The "Glamorous" Life of Auditions - Day 31, 32, 33, 34 + a Callback ( Audition 37, 38, 39 & 40 )

I'm thankful to get another audition to the same soap opera office I had seen a bit ago and I can't be more giddy. See, sometimes it just isn't about the immediate booking but in fact the idea that they like you and are just trying to see where you may fit in or how, this is why going in with the idea of playing instead of "I've got to book this" will win you over some fans. I felt my last audition was okay, the role was what it was but my wanting to be this character made me invested, even for just a few lines so getting another shot, this time playing with medical jargon was fun. Going in to book will have you trying to do what you think they want you to do, going in to have people see your work and to play will create these people to think of you again whether you book the role or not. Again, you may risk the fact that they won't appreciate what you may bring and never call you again, but one casting director isn't going to make or break you so you've got to keep on with your truth in order to feel good when it all hits. This office is wonderful and I'm hoping for another shot in a different role just to show all that I can do...I even went to the Museum of Ice Cream before the audition because I had this event months in advance. Don't change up every aspect of your life for an audition, understand it's an audition and as long as you've done your homework, it's just not going to be as bad as you imagine. So....I went and enjoyed myself with family and played hard...I wanted to get the words but with one evening, they were just going to be as good as it had got by that point. Trust, I had them but when they stated that I could hold the page just below and off camera, I was relieved - read the harder terms and was able to look up at a point I felt was being engaged and go from there without looking back down at the page. They were kind and generous with their energy even with a roomful of people to get through but again, this was just another moment for her to see my work and now I'm crossing my fingers for the next opportunity...3rd times the charm right?!?! Glad I went to enjoy myself and inspire my art by visiting this pop up shop with people I love, no better way to make the day regardless of audition or no moves on!!!

Lo and behold I received another audition during this time of mad preparation for the play but another good role on a new show in a big casting office via a casting director who had me come in for "Trouble Creek" in which I booked. Although I realized the basic thought of the scene, I wanted a deeper feel and risked doing it, figured I'd have fun from all the pressure of memorizing as much as I could for the booked play. It of course wasn't what she wanted so I did a lighter version on the opposite end of the spectrum just to show some range...did she get it...most likely not but hey, I was there and was going to do something different than what is basically written. You get a shot and you either "fail" in their view point or you shine because of your differentness. Some will get it, some won't and that's okay, but you've got to be okay with that and realize your work and understanding of the material is just as important for it to be recognized. Glad the other cd knows my work and crossing fingers that this new cd is also open to seeing me again but if not, I did what I felt was right in the moment, especially when I don't see anyone else looking like me. GO FOR IT AND GO FOR IT BIG whenever you can, at least you won't regret the fact that you didn't at least try! Nice being on the CBS Radford lot but even better getting to share some of my art with eyes that have never seen me. This wasn't booked as well but....

Then came another commercial audition...when it rains, it pours! I never get these but I went thinking they want natural, let's give them me. Lucky for me this was before a rehearsal and early enough for me not to stress over at the 200 Casting Studios which I haven't seen in years. Quick and easy and lucky enough to be paired with another fun lady that we were able to vibe off each other and improv well since the scene was 2 friends hanging out. I left feeling good, but that's just me, these never come for me so what does it matter...have fun and call it a day...then...

Yay to at home auditions during the maddening times of rehearsals. Get the audition but I've been overwhelmed with trying to come up with 8+ characters with distinctive voices along with singing and developing places I need to be with the how and when. Of course there's a message from casting that although it's not due until Monday that the sooner, the better. Since this coincided with the above audition with the rehearsal between and I had make-up slightly on, when I got home exhausted, I pulled it together and taped myself. I've auditioned for this show before but it was years ago, so no stress, I gave my stankiest read and called it a day! They were okay with improv so I changed up a word here and added some text there to make the role extra me because that's just how I saw the character. Glad it was done and out of the way because I have to focus...

And of course I get the call back to the commercial but instead of it being early morning like the first call it's late afternoon...during the time of my rehearsal in Long Beach which takes me at least an hour to get there. I decided to contact my agent and let her know of the situation and she tried to get it rearranged but the note back was that the time was when my group was coming and since it was with another person, it was going to be difficult to do it by myself. I decided although this was the case, I'd at least try...raced to the commercial audition but got there realizing it was a lunch break. Instead of them being back by 1p, they didn't even start until 1:25p which I had by then explained my case to the cd on hand. Lucky I had told my director I was already going to be a bit late and since they had other scenes to work on, I felt I could possibly make it all work but with the lateness of this call back, things began to look real grim. I had to make a decision and I decided it was time to leave when no one showed up in my category. Bummed because it's rare to even get this type of audition and then to get a call back is heart breaking especially when I'm off for some deranged reason from the play on the exact shoot day of this project. It felt like it had all lined up and did not. I felt like exploding since I knew this could all have been done but for some strange reason it just didn't line up. As I was racing back to the car a bit upset, low and behold a friendly acting face stopped in front of me to say hi. She was coming from lunch and we've seen each other and auditioned with each other a few times. Hoping for one last pull I asked if she was there for this particular project but she wasn't, when I told her my situation, she just smiled real big at me and told me at least I had tried. That I had done everything in my power to make it work and that was all I could do...exactly what I would've said to another artist soul that may have been beating themselves up. ( Thanks Nicola, you made my day... ) I truly realized at that moment how much I was invested in making it just didn't work this time, but through no fault of my own. I'm working, I'm booked on a project and was just hoping that this other thing fell into the lineup as well. In the end...I TRIED! Somethings work out, some don't but when you try, there is no fault in your lap...remember that arties and remind your fellow soul givers of that truth every chance you get. I was meant to miss that audition to hear those words from another creative being on the same journey - I left floating on cloud 9 knowing my intentions.

So I play by being available whenever the opportunity knocks...getting to do a reading for a film script by the lovely Kimba Henderson is always a welcome feeling. Love being in the room of other journeyists and understanding why I must do what I must do and encourage those on the same path. It's a struggle in this business, but you must keep at it, pushing, grinding, working until it's your time to stand fully in the light and glow because of all of your hard work to get you there. Keep filling your well by playing, creating and doing whenever, however you can - NO EXCUSES, do it - DO IT NOW!!!

2 weeks down, with one week to go with tech and we're in Previews of the show. I've been stressed, overwhelmed, feeling of not being good enough and still pushing through. Singing, moving, being different characters while being on the stage the entire 90+ minutes of time with no breaks have been a challenge to my psyche but I'm welcoming it all. I feel like pulling out my did I get into this mess but I realize this is what's going to make me grow to another level. Doing the things I've been always nervous about and grinding through any way because I know it's what I need to do for my soul. At times I feel like I can burst into tears for being so awful and yet at others, I can see my work taking shape...I mean come on...when else will I ever get the opportunity to use my Scottish dialect that I've played around with for years???? And what director is ever going to let a black girl do this although I'm quite sure there are some black Scottish people around that haven't been represented by this industry as of yet. 2 whole days off and I'll be buried in the text solidifying my voices in 2 more characters in between working out this stress and guess another audition, a big one for Tuesday...the exact same day I would've been booked had I gotten the above project and getting to see another office I hadn't been to ever. The universe is with you, just keep whispering, saying, telling, shouting and wanting your intentions, then step up to it's challenges! GIVE IT TO ME, GIVE IT ALL TO ME.... <3 and don't look back...some very sage advice I got from a bathroom frame at an audition!

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