The "Glamorous" Life of Auditions - Day 1 ( Auditions 1, 2 & .... )

HAPPY 2017!!! I started with champagne, real hot cocoa with marshmallows and the traditional Korean rice cake soup to bring on 2017 especially since I had to work New Year's Eve as well as New Year's morning. So I spent the rest of the new day at home celebrating my dreams. New year, new goals, new ways of pushing and new you...gone is the past no matter how "awesome/good/terrible" it may have felt, it's done and you're present. Take your moment to reflect on how hard you've worked/didn't work and realize now is not the time to quit but to keep at it if this is your passion. If you worked harder, how do you work smarter this year? If you didn't work as hard as you liked, how can you motivate yourself to plunge in and not let rejection/excuses stand in your way? Last year was my best year yet and still, I'm no where near where I'd like to I push forward by making sure I have better tools to start out this year. I'm lucky enough to come into the 1st month with a play I'm excited to be a part of, something that will lead to more discussions hopefully after being seen...but what's next? While you're busy you must get busy and create other things to do and I know it's hectic but it's never the time to sit on your derriere since you've got more to explore. Yes, you booked that show...yes, you doing that show but what are you doing actively now to keep it going so you don't get the "acting blues?" It's during the lull you become susceptible to negative energy and you can question what the hell are you doing all this for? You're doing it because you have to, it's in you and there is no way of letting go...this may change but if you're feeling like it's the place for you, then grab a hold of that and start creating, whatever that means to you. I decided a couple of years ago, that I wasn't just going to wait on T.V./Film auditions...that I deserved to work and I deserved to grow as an artist. So in came the theatre flow, the new media/web series jobs and the low budget/short film aspect and I haven't regretted a moment since. I'm building my own path, my own way into this business by whatever I need to do to stay focused and sharp...yes, I still have to work my day job whenever I can but at least it's not usurping my time to pursue what I love and it's also something I enjoy doing as well. It's pilot season, so I had to update some clips and include some new work so my agent can better sell me. I had a meeting with them - the agents - they discovered I wasn't repped commercially once again and expressed complete excitement to have the opportunity to do that for me this year and although I didn't want to be across board once again, I knew this was different because my agency is different, so I accepted. I've decided on another round of headshots are in order so as much as I hate this part of the business, I must do what's necessary to refresh. I also created another shout out to promote the play I'm involved in and out of 197 casting offices sent via email, 157 opened the card ( ) so don't think all of your effort is going unnoticed. It feels like you're creeping along but as you do so, you're moving and that's the good stuff! Feel all the endless possibilities of the new year, ask yourself what you can do now/differently and get to work!!!

