's their loss, not yours. You are enough, don't be anything else other than...the character is you...with some umpfff! Go get yours so we can continue our journey together. Looking forward to seeing you at the next audition!
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
The Glamorous Life of Auditions - Day 15
Got another audition from Michael Donovan Casting for a low budget feature film, nothing too difficult, 2 pages of dialogue and getting to see an office I love! Traffic was a bit more strenuous and there was work being done on Gower causing much back up so I was running about 5 min's behind. Now normally I don't stress but because it's an office I have built trust with I gave a quick phone call stating I was running a bit behind which usually doesn't happen with auditions. I try to be at least 10 min's early so that I have 5 min's to prep in the car and 5 min's to deal with any issues getting to casting. It's a habit now to just make my audition time logged in on my calendar for 10 min's earlier so I don't even stress about it. Traffic happens, wardrobe snafu's happen....crap happens so do your best to be as prepared as possible and this is just a small nudge for me to help me relax before going in to give 'em my art! How can you be the best you if you're stressed about the traffic, forgetting something, feeling anxious - do yourself and your art a favor, give yourself time in all aspects of the audition so you can feel as prepared as possible to walk in without excuses because no one has time for that! As soon as I walk in and fill out the paperwork I'm called in because they want to get me in with the rest of the ladies that has auditioned so they ask the guy to wait...did I state I just got in and needed a minute - NO. Did I state I needed more time - NO...your time was in the car getting there and the extra time you had in your car if so, otherwise when you walk into the office you are on their time so don't blow it by walking in not ready. Sit in your car, do what you need to do even if you're running late, then walk in ready to go when your name is called - PERIOD. It's very selfish to bring that energy into the room, be professional because there is always one making it weird for the rest of us so don't be that one. I was inspired to see a kid who looked 15 behind the desk as the writer and maybe director, it motivated me more to understand no matter what age, just get it done! Stop with the I'm too old, too short, too big, too blah, blah, most ways, most of us are and that's a fact. The understanding to get to is "What Are You Going To Do About It?" Whining about it, isn't going to get you anywhere except with those that want to chime in about it. Now there is nothing wrong with venting it out but let it go then and move on, do it several times but don't stay in it, don't stay around it because pretty soon you'll be asking yourself "Why even bother!" YOU bother to make a change, YOU bother to create your work of art, YOU bother because there is nothing in the world you'd rather be doing so go do it!
Now it's been 15 auditions and a handful of call backs with one booking that has been shot. Don't be discouraged, these are actually good odds. Most of us will go 100's of auditions without so much as a callback at times but that's not the focus...again, please don't focus on that. Your craft is getting honed in, casting is beginning to get to know you better and you're getting the opportunity to create, don't stifle it on the wrong focus. Yes the end game is the booking, the job, the bragging rights but it's the work, the journey, the art you create in confidence so that when you walk in the room and they get you, then you're undeniable regardless of what they had in mind and that is what we're shooting for as artists. To create something they weren't expecting nor wanting but making them like it and asking for more, these then are the people that deserve your masterpiece and boy will you give it to them, because you've been waiting in the wings and now you shine with your time!
After the audition, I swing by the Sag/Aftra Health Fair because there are freebie goodies there that shouldn't be passed up with free tests for your eyes, ears and bodies. FREE can be good so take advantage when possible, too many things cost in this lifetime so getting goodness passed to you is your gift, grab it and let it replenish you for the battling field. I celebrate by seeing one of my favorite directors who's been a mentor to me direct at the Academy of Dramatic Arts for Youth doing "For Colored Girls." Saundra McClain is a monster in the business and if you see her name and get an audition, bring it and bring it hard. She is one of the few people that will look outside your race, your height, your whatever as long as you can be worked in and you come correct. She will give you a shot with no credits, little credits, all the credits - she does not care unless you work that piece to move her. There are too few of these types of creative creatures so give it to 'em when you see 'em, because they are the ones trying to think outside that box and change things because they've got the opportunity to do so. Getting the chance to watch these young women experience theater and hang with Saundra and Cheri from "Flyin' West" replenished my soul as well as hitting up Happy Hour with these lovely ladies at Bossa Nova. Bring on the next auditions, I'm inspired!!!
