Celebrating my crazy weekend to Audition Day 11, I went a bit overboard with Portos...but ya gotta do what ya gotta do, so celebrate hard my friends!
Was finally able to get my dad on set with me...in a picture of course - my mystery show soon to announce, but what good times! Not only were they super nice, super professional and super cool, but the director thought my "heavy scenes" may take some time and was worried about getting it all so he politely asked if it was possible for us to do my crying scenes first but if I was uncomfortable with that, he'd completely understand. WOW, the thought of him just asking makes me feel so much respect because that's a person who knows how difficult it may be to just jump right in to something heavy but they don't call me "deep/intense" for nothin'! Of course we can start there, "Do you need me to cry a little or a lot?" HA!!! 3 different takes, one with tears, one balling and one choked up just for options and next...love when you can go right in. Trust your work, your art, you can do this so gets to doin'!
Had to replenish my well after going through so many emotions with my shoot so what did I do? THEATRE of course! Whenever you're feeling off, upset with your craft/business or just looking for inspiration, take a good hard look around...life is a work of art isn't it?!?! You can go to the ocean, go hiking, go somewhere or you can be inspired by someone else puttin' in work. I always leave wanting back in, to get more when I get to see people doin' their thang and lovin' it...so off to Long Beach to ICT to catch Abigail/1702 - The aftermath of Abigail from the Salem Witch Hunts with some wonderful sing songs and then to Two Roads Theatre to see my peeps in "PREVIEWS" - so very proud and so very inspired! Bring on Monday's Audition purdy please!!!!
Decided since my hair is always an issue when I go in for "Tech/Business" auditions, I felt it was time to make it work! Quirky hair for me today because I wanted to be different from what I had seen on the show and give it more of a "me" type feel. Paramount has got to be one of the nicest studios around, the people are so happy and friendly...I felt so good walking into my audition and walked out feeling even better! 3 lines, 3 different emotions with an arc...can't ask for anything better - BOOM! It started off with the security giving me the stapler since I ran out, to the Casting Assistant who I thought was the receptionist chatting with me since people were walking by and talking about my hair, to getting to chill out after at the Coffee Bean with a chai tea latte!
Had to also give my tasty buds a whateves splurge since it was that time with the So Cali (Hot Diggity Dog) at dog haus and yes, that is a salad resting on top - don't knock it until you try it! It's so Cali ;)
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