The "Glamorous" Life of Auditions - Day 19 ( Audition 20 )
For years I've been pushing back on what I look like to be a better actress, not a one hit wonder but truly someone with a bag full of goodies to share once she was given the opportunity. Although I totally shy away from stereotypical roles of all kinds sometimes just getting into an office to be seen once again, to remind these people who you are is in your favor. I don't want to play "rap guy's girlfriend, trampy tramp, ghetto fab" etc but I do on occasion, make an exception. I figure, go in, do it and cross the bridge when it comes to that point of accepting the role or not. I saw this show in the breakdowns and actually submitted for a different role but was called in for something I really had no interest in but since it was with a casting director I needed to touch base with again, I decided to accept, of course shaking my head all the way. It is what it is...don't be so rigid in your choices that you don't allow yourself a chance to be seen in a different light, this may open up another door to something better and if not, you can always say no! I don't mind every once in awhile, showing up to do a "skanky" type role - why? - because this helps with my character base on other more in depth characters I keep developing. I want to find the truth in these parts so that when an amazing opportunity opens up for me to play a full multi-layered soul, I'm not cold on it, that I've brought different aspects to this being because I've played her in many different ways, giving me choices that I can grab from. No, I don't want to play the normal ridiculous characters I usually see come up, but I do want the practice of getting my idea of a injured, gritty soul and sometimes, just auditioning can help with your choices in deciding what that person will be to you. So why not if the circumstances are good, I've turned down plenty when I feel no benefit but if it gets you into the room of someone who needs to see you once again, dig in and get to work. You might make her too much and that may not be what they're looking for - WHO CARES, do your art my arties, there's less pressure when you could care less whether you get the part anyways, it's a good way to practice that mantra as well as developing new facets of being all while having some serious eyes on you. In the end, I had fun and I even got to see a face I knew, ( Greg, ) catch up, as well as checking back in with a certain casting office that needed to realize I was doing different things. Push all these things to make you a better artist, you deserve it and who knows, you could book the damn thing with the lovely choices you wanted anyway!
I thought I was all done with the video game but another day to work is always welcomed! They had decided to go in a different direction on some of the levels of the game and so here I was getting to play once again. This experience into the motion capture/video game world has been wondrous and I'm hoping to find more stuff on this level to do and to know that I got this because the director is a theatre head and we were all theatre people - HA! You never know what is looked at on a resume, so never overlook a particular side of this business, it may help get you a job you weren't expecting! Again, there is good theatre in L.A., find them and do them!!! Sometime in July, "Arch Angel" will officially drop for VR and I can't wait to share more.
I've officially wrapped as the detective on Season 2 of a show I can only share once after it airs but I am ever so thankful for another opportunity with a great director and crew. Also got to see/shoot on some cool stages and around L.A. this time around...Sometimes, you as an actor, get lucky enough to come across shows that champion you, never let them go! I'll never forget those that took the chance on me, I'll never not try to work on a show that gave me a shot, I'll never think I'm too good when I know these people only make me better....find that tribe, relish in it and never lose sight of working with people who root, cheer and wish you nothing but the best! I can't wait to be in a space where I can return the favor or show my eternal gratitude because having people believe in you when you're considered a "nobody," is all the fuel you need to keep going until.... I can't wait to be a part of Season 3!!! Stay ready, stay hungry and stay humbled.... LOVE!!!
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