Thursday, May 21, 2015
The Glamorous Life of Auditions - Day 14
Commercial auditions are rare birds for me, not only is it tough for me to even get an opportunity to audition but it's even tougher to get a call back! I realized quickly it had nothing to do with me or my work, it's the you fit in the demographics? Please don't be discouraged, commercial acting isn't for everyone but you go and make the most out of it because again, you just never know and getting a national commercial to take care of bills has nothing wrong written on it. I've been at martial arts auditions (the few that even see minorities), been one of a few black females there, one with a real black belt and still no call back - HA, I say! Again, it's not personal, it's the industry and what they deem is woman + martial arts ='s not normal, even with a black belt so again, you as an artist must go out and create it. Don't expect someone to hand you the part because if you're like most, that's not going to happen but instead of giving up/walking away, you put your foot down and make your mark! It's rough, it's unfair but it's the industry we are now in, where the person with the most twitter followers is pertinent to the audition, not the fact that you've been training for over 10+ years, that you've got theatre credits or that people know you as a solid performer. Sometimes it's just what you look like, how you fit in and how many people like you, but it's up to you to keep pushing against that form. Be a part of it but not of it...being an artist you've got to adapt but you also know it takes hard work, dedication and foresight to continue on in this business. You're not the joke or the standard but exceptional, to be taken seriously because you've been dedicating your soul to this journey. So don't be discouraged...keep on keeping on and put in work no matter how bleak it looks, there is purpose for you and you must change things. So again, DON'T FORGET TO CELEBRATE, it's the small steps inward and upward!
Then go smash it by working out and being the best you, so you don't give yourself the excuses of not being because taking care of your health is so important to fight all the stress/rejection/craziness you must fight against everyday! Here's to some cardio kickboxing tonight...and yes, I did it after eating 1/2 a cookie to celebrate because that's the reason I work out as well! =)
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
The Glamorous Life of Auditions - Day 13
So, I'm usually not as nervous for an audition but since I've never done Regnard ( I say Shakespeare so most can understand the time period in a general way ) nor Shakespeare, this one has created slight butterflies. I love the fact that Michael Donovan (CD) is confident enough to give me a chance, especially in a period piece that most wouldn't even see a minority for and one that's never done anything like this in all of their acting career. So for 4 days I try to get it in the best I can but I'm not as confident with the wording as I like...
It's nice to just push past my comfort zone because you never know first off and secondly, that's why you're here. Everyone can do what they're comfortable in, it's the uncomfortable zone that tells you to grow. As actors we get into a space and think that's it, I know now but there is always something you're not comfortable doing nor wanting to do and that's where you go as an artist. Push your boundaries and do it now...don't wait until...this way, when the time truly comes for you - you'll be chomping at the bits. After this experience, not only will I put up some Regnard/Shakespeare in class but I will do it with confidence because I walked out knowing I wasn't far from what was expected. They laughed, gave me a note for the second scene and I took it and then ran - which is all I could do at that point but I realized I can do this. Although I have rarely seen any minorities do this genre in theater, I do know of one amazing, amazonian lady named Cheri whom I was lucky enough to work with in "Flyin' West" who is actually in the circuit and for that I have hope. You just gotta keep doing it until the right director sees you and leans in, regardless of ethnicity or gender but in order to find that, you've gotta keep on pushing forward.
So today is dewy, skin day and I go with a pinch of sugar and my oil base facial cleanser but you can add this to your daily cleanser or after you lather up and then rinse off. So easy, so cheap, so effective! After I lightly scrub, I leave it on for a few minutes then off it goes and I'm left with glowing skin...well, glowing enough for me and my price budget!
Then some vegan pancakes with the best whip around...I don't think I'll ever need regular whip cream again! It's amazing that you can eat better and it's delicious as well, now I feel so perfectly balanced and I never feel like I'm missing anything.
So happy I went in for this and tried because it's given me enough confidence to realize I can do it, I've been putting in the work all these years and it's just a matter of time....
It wasn't so bad! You never know until you try and that's art, the first time might not be so good but you get better, more confident and then you know. Never bypass an audition out of fear, if you're unprepared, sure you're not right etc, then by all means but if you know that you're good at what you do and need a push to be better, then go risk it all - your art demands it!!!
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
The Glamorous Life of Auditions - Day 12
I honestly didn't know what to expect today but I was hoping for some goodness and greatness is what I got. Had an audition scheduled for Monday after receiving the call from my manager stating that casting wanted to see me for a web series paying very well...that was on Thursday. By Friday afternoon with no call from anyone, I sent my manager an e-mail letting her know I was home all day and it would be perfect for me to get my scene to work on it before the weekend hit but my management hit me back that evening to state....NOTHING, casting never got in contact with them again...Saturday rolls on into Sunday and I try not to say a word. I get a text from management and they're going to try Monday morning - HA - my audition was for 12:40p. So I state to make sure the casting office realizes that it would be a very cold read, maybe change the time or date if possible. Monday at 11a, still not a peep and my morning is now officially screwed. Can't make my acting class, there's a guest speaker I missed so I send a text stating I'm moving on with my day as my team tries to find out what's happening. I go into my "shoutout newsletters" that I haven't finished sending out to cd's (I'm in the M's) since I need to make a new one of my new happenings. Sucks that my day was scratched but what do you do but keep moving on and doing things. Next thing I know - BAM, audition for Friday for Shakesphere...have I done this, I want to...DEFINITELY! Next thing is another audition that came from the Bay Area to check out L.A. talent for a webseries that I couldn't make out there. They're in L.A. and I get a chance to monologue! Thank goodness Allen Levin of Lifebook has done 30/60 events, where you have to get a monologue under 1 minute and a half...I've written 3 and they're in my acting memory files for moments like this. Monologue under 2 minutes...ah yeah! I wake to the early doggie meltdown and since I'm up with a massive amount of lemons...I'll make lemonade...strawberry that is - with organic coconut sugar!