My 1st audition day went from zero to crazy in a matter of days because my audition count went from 1 to 3...two of them being around the same time frame of 11a - 11:45a but the last one at 1:40p. I had to notify one that I'd be running about 20-30 minutes behind and get to the first one as early as possible and of course that plan failed. It was a gloomy rainy day and I was moving slow to make sure I felt good before leaving the house. That meant oil pulling and apple cider vinegar with lemon and tumeric to soothe my throat since rehearsals have taken a toll on my instruments plus pulling outfits for all 3 auditions while making sure everything was in the car needed otherwise all while getting ready. First audition was for a nice AEA contract for a production outside of Palm Springs with travel and housing provided...only a quick 1 min. monologue requested so I didn't have to stress with it being dress rehearsal/tech week but I did have to review all the 1 - 2 minute monologues I had stored in my brain. I arrived on time and was ushered in quickly where I let it all rip with everything I much so, I had the casting director nodding her head at me glossy eyed with tears, so I expect to be seen again in the future if my type was ever to be called upon. Although I felt I could've handled the start ( it began as soon as the show I'm currently in was ending ) the director there may have felt otherwise, so no call back but a lovely start in the theatre direction I want to take this year. I then raced from Hollywood to Culver City taking the streets for a 40 minute ride and went in for a mid-west mom in an industrial. Although the crowd was older looking, I did my do and was complimented for my choices during the takes but what made my moment there sweeter was another beautiful woman stating that she recognized me from "Married With Secrets" and that she adored the show. I was able to give her some info to maybe help her get cast since she was so excited about the fact of meeting me, I couldn't leave without giving her something! From there I raced to the final audition back to Hollywood only to see the most actors I've ever seen in a room waiting before...cattle call? UUUUURRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH! I signed in just to make sure in case I was wrong and it wasn't for the same audition. I used the bathroom and proceeded to wait for 15 minutes and when I heard one of the girls get called in say "Ah, it's about's been 2 hours," I just stood there in bewilderment. How could casting do this and think it's one had came out of the room to even address the situation as I'd been there and maybe, just maybe had they respected actors and their time, they would've convinced me to stay as I've done only when I've had nothing to do and felt appreciated as an artist. They had actors leaving, call in the next actor...WOW! When the girl came back out and sat down to wait for her friend, I asked her again, how long had she'd been there and of course it was 2 hours...I then asked the next actor I saw approach the door to go in, how long he had been there and basically it was the same. At that very moment, I decided since no explanation was given on their part, since they never responded back to my e-mail stating that if callbacks were that evening that I would have to be seen by 5p since I had dress rehearsal past Pasadena, since I felt this was absolutely rude to do to people without stating such, I high tailed it outta there. This was a low budget short that decided not only to over book themselves making it a cattle call with times not even closely respected, so I would not give them my was undeserving. These will be the choices you will have to make...IS THIS WORTH IT? If at any time you feel unappreciated/not respected, get out of there. Would they wait for you...2 hours and counting??? It's definitely easier to leave when it's low pay but most decent to higher paying gigs wouldn't do this to you so that's not an issue...if you have to wait an hour ( which happens at the higher paying shows, rarely but it happens ) there is usually an explanation, a thank you for your time from the session runner and it's SAG rates so of course you're okay with waiting it out. I had dress that evening and felt I had wonderful auditions already done that day so off I went to enjoy lunch at home, peace of mind knowing it was the right thing to do for my soul and focused on the task at hand...getting my role in "Bee Luther Hatchee" one step closer to being "Previews" ready for the next evening! So glad I wasn't worth it...aaaaannnnnnnnnnnnddddddddddd I get a call for another audition ( co-star, 1 line scripted ) for a network show for the next day with a casting office I hadn't been to in years. Thank you universe!!!

"Bee Luther Hatchee" has opened!!! First weekend with a wonderful review by Steven Stanley of Stage Scene L.A. (, ) what a way to create discussion about what is happening now. "Libby Price" is another role marked off my character bucket list...she spans from young, traveling gal to mature, older woman through out the play and although I've got over 6 costume changes just in the first act alone, along with hair, it's been one hellava ride thus far bringing her story to life. Getting the opportunity to perform at the Sierra Madre Playhouse has been an absolute thrill - any new theatre is another goal done for me in my time of doing L.A. productions on stage. "Previews/Invited Dress" was an opportunity to reach out to those that had supported my plays in the past by attendance and money spent for free as well as inviting some "JANE" supporters to use their "mystery token/gift" perk on seeing the show, thanks Natasha for making this one. Thanks to my first family in L.A. - The Richardsons and my Lifebook crew ( Tuka, Erika, Kathleen & Sharon, ) for showing up on one of the most nerve wracking evenings and sticking around for talk backs after! It was wondrous to feel the energy of the play in front of an audience finally as well as hearing how it created discussion within themselves and their cohorts after. The stage is magically done by Christopher Scott Murillo, the lighting tells a story in and of itself by Derek Jones, scored beautifully throughout by Dave Mickey and directed gloriously by Saundra lucky am I to be on that stage! To see friends like Tico, all weekend long was a celebration of the senses and an amazing kick to the show and I'm so very humbled yet proud to be a part of this cast/crew/production. Never in all these years would I have thought to be on stage not being a singer or dancer, yet here I am...truly blown away to be a part of such fantastic productions of art!!! Opening weekend includes opening night par-taying with patrons, critics, grant foundation appearances and our "family..." and now we're chuggin' along, all this work for all these months have finally lead up to pushing the discussion of appropriations, race and blood forward with just a show. Loving the theatre go out and get you some!!!!

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