The "Glamorous" Life of Auditions - Day 17 ( Audition 18 )
I don't think I've ever had one of these informal, lunch kinda meetings for a job per say but this experience was a wonderful one. Through another artist's ( Hannah ) recommendation, I received an invite to lunch to meet with the director/writer and was sent over previous work done by said director/writer. The actress had dropped out and they were looking so my beautiful gal threw my name into the hat. I sent over some material of me and watched the short soon as I watched the beginning, I already knew I wanted to be a part of her work. Well lit, great direction, wonderful story and awesome sound quality...all the things an actress looks for in future work plus pay...I'm in, I want an audition. I sent word that I had watched the short and read the short script and wanted to be a part of this story. I just had the meeting in which I suggested Urth Caffe in Pasadena and must've gotten at least an hour of face time with the creator of this project. I'm more of a one on one person anyway, so this type of introduction is way more welcoming for my introverted artistic self. I can flail at auditions, I can flub, I can feel off that day but chatting with someone, looking them directly in the eye and letting them know my truth is my soul. I didn't care if I got the part, I just wanted to meet the person responsible for creating such art, to connect with inspiration and be on their radar for future projects. I think I can do these type of "auditions" any a matter of fact, I'd prefer them. I had sent over some of my most recent work in which she watched and we discussed life, work, art, bigotry on all levels as well as how lovely the day was. When she left, I knew I had thrown my heart on the table as I do and it was up to her and the universe to give me a shot without seeing me read but to judge me on my past work along with this meeting. I assume that's how bigger names get in but since this was my first "remembered" experience, I was quite lost in the beauty of the moment. I've always felt I'm good at auditioning but my strong suit is when the cameras roll and they call action but of course you gotta get past that weird stage of auditioning in order to show what you've really got. Trust me when I say, this whole other world is such a refreshing side of the business and a place I'd like to get to asap!!!! Good food, possible job and great conversation - YES PLEASE! I found out the next day, during a pick up session on my NDA project that I was offered the role - YIPPPPEEEE! I can't wait to show 'em the risk they're taking with me will be well worth it but definitely sending energy into the universe letting all know, I truly enjoyed this process and am open for more!
We had a rehearsal day first which was awesome in and of itself. This process taken from theatre, gives me hope. To meet your fellow actor/doggie joy and be able to work some familiarity with them gives me comfort as an artist. This one simple step should be used to create chemistry, to process shots and to get a feel of everything around you...wish more would do this! It made the shoot day magical and I saw Max, my doggie co-hort along with my co-lead for the 2nd time. Although this job seemed easier on the surface, I had a harder time just being. I love playing characters, so to just play natural - myself is always work to me, I hope to get more work like this just to balance my art out. I've fought so long to be seen as a character actress that I've forgotten how to just be but practice makes close to perfect so I'm excited to see how this story plays out. A simple short on human connection...a brief story in someone's life, I love this and if you love this, you just keep going at it, no matter what or who is telling you different, reach out and grab it, hang on and enjoy the ride!
I thought my hush-hush project was pretty much completed and after the tardiness of my last arrangement, I assumed I wouldn't be needed, however, another call for another day of pick-ups came in and I sprung into action. Remember when I told them all they'd have drinks on me...I was booked for a Friday session but at 10a so I knew there was no way on making good with my promise so I ordered some champagne from my wine club which arrived a couple of days before I went in. I decided to take a rose' in as well for the front desk lady that dealt with the situation as well as the person who dealt with my agent. I arrived 20 minutes early only to be at the wrong Bang Zoom but was able to drop off my first rose' bottle to the lovely, front desk lady that had been involved with me since I had been there. I then jetted over to the Bang Zoom near Magnolia bringing in the goodies. Of course as I entered, I asked if I'd be taking them for drinks after and of course there wasn't a real possibility so I broke out the bottles for the director, writer and producer that I had made wait on that day. Each were so grateful and surprised that it made me feel like I had made up for the situation I had caused by keeping my word in a different way but truly taking responsibility for the day. Yay to being able to improvising keeping your word in this business! I got to see some of the scenes and hear my voice and WOW...just WOW! I am absolutely proud of being a part of this project and I truly can't wait to share the good news, however now is the time...FINALLY!!!! For these past few months I've had the chance to work on a new VR game in connection with Skydance Interactive and Oculus called Arch Angel. I'm the female lead and although I can't give you the story as of yet, just know the diverse casting in this game was bananas! Don't mind the crazy pants, I thought I was to be in the motion capture suit this day, instead I was interviewed - ha, ha, ha!!!!
I know this business is tough, we get discouraged when we don't book but understand that this town is built more on the backs of perseverance than talent because as talented artists we convince ourselves that this isn't the place for us. We've worked hard, we've sacrificed plenty and still it doesn't seem enough...but if you'd just hang on. You may not get the glory when you want it but you'll get your reward for being the talented soul you just got to figure out how to keep on hanging! Your time is coming but you've got to keep right at it, someone sees you and someone will risk it to let you shine. KEEP ON GOING....
Much love Chris and it's actually a crazy, printed one piece that I could wear under my motion capture fitted outfit...alas, no need but now it's forever on film that I was interviewed in these crazy pants!!!! HA =)
Great post! Crazy pants!
ReplyDeleteMuch love Chris and it's actually a crazy, printed one piece that I could wear under my motion capture fitted outfit...alas, no need but now it's forever on film that I was interviewed in these crazy pants!!!! HA =)