Oh, and organic, vegan lavender with lemon zest cuppy cakes since I made a meeting with my agent before my audition this evening. And why not from scratch vanilla frosting with lemon zest as well! WHEW!!!! Let's add almond flour, organic and vegan chocolate chip cookies to that as well. Hell, if you're gonna do it, might as well do it big guys! But then you end up with things like this....
Gluten/Soy/Dairy Free and delicious, more please! Mr. Chow's is officially my favorite quick, vegan fix baking mix...I've had regular folks with no idea their eating vegan brownies, the cuppy cakes and some cookies I'm still trying to doctor up but for the most part, I can live without until my cheat days because it has gotten that good folks! Just gotta know which ones to get and which ones to play with...
Got a chance to squeeze in a get together with my agent before my audition and since I could only do the late afternoon with all that baking and lemon finding uses, I was invited to her house for tea. YAY, I've never been invited over by any agent for tea and with that I know that I know that she will forever be for me! I decide to make some home made sugar scrubs with lavender and organic rosemary from my garden along with a brown sugar scrub with organic lemons and organic oranges from my yard as well. Gotta do my agent right, especially since I'm being invited over! Organic sugar, white or brown, lavender/rosemary ground up, some organic sunflower/coconut oil and scented essential oils go a long way baby!
These easy to do gifts are simple yet very well received by anyone receiving them so if you're on a budget and need to spread the love out, get creative with everything you've got, buy the rest and make, make, make! Not one complaint yet =).
Get over to my agent's house thinking it'll be a quick time and the next thing I know it, we're in an hour and now she's asking if I'd like to submit a tape via her to a casting notice for an Asian Chicka. Of course I say because you just don't say no to opportunities presented by you trustworthy agent. I practice for 5 minutes and we video it...several times...she wanted the right angle but we got it! So happy my agent got to see me break down a script and do it in front of her for video within 15 minutes with 2 pages of dialogue and she loved it. These are the moments when preparation meets opportunity, all those class hours putting in real work when needed...Thanks Allen Levin of lifebook acting academy! Get to my audition a bit early and rightfully so because there was problems with the check in and the front desk at Space Station today and since I was about 15 minutes early, she was able to handle the situation without stress on my part. The waiting room ladies to greet me were exceptional, you just don't get welcomed like that. I quickly ask if language was an issue since my monologue had some but I brought another to do in case. They wanted the hard stuff and hard core they got. The room was professional and warm, it wasn't a cattle call like I had expected and I met the director, A.D., the star, the Producer and Executive all in one swoop. This shoots in the Bay so we'll see what kind of production it is because I believe you should go in, audition (PRACTICE) and then figure out the logistics because then they want you and will work with you but at least your face was seen. Don't miss a chance for something good because you're giving yourself excuses as to why not to do it. Do it, then the ball is in your court to decide...wonderfulness, yes?!?! See ya Friday for some first time Shakespeare...yikes! And then, there's always my web series I'm turning into a film but here's a clip that will follow my short film to be sent to festivals because you just gotta create!
Monday, May 4, 2015
The Glamorous Life of Auditions - Day 11
Celebrating my crazy weekend to Audition Day 11, I went a bit overboard with Portos...but ya gotta do what ya gotta do, so celebrate hard my friends!
Was finally able to get my dad on set with a picture of course - my mystery show soon to announce, but what good times! Not only were they super nice, super professional and super cool, but the director thought my "heavy scenes" may take some time and was worried about getting it all so he politely asked if it was possible for us to do my crying scenes first but if I was uncomfortable with that, he'd completely understand. WOW, the thought of him just asking makes me feel so much respect because that's a person who knows how difficult it may be to just jump right in to something heavy but they don't call me "deep/intense" for nothin'! Of course we can start there, "Do you need me to cry a little or a lot?" HA!!! 3 different takes, one with tears, one balling and one choked up just for options and when you can go right in. Trust your work, your art, you can do this so gets to doin'!
