The "Glamorous" Life of Auditions - Day 27

Getting these lines into my bones whilst sitting on the passenger side to visit fam bam in San Luis Obispo. Mini vacay somewhat for someone who hasn't had a break since the beginning of the year and of the course the disappointment with having to cancel some Vegas time only to find out that was unnecessary but too late to get it back. Home auditions are awesome-sauce in this case, traveling possibilities happening at your fingertips so I take 'em and use 'em to the best of my abilities. This goodness was for a recurring co-star on a pilot in Atlanta with a cd I've been trying to just get a taped audition with, so finally...but with me in a new place, it was going to have pluses and minuses. Backyard looks great and the frame up different and nice (again, screw "professional" - you get what you get...period unless you call me back and state you want something else) but the cars in the background were totally lame along with a crow that only wanted to caw while I spoke. YEAH, good times but again, I don't ever stress about these, I assume they have peeps in mind and just using this gesture in case of. So with car noise, cawing crows but great background, I got it done and although with slow internet speed, uploaded and sent before the deadline of the following day. Keep doing these folks...even to no avail or maybe you've had better luck with 'em but either way, never stop having the opportunity to audition but giving yourself that gift, even if it seems to be a waste of time. It only takes one...just one to put you on a different map, don't leave yourself outta the game because you're too worried about how you'll take care of it, how you'll get there, who you'll stay will all fall into place, someway, somehow...JUMP NOW!!!!

What's the best way to replenish, get inspired and be motivated to work hard??? Go see a play you didn't get into and more importantly watch the other actress they chose. It's not about self deprecating, it's about learning all the while as a creative. The reasons you weren't picked are out of your hands, don't dwell on that aspect of the business, you did your work, they loved you, there is nothing else but to sit back and pay attention. I love seeing my fellow actors get a role "we" all went for, at least it's in my circle and that is goodness waiting to be spread about, I also enjoy just watching other choices to see a different perspective on character. Plus, when you get to make a day of it by spending some time with your homie you haven't had a chance to see in eons, it makes it all worthwhile. I have very few people I trust my art/soul with and it's hard for me to get out of my comfort zone and just go hang out, I'd rather be home memorizing lines, cleaning up, watching a show...anything but going out but in this line of work, being seen is just as important if you pick them correctly. Sure, I hear the "networking" word thrown around, but if it's at a bar, hanging out just to maybe get a chance to chat with "someone" connected - no thanks. My networking is getting to a show I auditioned on Opening Night, seeing and getting hugs with love from the Artistic Director and Casting reinforcing my relationship with the same people who believe in me to call me in time and time again. I don't waste my energy, instead it's focused on the ones I love and trust most because this "networking" circle gets bigger in and of itself, no need to push...solid work will create those relationships with ease and then there will be more to talk about instead of the "So....what do you do?" I still want this role and eventually it'll be mine but for now, I'll enjoy my girl Tamika doing her do and getting that pitcher of Sangria in as well as scarfing down a 3 dessert tasting whenever I get the chance - Long Beach's Sevilla is now a happy place, especially with the use of a Groupon!!!

