The "Glamorous" Life of Auditions - Day 14 ( Audition 15 )
You can make money with all parts of your body in this business and I've been told my hands got it but I've never been quite sure of how to get them in. I did a print job for computers in my younger years that used only my hands but nothing since, until today! Listed on one of the casting sites that came to my email was a job with no facial recognition given, only hands would have the ad and I decided I'd submit. Why not??? Surprisingly I was given an audition and showed up with my hands looking as clean as possible ( pushing back and getting those darn cuticles that have been just living fully ) and although I had hoped to brush them with a clear polish since I couldn't get them manicured, it was all wishful dreaming. That's from the martial artist in me that could care less of my fingers and toes, they're getting bashed up anyway and years of that type of thinking has put me at a disadvantage in this lucrative business as I've been told. So with the cleanest nails I could muster up from the night before, my hands took center stage and went through the slating process and then the closeups to the actual audition of hands doing "stuff." Funny how you become absolutely aware of them all of the sudden, the way you hold a glass to the way you put a tray become this awkward creature watching your hands do stuff, such an interesting process but so much fun. I didn't have to really care about the other aesthetics that are usually so much more demanding. I think I can get use to these and the next time I do head shots, I'll slip a couple of hand modelling looks to boot just in case for future reference and I hope you do the same. I mean, why not let your hands work...they're already doing that as is, why not get paid for it? Let's not limit ourselves as we're pushing to keep moving forward in this difficult business, I've seen too many actors let pride keep them from making ends meet and while they're riding high for a bit, it's the low/below times that you need to get work. This is where I feel like you should never act as though that things are beneath you and some would argue with me but I'm a survivalist for my career. So bring on the stand in work, extra work in commercials usually, low budget films/shorts that only pay $50 - $125/per day or so because that's a part for my reel and while others are looking down at that, I'm getting days into my SAG/Aftra health plan, credits on my resume and working with people I never thought I'd have a shot at working with. Yep, "Hello My Name is Doris" was low budget and thank goodness I went because it's not like you know who's going to be in the film usually, in the first place. Yes, we all want those big jobs, that'll come...usually here and there but in the mean time, get yourself some work by using what you've got now and I'm about to use these hands up!!! Even learned the correct way to slate hands for this particular job, extra info always good to know....WOW!!!
"Walk Away" made it to the Silicon Beach Festival and it was one of those few times I requested off from work in order to be there to support it and see what this wonderful story looked like on the big screen. I remember shooting it during a very busy time but since it was for my "The Package" peeps, ( even Bruce showed up to offer his support) - Sue and Brian, I had to do it plus the script was too good to pass up. Very proud of this short and although I cringed through the "snotty, tear droppin" scenes, I was so happy to see it up on the big screen...reminding myself of where I want my work to end up. With all the rejection and madness that surrounds us daily on our journey, remember to go celebrate your moments of work! It's okay not to like watching yourself, but you must learn to be okay with taking pride in your've studied hard, you've heard a lot of no's, you spent time and energy on this script and it's finally out, so go enjoy this process and celebrate all that is you finally getting to do what you dream. Quiet goes your self doubt of believing you deserve this goodness, silence your own worst critic within you and enjoy sharing what you've worked so hard to accomplish. No need to brag, we know how hard it is after it all but allow yourself an opportunity to celebrate this moment, this time that is all's okay to feel good about yourself and what you're doing! Tomorrow is back to the daily grind of it all and you'll be out there reminding yourself - "Just keep swimmin" - and swim you shall!!!
This lifestyle is stressful and so easy to fall into a dark place, taking care of oneself is rule number one...never shirk on making sure you're okay. Getting to classes at supportive schools that aren't only about the critique but the growth of your work is necessary as well as working out and eating well and it's not all as expensive as it sounds. Yes, organic/vegetarian/vegan eating out is expensive for the most part ( I've learned to make 2 meals out of the outing, especially at places like Real Food Daily which has wonderful peanut butter creme pies ) but learning how to cook it yourself can save you so much money, especially if you make the time to shop at the necessary places. I go from the Grocery Outlet, to Trader Joes, to Sprouts and then to Whole Foods and it helps with my budget as well as getting quality at the cheapest prices possible. One of my favorite breakfast dishes for my once a week treat, is peanut butter pancakes in which I not only put some pure peanut butter powder into the batter, I slather it on the top as well as adding sliced bananas and cinnamon and on really good mornings I'll add some chocolate chips to the batter as well. I've also added a TRX group training classes taught by the hardcore trainer Basem himself, offered at the Y for free to my weekly regimen which just puts me out with all it's own body weight moves along with just core conditioning. Working out allows me to enjoy my whiskey in the evenings, desserts during the day and the stress of life in general, keep at it even during the times you feel nothing is happening for you because mentally, it's helping with the much needed balance. Take care of yous my arties, this business is comin' at you with the negative, fight back hard by being as prepared as possible - mind, body and soul. Show 'em what you're made of!!!!
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