The Glamorous Life of Auditions - Day 40

2 eco-cast auditions done did from the hiz-house, just the way I like 'em!!! I received one of them last week for an audition due this evening which worked out perfectly due to my need to focus on the new play audition that happened a couple of days ago. Now this first one was interesting because it's for a role where the gal is some sort of mother but wanting to date and has entered into the world of risque on line dating along with maybe some pole dancing action....ha - confused?!? I was but there was no nudity, may have to appear in some light clothing ( which can be worked out ) but no sexy sex of that nature so I said why the hell not! Haven't had one of these in my film arsenal and the set up lent itself to the story so it doesn't seem to be just bodies thrown around for the sake of seeing bodies. I always say, audition then discuss because things can change and for your favor as an artist if they see your work but they won't get that side without you in the game opening up the discussion. So the scene called for me to be in my undies etc. and although at home, I wasn't comfortable in front of a camera ( even if it was in front of my own beast ) down to my skivvies! Plus, I wouldn't audition in that fashion so why would a self tape be any different. Cut off shorts, black tank pulled down to show my colored bra was enough to lend my being towards that imagery, it is up to you as to how far you are willing to go. Nothing is right nor wrong in art but how you want to be perceived...what do you stand for or are willing to do. Not what you can be talked into but how do you feel doing it...see, I'm not so comfortable prancing around in a bikini or my chonies but I'm an artist and I do know if it moves the story, if it says something then I may consider it. Art is art, I do art and I don't compromise when it comes to my artistic my work or in my life, however this is my choice. It's not to say whenever I see a bikini-clad, gorgeous woman I down that work...I just ask if it was necessary. I remember the big hoopla over Halle Berry showing her breasts and when she did in the story line I remembered being like "WHY????" It seemed so unnecessary and I felt it was done to be done...however, I saw the same kinda show in a different setting by Renee Russo and it made perfect sense. I could see why Renee's character whom was sun bathing on the private veranda of her hut may have no top on...I couldn't explain it for Halle's character and with that I realized for myself where I was going to draw my line. We each have our line in our work, don't cross that unless you are convicted in doing so and that goes for choosing what character you want to portray as well. Some have no problem being a hooker getting banged and some aren't okay showing any skin that isn't necessary and both are great as long as it lines up with who you are and what you want do while you do your art. If you compromise, if you talk yourself into something you are truly uncomfortable with because you feel pressured or think you'll make enemies, I promise you that you will then lose a piece of your soul and it is never worth it. Do what you're comfortable with and if you decide it's too much, that this isn't you, that you don't consider it part of your work - WALK AWAY proudly! DO NOT do anything you feel in the deepest parts of your soul that you wouldn't be proud to watch yourself do. There is no agent, no producer, no director, no nobody but yourself that you must answer to and a shot/film will not make nor break your's okay to choose to not do it, do not be bullied into a regretful situation ever for any art besides the one you're willing to be proud of, whatever that may be for you. That's why acting class is so important, if you think you're going to get on set and just go be free in everything that isn't you and be natural...HA, I say...this is why everyone can't do this. I've never kissed a woman outside of acting but that was something I explored in class as well as kissing it is a stage kiss with no tongue but to get over the hump that a kiss is a kiss was something I worked on as well as having humped every item on our acting stage over at Lifebook. I wanted to feel unhindered and make free choices and the only way I could do that was to grow as an artist and try it out on front of people, but that is my have to make yours but understand that your job is to find the truth and to shy away from that is a disservice to the character, so make sure you're going in with a very clear mind in your choice of who the truth of the character is. When you're free & clear, those choices will define you as an artist so let that be the speaking of your work in whatever you do. The second audition was for one out of touch/out of sync line so I did 4 takes on that line since it was just that easy to give them some choices since I had no context to go off of really...and again - WHY NOT?!?! It's one line, they never said one choice - HA!!! It was a quick take in a car out in a desert so I decided my yellow painted wall in the guest room was even came off a bit off, so it all works out as it the comfort of your own home...what I'm saying is make it work, it doesn't always have to be a white wall or black backdrop or that you have to pay - you don't, just get it done and don't stress too much about what your background is, they know you're at home. Youtubed it again for edits to make the slate to connect with the video audition and BOOYA, done! I'm beginning to love the slate process even more as I go be able to just chat for a moment with casting and do it in my back yard is really quite soothing after stressing over the audition bit of it all. I even got to talk about how I took pole classes to strengthen my arms in martial arts a long time ago to break boards and that since production was willing to pay for them, that I'd be more than happy to take them again...see the fun stuff you just get to talk about at will!

So I just received noticed that I have to go back to the Boston Court Theatre today for a callback but not as the meth tweeker lead ( in which I stated I will not understudy for - been there, done that, got it and now moving on ) but as one of the ensemble players as Mother #4 and 11 pages for just this one piece of saying lines here & there & everywhere when one of the 4 Mothers speak. I love these parts as well and am excited to get the opportunity to once again, do something different on stage so I'm excited to see how this all plays out. I love reading plays and thinking to myself I wouldn't mind doing this role as well...then you know the writing is good, the play is different, the vision unique and who doesn't want to be a part of that?!?! All while being in another theatre and one that does a lot of World Premieres - can you tell I'm excited today???!!! Even got the other callback for the film I did on the same day but they wanted to tape and pair up actors but since it was already last minute I stated I already had a callback confirmed for the exact same times requesting me to stay at the theater for at least 2 hours for match ups as well. So I hope that the short film will get one more call back process and I will be able to make the final rounds of callbacks on that but for right now, I'm focused on being on another stage doing something completely different than what I've ever done in a brilliant & beautiful send me all that good energy/vibes, I will use them today!

With all this crazy business happening, my workouts in the past week has faltered from my usual routine however, still putting in work at least 3 times a week with Aqua Zumba being all I've done this week so far, so I must hop to it for the rest of the days. Getting to break bread with good friends while in town is still a priority and happy to hear that Marquese is back in town so that we may be able to meet up and enjoy delicious vegan food like we did at Sage the last time he was here with his gal & friend. We enjoyed the food so much, we didn't take pictures of ourselves, just what we ate and boy does this food make everyone happy...I ate it all...I ate it all!!! Best Nachos around, hands down!
Still juicing when I get a handful of veggies I want to mix up for a bit and with the remains, I throw it in with salads, other foods as I prep and good 'ole smoothies to make sure I use everything as much as possible!
Squeeze out everything possible in your work and food, then watch all the goodness emerge. Let's go make some art!!!! Wahoooooo
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