Double workouts, double auditions, double days in a row and I couldn't be happier...slightly stressed with what may be expected, the race in traffic etc, but bring it baby! How else do you condition your being to handle what needs to be handled without losing your marbles? This is practice for the future so watch your negativity that may arise during these situations. It's a free teaching practice preparing you for days you've gotta fly to the other coast, race from there to an interview only to finish that and show up to set ready to go. Just because you're not in that now, doesn't mean the universe isn't trying to get you there and your attitude is everything, don't let the chaos sweep you away. If you're mad you're not booking and these are wasting your time, eventually even the auditions will go away. I've seen it by watching other arties navigate through these treacherous waters and taking note of how negative feelings to animosity will spill into your work. We forget there are times we're hot and then we're not and we feel like if we don't book anything during those hot times, then it's all awash. I've been around way longer than I thought I would and I've learned that my work has planted seeds, some get it...some do not, some are trying to figure my work out but whatever it is, I'm going to get another call from them for something else. It's usually not immediate but eventually it happens. Last year was my hardest and driest year to date, from losing loves to not booking via auditions even though they seemed to trickle in. However, I stayed thankful...grateful whenever I got a chance to get into a room because I have come to understand just how difficult it is to even stand in front of a casting director. You were one in thousands that got that opportunity...DON'T WASTE IT! Yeah it sucks that you don't book that job you felt you were perfect for. Yeah you read it on point and made all your beats and character choices work. Yeah you fit the character description and yet it didn't come through. OKAY...just because everything is right, doesn't mean it works, whatever the excuse may be, if you did your work, if you understand the genre, if you gave it your all - THAT IS ALL. Nothing more, nothing less...every now and then you win, most of the times you have to learn to let go because you have no clue as to the madness and mayhem that goes behind the scenes of picking someone. Who you may remind someone of, your height being a factor, your tone, your looks, your hair etc and you must say - WHO CARES! Celebrate the fact that you were called in, got the opportunity to read - to share your work, got in on piece of the action and may still have the chance if other things don't line up. I have come to know, that when it's your time, it's all yours so enjoy the process and grow as an artist understanding your work. These are the times to learn about you, your strengths, your weaknesses, what's your go to and how to come out of a bad audition all the while having the luxury of doing so. During this time, you're gonna make fans, even if at this time it doesn't seem like it...last year nothing, this year, so many have called me back in and mostly to producers after seeing me once. The game has changed in many ways for me this year but it is all a matter of time, I know this because of the seeds planted and how others have taken notice this year. Don't fret, enjoy the process...already at my 5th and 6th commercial audition of the year along with fun shorts and steady auditions for recurring co-stars/guest stars on network shows with fantastic's comin' alright and I'm ready!!!

You’re a wonderful actress!