The "Glamorous" Life of Auditions - Day 31

Short film audition and I get to see some beautiful, familiar faces (Trina and Anika) which gives me joy knowing we're all here getting some work in. These ladies put in work so it's always nice just to be in the same room with them, means I'm doing my job. With brilliant shows like "Atlanta" and "Insecure" coming about, it has given the minorities in this industry, different facets of our being which is so important to the scope of what most of us have been fighting for but still the fight continues because sometimes you can still hear what someone is actually looking for by paying close attention to their words without even them realizing what they may be saying. Case in point, I receive the audition the night before for 3 pages of dialogue. I quickly look it over and decide to disregard a lot of the action since it would require me to touch someone (my son in the script.) I hate to mime and it's just a personal choice for myself but I feel physical action is involved because there was sooooooo much physical action taking place so I replace it with a few small gestures to play the scene to my understanding. After the scene, casting stated they liked my read and enjoyed my ending and was given no notes/redirection. I grabbed my stuff to exit and was stopped by the person running the camera - could've been the director or writer who then stated something to the effect of "Are you a theatre actor?" In which I stated yes, and then went on to say "I could tell by your gestures and like how you're standing now (mind you bag in hand, still and getting ready to exit out the door as I listen) is more powerful. You had this really nice "spark" towards the middle (where I go in on my son about a word used) which was great and if you could create that "spark" from the beginning to the end then this scene for you would've been
10 NOTCHES HIGHER!" I listened, ingested and smiled...said thank you and exited...I did not ask to do it again because I wasn't asked to do it again. Actors, do not shift from what you did to defend yourself or your work in the room and do not ask to do it again if they didn't because if they want to see a choice that they clearly have stuck in their head, they should be the ones to ask for's not your job to do that...especially in the room...WALK AWAY. Look, not all choices that you make will be felt by the person in the room, especially if their vision is different but all you as an artist can hope for, is that even with whatever vision they have created in their mind, that you and your work can step in, if they're open to it and take them on a different journey. I've had way too many readings where I was told at the end that they (casting) never saw it in that particular way, that they (casting) was going to stop me, thought I was in trouble but as they watched, became open to what I saw in the text then allowed themselves to be taken on a ride/journey. This doesn't happen all the time, it's only the few magical moments when everyone in the room is open but this is the part I adore whether I book or not but it's also my take so I can only hope to have a shot to give them their take if needed. Learn to laugh it off guys and laugh big...this person had no idea of the space I could fill going 10 notches higher but for me, this scene didn't require that. That "spark" that "sass" as I read into this person's critique came in when I needed it to come in and not a minute sooner because the moments before were about something completely me. I took into consideration that on set, I wouldn't be standing still in front of the camera, reciting my lines because there was actual direction/movement given in the sides so standing with bag in hand as I listened, wasn't going to be my again, listen to the critique, ingest it and then if it's for you, let it move you but if it feels random and just another thought, that's all that it is. Let that go, laugh and move on. Understand that sometimes, people have a strict opinion of what the scene looks like to them and there is nothing you can do to change that, you can only hope to be given the opportunity to change their mind or show them that it can be given if they allow it but DO NOT LET ANYONE, (NOT EVEN THE DIRECTOR,) MAKE YOU FEEL LESS ABOUT YOUR CHOICES (of course, have reasoning and work put into them but you know when you've made strong, clear choices and are able to articulate that!) Opinions are like buttholes, everyone's got one and as an artist you are at the most vulnerable, especially at auditions. Critiques/suggestions come out of many mouths but you as an artist must decipher that code and not take any one thing personally. One person wants one thing and the next person may not, some like miming, some don't, be up in their faces giving grit but not too much as to scare them and it's enough to drive you crazy if you let it. You'll be running to every acting coach in town, paying private after private to help forsee what someone may want only to end up with someone else's opinion of what someone they don't know may want in the room. THAT ISN'T YOUR JOB...your job is to make clear, concise choices of what you want this character to be, how you truly would play them if they are so lucky to have you play that role. Of course there is compromise when given the opportunity because sometimes you don't have the full story, adjustments are given with explanations for the most part or the director would like to see something else and voila. This is all fun guys and the sooner you learn to let things roll off, you'll see all the glorious goodness of what you have to offer and to give to any role you play - enjoy this process, it's eye opening and it keeps you fighting! On to the next...with what I envision as well...

The episode I did for the new pilot "Married With Secrets" on Discovery ID is officially on the books and set to release Oct. 25th at 10p. They shot 8 episodes, we were #7 and was told that it will now be the premiering episode for the cool is that! So far, the trailer is the only thing released so enjoy and as soon as I get more clips, I'll put them on here as well. Tune in, 11 days and counting...

Next up is "Bee Luther Hatchee" coming at you around the 2nd week of January 2017. A play for the Sierra Madre Playhouse with rehearsals starting towards the end of November. I'm in the role of "Libby" which was the role I truly thought I'd be challenged on as well as pushed under the watchful, talented eye of Ms. Saundra Mclain once again. I'm now researching my Gullah accent as well as looking deeper into the script so that I can bring this role to life while being in this unbelievable play that delves into so much of what we're going through now. I can't believe I get to be a part of this story...I wanted to play this role so bad, my beast made me an image to keep me happy while prepping for it! HA - Enjoy!!!!
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