The "Glamorous" Life Of Auditions - Day 11 ( Audition 12 )
Improv, improv, improv is the name of the game and there are so many variations so don't feel that you have to make it to UCB or Groundlings in order to get considered. Those affiliations look awesome on your resume but I never felt like it was my jam...maybe in some time down the line but for now, I like the improv training I received from Lifebook with a more natural/realistic approach to improv. You have to find your own groove and study that in order to keep up with the many facets of this business because it's not all about just film/television or the stage. You've got voice overs and as I learned by booking recently - motion capture. The more training you open yourself up to, the more opportunities will make their way to you and with your preparation there will be no stopping you so don't limit yourself to one way, it'll only hinder your process. This audition was sent over by my agents where casting just wanted a minute of improv dialogue being in Vegas...any scenerio would do as long as it was simple/natural, nothing over the top. I had briefly skimmed it after coming up for air after a full 3 days of motion capture work plus working all weekend at my bakery job, so of course I read it wrong. I thought about this elaborate theme of "DRAMA" to make my audition different right down to filming it in the car with a small object that looked like an urn...only to glance at it over again before filming and noticed what they had stated they would like to see, so in my atrium space I went to mull over mode quickly on what I'd like to create. This is the wonder of improv training, things happen and all can be scraped in a matter of moments but if you've had to think quickly on your feet constantly the stories make themselves and so you go do. Voila, all done in a matter of a couple of takes because at the end of the day, it is what it is. Don't let things like this stress you out, let your work speak and everything that it is, will be. I never think "Will this be right?" WHY??? Art is always right, it's getting the point across crystal clear with layers that can be difficult - again, training always saves the day and the right training at that, so don't look down on being trained by a fantastic school/instructor. Never underestimate your time to focus on your work, however it comes about - train, train, train and then train some more. Boom - Done and on to the next!!!
These past 2 weeks have been pure bliss...crazy but ah-mazing! Finally getting the opportunity to be a part of motion capture and the first time experience has been wondrous to say the least, I wish everyone the chance for this coolness. Not only is the get up pretty cool ( itchy, tight and somewhat crazy to get out of if needing to use the bathroom ) but the fact of what it does...your digital image of your body...cray, cray! I never imagined in all this time that I'd get the chance to do something like this before being a known name...the director is the reason and his love for the theatre seemed to be the undertone of it all. Each one of us there, came from a theatre background and I realized no wonder he was so involved in the room during the audition process. He spoke to us clearly, knowing exactly what he wished to see and I knew then, I'd love the chance to be directed by him...every morning we've had movement warmups as well as vocal - I couldn't be happier! He even got us rehearsal time which was so needed since all of us had little to no experience in this type of production. Everyone was absolutely fantastic and here's to hoping to work alongside them again...even found out that some of them are working on a major film I had call backs for but didn't get for whatever reasons so I'm happy to have procured this work now. I'm looking forward to what it may bring later because work does beget more work and mo work is what I'm after, so let me keep polishing up my resume - there's no where else to go but up! I try to remind myself when I wasn't picked for a particular audition, that there were other plans that are in the works via the universe so try not to fight so hard or feel so bad when you don't book a particular project...something else is brewing, believe that! Never in these past 2 years did this type of work even cross my radar so again, keep at it, you never know what will come and when unless you stay in the game. I got a chance to work in the exact same space as "Jungle Book" and the picture below is only half the space, I couldn't give away the set up we were shooting for the day...WOWSERS!
I'm now getting the chance to see "Trouble Creek" come to life with a premiere set for this weekend with more pictures to come on a project I'm so humbled to be a part of as a Deputy...I mean, come on - who else would cast me with all this hair!!!! I remember being on the lot to try on the clothes in wardrobe and snapping a shot just in case this was all a hoax and they'd end up going with someone else, so I had to make sure I got one look in the uniform - HA! This show is shot so well, with fantastic performances and I'm thrilled you all will be able to partake for free - of course I'll post here as well but if you want it when it comes out, make sure you subscribe to Trouble Creek tv on YouTube for free!!! Here's another teaser/trailer below...yes to opportunities, even the ones you can't seem to imagine are possible in this moment!!! CHEERS....
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