Had to replenish my well after going through so many emotions with my shoot so what did I do? THEATRE of course! Whenever you're feeling off, upset with your craft/business or just looking for inspiration, take a good hard look is a work of art isn't it?!?! You can go to the ocean, go hiking, go somewhere or you can be inspired by someone else puttin' in work. I always leave wanting back in, to get more when I get to see people doin' their thang and lovin' off to Long Beach to ICT to catch Abigail/1702 - The aftermath of Abigail from the Salem Witch Hunts with some wonderful sing songs and then to Two Roads Theatre to see my peeps in "PREVIEWS" - so very proud and so very inspired! Bring on Monday's Audition purdy please!!!!
Decided since my hair is always an issue when I go in for "Tech/Business" auditions, I felt it was time to make it work! Quirky hair for me today because I wanted to be different from what I had seen on the show and give it more of a "me" type feel. Paramount has got to be one of the nicest studios around, the people are so happy and friendly...I felt so good walking into my audition and walked out feeling even better! 3 lines, 3 different emotions with an arc...can't ask for anything better - BOOM! It started off with the security giving me the stapler since I ran out, to the Casting Assistant who I thought was the receptionist chatting with me since people were walking by and talking about my hair, to getting to chill out after at the Coffee Bean with a chai tea latte!
Had to also give my tasty buds a whateves splurge since it was that time with the So Cali (Hot Diggity Dog) at dog haus and yes, that is a salad resting on top - don't knock it until you try it! It's so Cali ;)
You deserve it...all of get to it!
Friday, May 1, 2015
The Glamorous Life of Auditions - Day 10
So today was a Warrior Goddess role and I relish in these type of auditions since I always feel that my hair, my look, my way can be a bit much for this industry so it's always refreshing when I know they're looking for something different and different I AM!
So the Casting Director noted to me that she's been casting this for over a year already and they may have seen everyone but my dear, they haven't seen me! Remember that please...YOU are unique, there is only one YOU, YOU do have something to offer and no one can ever imitate nor be YOU because no one has walked in your shoes. I don't usually care if I'm the first, middle or last to audition, when I get into that room, it is my time, my audition and no one can take that away from me, not even the people sitting behind that desk, so go give them YOU - each and every time, no matter how many times...they will get it eventually and will come to love YOU for it! But first, breakfast, because it's a very important start of the day.
Organic colorful veggie omelet with my own cut organic home potatoes with onions - YUMMERS! What a way to start my day...
Now even though it's been 15 whole days since I last saw you guys, doesn't mean I've been sitting around waiting...waiting is fo suckas. Get your ROCKY script guys - imagine your dream write it for yourself because you never know and we all know the saying that when preparation meets opportunity! WERK...and that's how I got this audition eventually....
I've got Asian eyelashes ya'll and getting extensions have been my lifesaver! I've had the same lash lady for years now and because of my loyalty, when I can't afford it, if I truly need it, I can call and she will do it on credit...and that's some goodness right there. I don't get a chance to wear them all the time but I do like the extra pop they give my eyes for auditions so today is all natural instead of glam because even though my audition today was Goddess, my shoot tomorrow is me as a Publishing House Asst. and my audition Monday is as a Humanich Tech so glam is not the calling this week! Also realize that no one "wakes up like dis..." for the most part, it's work even to look naturally good in this business.
Ended my tedious day with another Zumba class since this weekend is filled already, don't like to feel guilty and don't like to feel like I should've, could've, would've in the room or on the set so always put in WERK!
Finished my night with a plate I think I have perfected in my year of 5 days of vegan/vegetarian eating. Truly guys, my body hasn't stopped working, I feel great during the week and I still enjoy whateves twice a week. 1 day of dairy and all if I so choose and the next day is whateves without dairy, but still can do the desserts as long as it's soy/dairy/gluten free. Lovin' the way I feel and truly happier with this balance now in my life, plus I don't miss a matter of fact, I gets to eat more of it. I'm telling you, vegan/vegetarian food has come a long way baby...
That is kale, with baby kale, chard & spinach with carrots, red onions, shredded carrots, yellow pepper with red pepper, sea salt, spicy sesame oil and lemon from my trees along with radishes (that taste like potatoes when cooked) along with garlic, raw slivered almonds, quinoa, olive oil and crushed red peppers with snap peas! Sweet potatoe rubbed with truffle oil with a sprinkle of sea salt and pepper along with tomatoes with soy free/dairy free balsamic and slices of organic apples. Organic red wine without sulfites added and my soy free/dairy free/gluten free brownies with walnuts. More veggies, one step at a time! See you Monday, let's do this!!!