The "Glamorous" Life of Auditions - Day 2 ( Audition 3 )

After skipping out of an audition the day before, it was nice to get another call for a network show at CFB Casting. Although another rainy day which I love spending at home in PJ's when I can, I went out to enjoy another love of mine...auditions!!! One liners are welcomed, especially when I had other auditions to prep for as well as dress rehearsals/tech kicking my butt. The scene was me playing a police officer - I have no uniform so I went with a black dress shirt and black slacks as wardrobe, make do with what you have...don't stress about coming in costume if you don't have it - with one intro line and then the other characters part. I was asked when I entered the room, if I had any questions and since the other character's part was in another language I asked if I would hear those lines. When I was told yes, I knew exactly how I was to respond because I had made several choices with different scenerios and one being speaking back in Korean and being upset that she took me for Chinese. Wild choice but something to consider...she liked it! So much so I was asked to just play in another way, which I played like a normal cop and spoke some smack back casually telling the other character to get outta here. Improv, improv, improv...always be prepared with closing out the scene just in case, now some shows aren't about it and they'll tell you quickly not to do that because everything is so timed but as an artist, you must know how your character takes all the information in and the reaction of it all throughout including finding an ending for oneself even if not described on the page. Just think about it and do it if the opportunity comes up...again..."Preparation meeting opportunity..." this will make some surprises in the room easier to handle when nerves are at an all time high. If you pick about 3 - 4 different paths to play, you'll get to at least 2 so aim big on even the smallest of parts and you never know, something wonderful may happen during the scene if they're smart enough to choose you because you're prepared to play! Keep going for it...not matter what, make choices unique to you and you'll start seeing the fulfillment in the auditions as well as the bookings! Create now with the "small" stuff because eventually it'll all become the "big" stuff you're waiting for so get to practicing my Arties your time is coming!

This past weekend was not only monumental but a glorious display of mostly women, men and children coming together constitutionally to march for so many things that are being attacked by our leaders. Yes, I wished I saw more of these women at the voting polls but it's a step and I'll always take a step. We have marched, fought and rioted since our Democracy has been in place hence the reason we live in the greatest be able to defy what you feel is terribly wrong, to state your grievances, to yell, scream, cry about injustices is a right that we have in this county and make no mistake, you're able to sit behind a screen and type your feelings because someone fought for you to have that opportunity. Whether you agree or not, you have that right but know that someone sacrificed something to allow it to be so and is the reason I disregard posts when I read other humans belittling this beautiful gesture of ROARING. Some have been doing it all along, some just realized what needed to be done, some decided just to be there for their (selfish/curious) reasons - hopefully they learned something and some finally understood what others have been fighting for. If you've got a problem with signs that have the word "Pussy" on it but didn't quite get your panties in a bunch when you heard a recording of the leader elected to our highest office say it then you missed the point. If you think Black Lives Matter is racist because that's what you've been told and have no clue that they have marched for white kids that have been killed by police as well when the "All Lives Matter" didn't bother to show up, then you have again missed the point. If you think defunding Planned Parenthood that cost you basically a penny out of your paycheck but are okay with most of your tax dollars going to militarization/war then you're missing the point. If you're beginning to realize the Affordable Care Act is Obamacare and you've got the insurance but officially voted against it because you elected officials that want to dismantle it but still harp hearing "Making America Great Again" and yet having nothing to show for that except ridiculous cabinet picks set to defund arts as're so still missing the point. If you didn't want all of this, great but there are people out there that these marchers are speaking for so that they can just while your brother is losing his LGBTQ rights, your neighbors their health insurance and friends are being attacked racially, please stop talking and let those who want to do something about it, at least try. Being a woman and still having to fight for the basic right of your own body is crazy and you as a woman have the "rights" of not having to wear corsets, be seen and not heard but obviously heard now, go braless, work if you so desire because women have been yelling, making "vulgar" gestures, marching for you so that you can sit around and try to discourage the same ideas that are allowing you to do what you're doing...speaking your mind. We're not equal...we may never be but I'd rather fight for more equality bit by bit than sit around and dismiss the fact that the reason I have it "so good" now is because...IT'S BECAUSE someone gave up the idea of being comfortable to fight so I can have more control over my body, so I can make more decisions on what's right for my health, so I can just be as I choose to be. I didn't get to march...I had to work and then go to my show that evening but I busted out my womanhood tea all day to have my body and soul humbly be reminded to thank the countless of individuals who marched on my behalf...for my healthcare, for my body, for my rights! Thank you to all those all over that showed up and showed out as the amazingly, strong, beautiful, caring creatures we are and will always be, let no one stifle your true self, your light and your ROARS!!! I'm there always in spirit if my body can't make an appearance...