Last week I was a reader for 2 days and this week I was asked to help run a casting session for 3. I almost said no but thought to myself there is more to learn in this process...I've always wondered what causes one to be called in and another not to be and I received 1st hand experience into this world that is invaluable. I got to see preconceived notions of what "All American" was and what "Good Looking" is considered, as well as if a "celebrity name" is dropped as a reference, how hard it must be to deviate from that unless you're open enough to still think outside the box which also goes towards whomever the director may be as well as casting who must push that. I decided to take it upon myself to see if I could get anyone I knew that fit into the box as well as outside the box in and discovered how truly hard that could be and why management/agent may want all these different type of pictures to help push your work. Disappointed...very! Although 4 of the people I sent over were called in with much coaxing on my part...even having to link an IMDB page to one so casting could see different looks which helped the person get called in. The flat out no's were hard to take...the "he/she's not leading guy/gal material," the idea that it must be of a certain race only because that's what is stated is mind boggling. This was a difficult process but for those of my peeps that showed up, they showed out and that is where it lies. When you get the opportunity to walk into that space of an audition, you must bring it all...I know it may feel like it may not be for you but someone may have fought tooth and nail to get you into that room, DO NOT WASTE IT, show them out each and every time so that even though you may not book the role, you leave them knowing they need to call you in for something else. My experience on Day 2 with an actor was memorable so I have to comment on the exchange. The director and I decided to read a bit more than the scene had initially been called in for - WHY? Because there was a different color there to add and play with that wouldn't have happened with just the regular part, most actors were fine with was not and boy did they voice their opinion about it. DO NOT BRING WHATEVER YOUR ISSUE IS WITH YOU FROM OUTSIDE...stay in your car, get over the road rage, your argument with friends or family but your audition starts when you get in the car! That person you may be flipping off may be going to the same place as you...hell, may be the casting or the director or even a friend of the production, don't let it start there. You got an audition, you were chosen...someone wants to see you and give you a potential job...this is what you fight for day in and day out, why ruin it with asinine behavior. I politely gave the heads up to this actor that there would be an added scene, this person would have at least 30 min's to just look it over when I stated it to them so they wouldn't be caught off guard in the room I was met with a "That would've been nice to know earlier..." (insert snotty voice here) - I politely asked if they needed the page since I had that in the room and if there was anything else...he looked at me to tell me "No, is there anything else..." WOW! I have been chatting with every actor that comes in, giving pages when certain ones didn't have it, telling them what they may expect in the room and yet, this is the response. I went in the room, did the scene with the actor and as this person left I simply stated that I had the rudest encounter with an actor outside about the extra page and if we (casting) could just leave that out for this person since it was such a problem, the director was a bit appalled and stated "let's not get into it with them." When I exited the room to get the next creative, I politely told that person that they were no longer required to read that page, it was unnecessary and we'd stop at where this person had worked to. They then stated more politely that they had pulled it up on their phone but I again reinstated it wasn't needed and not to worry about it. I gave this person my all in my read and watched it go as expected. The person had lost even before stepping into the room - you never speak to someone as if they're below you, not just because of who they may be, but would you like to be spoken to that way as well? Hopefully this person learned something today, I won't mention it to the casting director but this type of behavior already states what you'd be on set and no one really wants that on set for the most part nor do I want to be a part of helping that type of behavior anywhere near a set if it's in my power. The rewarding aspect is seeing all of your friends that you referred kick butt in the room, some got callbacks but all did well so that made me feel like I did something right...especially when one of the actors were one of her fav's!!! Best way to end the 3 day work session and store a wondrous memory of being on the other side of the table...I could see myself doing this one day...especially the part for fighting for different, interesting choices that don't fit the mold. This is exciting...something else to look forward to!

A little escape to somewhere tranquil, off the beaten path, towards nature will always give your soul something to smile about. Moments at the beach for reflections will dig up some amazing life lessons that we should all partake in and although I never get to the ocean as much as I like, when I go, I realize I'm in the presence of greatness and all that chatter in my mind just subsides to the majestic beauty of all this grandeur. We must be like water...we must be like water...flow, constantly moving towards yet slowly etching our way, making our mark amongst the toughest of opponents, those unmoving, long standing ideas of what art, what we, how we present it is standard...our rocks. But low and behold, those hard surfaced rocks smoothed away by the constant, consistent crashing of waves and there we leave our marks that we've been here, pushing our art...our way into the crevices of long held ideals - WE FLOW!

So how do we celebrate? We celebrate with donuts...and lots of 'em! While hangin' in Grover Beach, you must do Surfside Donuts and although the pickin's are less adventurous during the week, I still ended up with a PB & J powdered deliciousness all up in my belly! I celebrate my non bookings, I celebrate my bookings, I celebrate my good days and my "bad" because art is a celebration folks, don't hold's the small steps that get you to the big bang ones so don't skimp. Your mind needs it, your body craves it and your spirit couldn't go on if you don't remember to celebrate because this business can wear on you to the point that you've felt you haven't accomplished anything and that's not true. There is no way you can work on your art viciously without getting better, there is no way you can keep on auditioning without booking something if all is in order...there is just no way, the universe doesn't work like that so don't convince yourself it does. it now, honestly look at where you were and how far you've come, you can perform in front of people now, you can make choices, you want this...see how much you've grown. Don't let this business do it's business by beating up your spirit, you must fight back, you will fight back and you will reap all the goodness you've sacrificed for but you've got to give your body, mind & soul some lovin' in order to fill the well of inspiration to keep you looking past the negatives into the light of it all because it comes but you've gotta hang in there long enough to see it. I'm hangin' in - let's hang in together, makes for a much better journey!
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