The Glamorous Life of Auditions - Day 2

Marq-ita or Marq-uita if you nasty!!! 1st home audition of the new start and I gets to play someone uber competitive/cut throat in the corporate world with 3 pages of pure dialogue...YES PLEASE!!!! I even developed her into having 2 ways to say her name whenever it suit her because we all know someone, somewhere that has done it or is still doing it today and that's real. Anytime I get to play/audition for someone completely in a different sphere as me, I chomp at dos bits...I really, really, really want to portray someone supposedly utterly, despicable in many ways because I feel I can do so with layers now. It wasn't so years ago but now, I just want someone to recognize that it's okay to play a hated person with some sort of depth. The bigger stars get the chance the most but hopefully with more indies being done by you & me, we can get a better sense of humanity outside of one note. They asked for a plain wall for less distractions and I've got only one room with nothing hanging from it, so although textured and yellow, it's gonna have to do since outside was the only other option and with birds, noise and the fact that I'm suppose to be in an office didn't up the outside wall's take. I did get all gussied up because I felt the character as such, normally I'd just make up this face and get it done but sometimes in order to feel more the part/audition, even though at home, you still must go through the steps but after, back in my jammies of course!!! Edited all, sent it a day early because I'm bound to another audition tomorrow and now focused on the scene for it. Love getting these chances to read for bigger, small roles where you're not the lead but you're not just saying one line either, now trust, I'd take one line every day if I could but I also know now, that I'm just not that person for the most part in their eyes, so I've had to really focus on trying to get the roles that are smaller but with more meat in 'em. How you ask? By always building a story with the one lines in every office I've been in so they realize I'm there for bigger things. Do I take a hit on the bookings...Yes, but it's with purpose, although I know that getting a line is amazing in and of itself, I want more...I want to create a role within that so they'd give me a bigger piece of the pie. I want to go in with a co-star line and walk away with a recurring co-star if possible if not a chance for a guest. I take just as much time for one line as I do for a scene because in the end, I want them to know they can develop any character I read for into something bigger if they must ( and should. ) Don't ever just think you belong in one particular category ever, no matter how they want to box you, surprise them whenever you can just to let them know you can do more or less if needed but you're there as a full actor/actress in whatever part given to you. You must believe no matter how this business views you, that you have the last word but you must know if you're character...yes, you can be viewed sexy, ( look at Melissa McCarthy - love her ) if you're sexy...yes, you can be viewed character ( i.e. Johnny Depp ) but you as the artist have that responsibility to portray that if you so choose to do so with much heartache and work. That means changing your roles as much as possible when you can to give them something different. Yes, it's easier to just get in with being a doctor because you look like one but when you get the chance, take a role ( even if it's little pay but being shot well ) that is on the opposite side of the spectrum of you and have that in your arsenal for later because it will come up and you want to be prepared for all opportunities that arise. Keep your work, your art, yourself open and let no one tell you what box you're suppose to be in, do the box if it's there but know you can change that if you work on it constantly. Hard, yes but if this was easy, everyone would do it, so let's dig in and get to work!!!

My health has always been the most important factor of living...I avoid colds but because I went home to WA, I didn't have a couple of simple things I usually use to keep the nasties at bay along with eating what I wish since Thanksgiving hasn't been the best for my body as well. I decided to experiment since most of my actor friends seem to have gotten sick recently. I only did my oil pulling and although it held what I felt away, I could still feel it coming on with all the coldness of WA that I'm not use to anymore. Then coming back to L.A. which is warm, I still didn't get my lemons/limes and even skipped some oil pulling days and then it sore throat, funky feeling stomach and a cough to boot. I raced to get limes ( instead of cough syrup ) to see how this would all play out. My voice going wonky, instead of cough syrup I grabbed my trusty lime, some hot water and fresh ginger and drank that before bed. I barely coughed through out the night, I followed up with my oil pulling in the morning with some more lime, ginger hot water after and felt better. Although I have a slight runny nose now and barely a cough throughout the day, I decided to do some more lime-ginger water and will finish it off with another cup this evening before oil pull or not is the question since I've done it already once. Well, seeing that I felt fine this morning, I'll wait til the morn but so far so good. When I do this on the regular, I don't even allow it to become a sore throat so I do realize that preventing that first step is the best defense but if not and it slips through the cracks, I do now know that you can still combat it with the same simple ingredients and steps and feel better...I won't let it get into phase 3, I'm good at experimenting but not when it comes to my health. So, try the oil pulling, then lime or lemon water with some fresh ginger into your routine if you want to skip out on all the badies this season. This worked for me and for $5 for oil, $3 for limes, $2 for ginger, it wouldn't hurt to see if this worked before your next cold! Cold busting ramen style soup is super cheap and super easy - one of my go to Korean meals packed with better. Wheat noodles in a vegetable base soup and then you add the soy sauce mixture of sesame oil, sesame seeds, green onions and crushed red peppers to kick it all up a notch, you can even drop an egg is you so desire! Yummers!!!

Although I've been off my good eating path, I still have been reintegrating it all back in...found some pre-made gluten free/soy free/dairy free cookie dough from Whole Foods ( thanks Colleen for my giftee certificate ) since sometimes I just want a quick treat and they were pretty delish however, very expensive. Not as good as when I bake them but with less effort these are pretty awesome...there is one more I'd like to try before I tell ya which one was the winner. So, here's to our mini celebrations to start off this crazy roller coaster ride of a business we're all in. Hang in, fasten your seat belts cause this ride can go from 0 - 100 in no time!!! YAY!
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