Since you've been feeding your soul, how about your body? Realize the fuel you put in, is exactly what will be your output and for the long term. I've settled into less meat this year and after my cleanse in February, I'll go back to little to no meat or once a week. My body doesn't need it except when it does, I feel great and I know eating less but quality meats are what's keeping me together. I'm in an industry where appearance matters so everything I use on the outside as well as the inside comes from mindfulness. I grew up on meaty meats and I love a good burger but I also know it's unnecessary to have it everyday, all day...I can function on delicious greens, juices, veggies and fruits and still make it with strength. Whatever your choice is, do it consciously...and once your body adjusts, I promise you, the output will be just as glorious if not better. I don't really eat at fast food joints although I'll allow myself the occasional french fries, I've given up soda for real sparkling water not carbonated water drinks although wine must stay, eat way less meat but good meats when I need or crave it and have pushed dairy aside for the most part unless I'm out on a special evening. Small steps for a cleaner, healthier you and I never thought I'd ever be here but the choices that are out there are superb won't miss much and when you do you can always go back but with more awareness. I can have a homemade brussel sprouts, to sprouted pizza, with basil, vegan parm/chedder, organic marinara with a kale/arugula/spinach/mushroom, orange bell pepper and red onions and still celebrate my Born Day with an amazing burger and some sort of churro doughnut thing! Don't feel like it's all or nothing, small changes can do the body step at a time. Your art isn't built in a day, be gentle...

With all the goodness going around, "Bee Luther Hatchee" has been doing extremely well reviews wise, I have heard we've got one bad review but from the sounds of it, I'd have to say from a very cracked lens. As artists you must remember, critics come in different openness so don't be dismayed if you've received one bad review to many more glorious ones...focus on the good, I know it can be difficult but why do we pay attention to the one that wants to deter us? When I heard they decided to label our lead character as an "angry black woman" I decided right then, this review was null and void. Our director, being a black woman was very sensitive to that distinguished sentiment laid upon so many of us women of color that she was diligent in presenting the argument with layers and knowing that, seeing someone grasp at that very straw was exactly what I know that people use to validate their own feelings of coping. You hope critics come and see the show with an open heart and mind, however, some come broken in whatever they've been dealt with in life and take that to the writing. So far, that's been the only one that has decided to lean more towards the skewed viewpoint some may take when confronted with racial issues however, there are fantastic reviews by many more including the Huffington Post as well as the new one by Broadway News. and Never let one bad review change your's an opinion and if it's only one...well, we all know where that can go! I heard it used the word theatrical...for theatre - HA I say and one should keep in mind that playing to a full house instead of a few rows in a theatre will have to be a bit theatrical so that people who are coughing during the monologue can be outdone by your words during a performance. You're out there giving art, someone isn't going to like it just because, so do not let that effect what you do but let it feed your soul to gulp it up and push forward especially when others keep validating your work ( although that shouldn't be necessary. ) Bad reviews to good reviews should never change your art process and once you get to a point where you can void out the negative maybe then you can take a gander while in a show, otherwise wait until the end as I usually try to do. Take critiques with a grain of salt, look at the critiques made and to what house...did they kiss up to the show with Al Pacino or some other Broadway they prefer smaller houses to feel intimate...what was the last bad review and why? Never take these at full value, they usually have nothing to do with the show but how they've perceived it from their own experiences because you can get someone who loves theatre like Steven Stanley that walks in wanting to give you a good review because he just delights in the passion of the work. With that, I got a chance just to hang out with some castmates, Olivia and Jon for some much needed beer and snacks at the Congregation Ale House in Pasadena. Loving what artists bring to the table to tell a story...a difficult story but a much needed story to create discussion on so much more...shake ridiculousness off, have fun and create with all your being - ENJOY that always!