The "Glamorous" Life of Auditions - Day 20 ( Audition 21 )

I NEVER, EVER, EVER get commercial auditions...maybe it's because my nationality can't fit into a perfect box which is mostly needed in this business world. I just saw the first mixed woman that looked like me ( that I've ever seen ) on a McDonald's commercial and let me tell you when I say, I schreeched at the T.V. screaming "Finally Dammit!!!" If you're a minority, you're definitely aware of the racial box that's shown and if you're mixed/exotic it gets even more weird, so I'm just not that excited when I get these auditions. I go because my face does need to be seen and who knows, I may eventually book because of numbers but getting into a casting office for commercials is a once in a blue moon type of deal. This is my 3rd one this year and that's more than what I've had in the past few years combined - that's a win!!! Of course it's all the way in Santa Monica, at 4p no doubt so I decide to show up a bit early in hopes of beating some of the traffic. It was a longer one since there was action needed and although I wasn't out as quickly as imagined, I was able to hit up a walkable cafe for some vegan food and a vegan gogi berry cookie to congratulate myself on showing up because sometimes it's just about showing up - HA!!! In the car and my navigation tells me it's like an hour and a half to get home at 3:30p, urghhhhh and here lies the life of an actor...not so charming or beautiful but when it's something you breathe, you get up and deal with the grind of it all, the good and the bad. I may not be in the commercial world the way I've imagined or always wanted, but I'm 3 deep and we still have the rest of the year to go...find the goodness and smile big!

With all the madness and mayhem, I hope you understand the importance of celebrating and still holding true to this ritual. I know it goes against the grain, you figure why celebrate? You didn't get that call! You didn't get your agent all excited once again! You didn't prove to yourself or others that you could book! Hey, get outta that space!!! Let me tell you what you did so you can realize exactly what your art does for you day in and day out without reward...
You got the sides the evening before the audition after a long day/evening work
You print up your sides and try to devour the show you're auditioning for to get a sense of style/pace

You broke down the scene, memorized the lines the best you could exhausted
You go through all the necessary steps to clear your time for the audition, getting coverage etc
You skipped your usual decompression choices because hell, you've got an audition to do
You prep yourself to make sure you look presentable for the next day
You go over your lines just before your head hits the pillow
You go over your lines as your eyes are opening up for the day
You're waking up over a quick bite with the lines
You groom yourself to what you feel the character should look like
You record your lines so you can say them in the car while driving
You rush out 15/30 minutes early so you can deal with the stress of traffic
You go over your lines dealing with traffic because it's always bad
You get to your audition a few minutes early enough to catch your breath, calm down and look over you lines
You rush into the office only to see other actors wait
Finally you're seen for 2-5 minutes and you're done
This is why you CELEBRATE!!! When you learn to give back to yourself consistently, you don't have to worry so much about the booking, you've already acknowledged to yourself and your art that you enjoyed the process and kicked butt doing it. Do you understand how much you put in just to be seen for 2-5 minutes and that's not even getting the job! Learn to appreciate these moments and more will come...I decided to buy some real nice Japanese whiskies ( after my last big job) to enjoy on a great evening when possible, as a celebration since there is no way of me buying them at a bar. I may make a wondrous, colorful salad that delights my tastebuds as well as my sight or treat myself to lunch since I most likely didn't get a good meal in during this 2-3 hour process. However big or small, it's mine and I encourage you to start considering doing that for your artist self, it let's you let go of what you cannot control but enjoy the moments that you can! You've earned it, it's okay, reward yourself for putting in the work and see how much your artie self gives back every chance it can!!! CHEERS...

Back at it in for my first participation in the Short and Sweet Festivals that happen in L.A. I've heard of 'em but have never had the pleasure of being in a show since I'm usually in the Hollywood Fringe which I ended up missing this year. Thankfully, I've got a few friends in shows that have extensions that I'm hoping to make and I'll be able to post about this new festival of short plays that I'll be in via Kimba Henderson's "Withholding" and my usual counterpart Derrex Brady - WAHOO! Rehearsals have started and although I feel a bit busy, things are beginning to wind down so I'm looking forward to enjoying this whole process with my full attention. I decided to accept this job in the midst of my madness, knowing that things will work out...sometimes you've just gotta say yes and just do it which will create that work begets work mode that we as artists seek. Feel overwhelmed, feel pressure and chaos and do it all anyway - You've trained for this, you've worked for this and you've earned this...don't let you stop you from doing it all! Get in the habit now for your future goodness, I keep telling myself this in order to deal because it's gonna be madness and mayhem but it'll be something you can handle especially with practice now! TRUST....LOVE!!!!