The "Glamorous" Life of Auditions - Day 32 & 33 (
Audition #36 & #37 )

It's been basically a year since my first big voice over job for a video game and about 6 months of getting into the vo auditions in between life. Every audition has brought about a teeny, tiny step towards understanding more about this side of the business, hence the reason I just keep plugging away without having booked anything really...until recently. I was messaged about a "small" gig laying down some lines from the husband of a wonderful woman ( Cheri - whom I did "Flyin' West" with ) who's done some ah-mazing work in this industry, out of the blue ( thanks Kiff! ) Not small in my book...this was a chance to work on a paid gig, taking the direction given and working more on my craft of what they wanted, so I said yes with the quickness and went to work. Thank goodness for a good mic and a wonderful partner that understands how to do all these things, otherwise I'd be lost on most of these opportunities,, you did it again. One great thing for all ya newbies to this side of the work, there are so many more postings looking for non announcery, more natural delivery so don't feel like you can't get anywhere RIGHT NOW! You can, if you want to. Yes, it's hard - yes, it's work - yes, it's time consuming in ways but you can start right now if you absolutely have the desire to do so...only you are standing in your way at this moment. Again, I have no reel as of yet but it's coming, no connections for the most part and I'm here...plodding away, learning as I go - yes, it's been a bit easier for me having been on another side of all this as an actress, but wherever you may be in your career, you can allow yourself different avenues if you choose to be diligent in expanding. While it's been uber slow, even with these 2 days, I've had several auditions within each day along with getting something to work on. The coolest bit that I still pinch myself on, is having a reunion/late wrap party for us cast members of "Arch Angel" for the new release of the multi-player version "Hellfire" to release soon. Lunch in the Marina with a stop over at Skydance to see the office where all the magic happens and met everyone that not only made these VR games possible but who were just excited to finally see the face behind the voices. Played the game for the first time and although I got a little motion sickness, I hung in for some time, playing against my cohorts that I even matched voice to face now as well. Out of the blue, interesting things happen, a few years ago, you'd never have been able to convince me that I'd be a part of a video game but here I am. So slowly but surely I'll get the hang of this new arena and I'll be even better in another year, that's how it goes. Put yourself out there, invest in your dreams and the steps may seem tedious and gradual to you, but when you finally get a moment to look back, you'll see how far you've come and how much more you can go. Keep swingin' for dem fences...home runs, HERE WE COME!

During this time I also had an opportunity to shoot for some friends ( Courtney, Erica, Ajala & Danna. ) A couple of rehearsals, lots of practice on my own because dancing isn't my thing but since my part had salsa moves involved, I really focused in on my Zumba classes at the YMCA. My partner's schedule never panned out with us being able to really practice together ( but we still rocked it Andrew ) because life is busy and it's up to you when this happens to decide to put in work regardless. Nothing extensive, just a little bit more of something I was doing to make me feel more confident in my work so that when I was on set, I took responsibility for my artistry. Remember, no as an artist have got to step in as prepared as you can possibly be so that instead of stressing while the camera is rolling, you get to play and that is what you came for! I didn't lie, I didn't state I could dance to anyone nor do I recommend "fake it 'til you make it" in these types of situations, you never want to embarrass who you are as an artist. There are some things you can learn, study and do quickly so if it's something that you've dabbled in, are a part of, do kinda sorta, I say yes to saying you can do it and working your butt off to make sure it can happen. A lot of dancers go out for martial artist roles because the movements are somewhat similar, my issue usually is that I can spot it a mile away...there is something about a fighter that can't be replicated but if the production loves you then by all means dive all in and hopefully you'll get some training to help tweek the edges because that's mostly what I see. When I see the punch or a blade strike, I can always tell someone that wasn't trained and that's okay, but that's when it's your job if you want to look, feel and be authentic to really put in the extra time to come across as the character you're suppose to be. I would never say I was a gymnast...I won't even state I can parkour, because it's so vastly different from what I study and train in, so unless I'm giving the training time, I state what I can do to the fullest, what I can try and what I can't do but be willing to learn if given the time. You'll lose some jobs but it's better that than showing up being a hot mess any day and understand that not all roles are meant for you, there is no need to lie your way in. Work hard and try lots of things you're interested in, then focus on those things to propel your work further because I love working with people I know that just want to create, this part gives me hope and whenever I can, I jump all in. Little to no make-up to give me more of a small town vibe - Yes please, improv to play around to see different moments - Love It and doing something I'm uncomfortable doing - give me more so that I can practice for the future. Get out there and get yourself better with each take, each scene, each film...DO IT and watch how you grow! Teaser for "Rhythm & Blues" coming soon...

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