The "Glamorous" Life of Auditions - Day 9 ( Audition 10 )

Another day, another chance to audition is how I like to look at it all and today I've been looking forward to this "fighter" role I thought I would have to pass up on because of timing. All's well and I was able to get the lines down and make it to Hollywood's Space Station Casting by 4:15p since I didn't want to be in the midst of traffic for my actual time of 5:50p. Got to see a younger crop of gals and although I questioned my being there, I figured I was there and I was going to show them the weight of this character...lucky for me, it was what they were open to so I was in heaven!!! First scene I played more concern so he gave me the chance to play a bit more "wanting to do it underneath" which he liked the change and for the second scene he asked for me to just do the scene as if I was warming up. Martial arts have been my life for so long, saying lines and showing skills come second nature, it's my blood and I hate that I haven't had more opportunities to play within this world. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for all this goodness coming now, but for years I've fought for this chance and yet it eluded me so it's absolutely wondrous feeling like I've finally found my time! When I go to a commercial print set for a major beer company booked as a kickboxer only to see terrible form from the lead taught by the "trainer" who has no clue herself, it makes me boil inside. To see dancers pretend to know how to kick a bag can be just as insulting as if I was trying to pass myself off as a dancer...I get it, it's the business and a hard pill to swallow when being a minority with a black belt can't seem to get me in the door but I at least get to see it changing. Kicking air and kicking a body/bag are 2 different things and you can always tell when someone doesn't know...pretty for pictures...maybe, truth - far from it and again, that's this business so whatever you're good at, bleed for...don't despair - just keep trucking along and when it's your chance, just SHINE and although you may not get it, know there is respect in the fact when they see real truth walk in. I could tell these girls for the most part had trained some just by their build, it wasn't the same teenie, tiny bods which is always a welcomed sight, especially since this film was leaning towards an MMA storyline. I was happy when he explained there would be days of choreography involved at an MMA facility so crossing my fingers that this opportunity is mine but if not, I know it's's coming because I can feel that it is and that makes my soul weep with joy! Keep groovin', your time is making it's way...

Just booked my first NDA project in a part I've never done and I'm looking forward to tackling this new character just to see what I can do. Although I can't talk about it, I have to say I celebrated with a movie ("Get Out") and din din at the Yardhouse which was steps away from the theatre. Had a nice, dark nitro coffee stout along with vampire tacos ( cheese melted tortillas ) with Korean marinated beef, what a nice way to enjoy the moments of bookings. The meal was different....just like the role I'd get to play and the movie was I hope to be! Never shirk on telling yourself to celebrate everything, every time your art gives, give back just as much - it'll make you smile more, I promise. I love that my art child loves the little things I can do and when I call on her, she explodes with giddiness, hoping for something else to make her look forward to the next task...we must cherish this creative creature residing within us, find a way to say thank you because they take a beating and keep at it anyway!

After all that goodness I made my way to the gym today knowing my week had been so full it was my first day back this week. I decided not only a wonderful zumba class with the extraordinary instructor Alma who keeps me on my toes and my brain sharp was in order but to hit the sauna as well as get to the Pilates class ending with the steam room. Long day yes, but my body needed to release the stress of dealing with the set, dealing with lines and celebration eating at it's finest! Take care of's the only you, you've got and your art can't stay sharp if you're not constantly keeping an eye over it so maximize this time to get into a routine of really working on you. I know this may sound silly, but if you don't care of you, who will? So enjoy moments of celebration, then eat, sleep and workout well balancing it all like the artist you are!!!
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