Another theatre audition but this time for the LGBT community! I love the fact that my art can take me any where, do anything and I've learned to come from such an open space I don't carry the negativity the world can dump on one's soul into my life anymore. Beliefs, I chuck them at the door because I've learned that they have no room in my artful creations because with beliefs come judgements and you must let that go before becoming any character or you end up playing one character...all the time...I ain't got time for that! I've always taken pause to hear what one's beliefs will stop someone's work, but then it does nothing to contradict violence on any level. I've always wondered what that judgement was and decided it would not be a part of my being...if I'm willing to be violent, horrific etc, what is the issue with any other issues in my art? Art is produced to make one think and that's all I want to be involved in. Artful work that creates conversations. Understand where you stand but also question it as well and hopefully you come up with a space of realizing how and why you may judge. Walking into this tranquil building was exactly what my senses needed, filled with love, eye art and even a rock-glass sidewalk so to speak. Rocks...the way "different" people must make themselves in order to deal with the world and all of it's glorious judgements, only to be smoothed away by love's water, only love. I love being around love...I don't care what type of love it is, if it is pure love, I am in bliss being able to be near it, witness it and with my beast, be a true activist in it and let's not confuse it by going into utter madness shouted by ridiculousness, human love in it's purest form is the most transcending light to shine in this dark, cruel world. Let love be...for the love of God, this world would be better if we'd just let love be. This play seemed raw, fresh and life realizing so getting to go in for a "homeless woman" was fun but I went from that to a militant to a hooker in no time as I read for them. Good times and I took a day and a half to memorize 6 pages of a monologue which turned into 3 pages when I signed in. After reading I was asked to read for 2 other characters which I quickly grabbed, was able to ingest between 2 other females auditioning and then in again. 2 pager, then 4 pages of cold reading all putting it out there...boy does improv, training in my craft and just being confident in my work pay off in times like this. Sometimes it's just best to get in and get it done, don't waste too much time trying to get it perfectly because you can't - it's been 7 minutes and there is no way unless you're one of those speed memorizers, so let it go and you! What they get is what they get, they asked for it and you did it - that is all that matters. I felt great about it but it's gone, I'm on to the next 2 lead female audition for another big theatre happening next week, with over 8 scenes to place in my head as I finish up my show this weekend as well as work - I do not let my mind linger on past projects. Loving auditions and letting them go is the name of the game here, you'll be happy and feel more free once you learn this part of the audition process - difficult, yes but then this game opens up. Aaaaaaannnnnnnnndddddd I get the callback for the "Hooker" role which may contradict my other callback if it includes a booking for them both, so we'll see what happens this week - looking forward to having to make some tough choices, love when that happens!
I'm now 2 weeks down in Shakespeare's lovin' of "Twelfth Night" as Maria and although a "lower" budget production, it speaks volumes to diversity and acceptance. Although nervous having never been given the opportunity to audition in this realm to then book it and perform it, I've been finding my own voice in a smaller, but very intricate role in my character. I don't have as many lines as the major part of the cast but I am involved throughout the play which has taught me to be ever so present. Having to crawl back and forth as well as acting as if I can scale walls to get a partner on the wrong side of the stage or a forgotten scarf needed by my fellow actor...making things work within the scene yet still get it together for mine has given me so much growth in my work in a different manner. For a bit, I felt maybe no one could really see me nor care but as I walk past folks to my car and hear them whisper "She's a really good Maria" just makes my heart burst. Now I'm sure there's been negative comments as well, but I haven't heard them so I'm not focused on that aspect. I get people have their own ideas on who my character is, I'm just excited for the freedom given by Kate Jopson who's done Shakespeare since a child and still willing to give room to other artists exploring what this story and their character means to them. To be told I'm pleasantly understood and that I have a firm grip on the text was my heart's worry - I laugh because only if they knew that I'm just reading it the only way I can, I haven't been trained any other way and since we're not having to do it in iambic pentameter (thank God) I'm okay with not stressing about the rhythm of the text. What a wondrous experience to be able to explore this other tongue and get wonderful reviews while doing so (see below's link to L.A. Times review.) Docu-trailer follows with some behind the scenes footage for your viewing pleasure - ENJOY GOODNESS!
Whilst doing all this theatre, I must support it as well whenever I can and although it's usually tough, every once in awhile it lines up just enough for me to race there from work and catch a show after a crazy weekend of shows and work being about 2 minutes before show. Gotta check out "Armadillo Necktie" written by Gus Kreiger and directed by Drina Duruzo which each of the characters had for me as the viewer. Unapologetic in their flaws, blinded by their own virtues hindering them each to see what it takes to truly change someone...which comes from within. Brilliantly written, with fantastic direction and as I saw these artists giving it their all with the lingo I began to look within to see if I'm so wrapped up in me that if someone was to view my scenes in my life if they would look so confined. I hope not, but hopefully this play will open some sleepy eyes to seeking the truth, the real everything and in everyone. We like to just believe...for some reason, we believe whatever into truth because someone told me so, that's reported as such, this is what I see but there is always so much more to discover if only you'd release these chains that bind. With complexities in whom you're attracted to, who you decide to listen to without question, to die for what you believe is oh so right...but is it? Where are all our convictions leading us? When will we learn to step in and help? When will we realize we may be the problem as well? These are just some of the questions I pondered watching this show featuring a non deterring Capt., a following Sergeant, a questioning Muslim, a Good 'Ole Boy and a self sacrificing Woman in a bunker filled with who's who and what each is after. I won't say more except you must take a moment to catch this gem if possible, good theatre is hard to find in L.A., support the ones that are!
So after hearing all the terribleness sent over Twitter about Leslie Jones I decided to send out love. It's not much and maybe she'll never receive it but you must do what you can when you can to help spread love...quit standing by and waiting...waiting isn't helping, you must do whatever it is in your own space to make change happen. I not only went to support "Ghostbusters" but I sent a picture out of me and my beast in front of the theatre with a message - U win, despite hate, despite being black, despite being a woman #f@%khate-Ichooselove #loveforleslie! SPREAD LOVE...this world is in dire need of your art and love, get to work arties!!!
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