The "Glamorous" Life of Auditions - Day 21 ( Audition 22 & 23 )

I had to make choices...and fast. 2 days before ( whilst in the midst of 1 of 3 days of shooting a detective role, ) I get the notifications of both auditions but one was for a director I had worked with and she was getting me into an office I've had trouble seeing so although both were wordy ( one was 3 pages and the other for a recurring guest star with 4 pages, ) I had to pick one that most of my focus would be drawn to. I decided to go with the devil I know and work hard on the 4 pages and give myself only one day with the video game audition of 3 pages of very intense dialogue. Of course, the night before ( the night I was to spend with the video game lead of 3 wordy pages, ) I get another message stating I was given the wrong character to read and if I could read for another recurring guest part of 8 pages. I almost called my agency to cancel one of my auditions, I didn't think I could do it and definitely not well, especially now with all my attention devoted towards the recurring because I didn't want to embarrass the director I've already worked for who I felt probably vouched for me and got me into that room. I went back and forth all night trying to decide on cancelling the video game audition with another casting office I hadn't seen before but sucked it all up and said this is how you have to make it work. I focused on the recurring guest star because I had someone trusting me with that audition and I glazed over the other audition when I needed a break from the latter. I felt like I had what I could possibly have in a night's time with 8 pages and although the audition was in the early evening, I kept at it all day even during the rehearsal I had for my first Short & Sweet Festival. See, sometimes this business doesn't work in your favor and you've got to make choices, you've got to figure out what is most important and stick with that decision. It sucks because when it rains, it pours...any other week I would've been able to nail both but the way things work, sometimes you just gotta dig in the best you can.
From rehearsal to audition #1 -

The stress of it all overwhelmed me and I have to say, I wasn't my best for the video game audition, especially having to hit up rehearsal for "Withholding" first, but I hoped I'd get a call back to show 'em what I was made of. I had made some strong choices by the information given and I wasn't in the right frame of mind to play as I usually can plus not being off book didn't help the situation as well. I could tell the cd liked me by giving me feedback, letting me know she didn't see it that way but liked what I did and going in several times for different choices. I had decided to use my slight Korean accent but not in a stereotypical way, I blended some British dialect with it to give it a unique sound without going caricature because if it's one thing I hate, it's a stereo type and since they wanted authentic accents, this was the closest I could come up with, without being offensive to myself and my culture. I went more robotic with the character because that is what I perceived her to be from the notes given, however she wanted to see a more relaxed feel, however with the accent given, that proved to be more difficult in the spur of the moment. Especially since this accent comes off more stand offish, I had more warrior undertones in me since I hadn't played with this accent long enough as of yet. At the end of the day, it was a learning experience and I had fun just trying it all...I hope I didn't blow my chances of getting back into that office but I did push the envelope in a different direction and for that, I thank my art!!! Take risks whenever you can, even when you think you can't because you'll feel better about the situation, play and play some more. You'll win some, lose some more but you won't have to feel the shouldas, couldas and wouldas! Have fun and walk, that's my motto and I'm sticking to it....

Off to my 3rd event of the day...time to shake off and focus because...

However I felt, I was all in for the 8 page, guest starring madness! I walked into a room full of people including my wonderful director of "Trouble Creek." She was thoughtful enough to mention the fact that I had just been given the change of sides/character which went from 4 pages to 8 pages the night before and asked if I was okay to do it...I said "Let's Play!!!" I meant every word of it and play I did - yes, I fumbled a few words here and there, yes, I had to look down just a couple of times but I was in. I knew I knew who this girl was and I figured they had an offer out on this role but I was going to show up and show out for this office and this woman who risked me being there. When I looked up through tears from the role, I caught a glimpse of pride from my director and that was all I needed to see. Hearing the sighs in the room and the under the breath compliments was my reassurance that I had did what I came in to do. I wasn't expecting to get this role, I just wanted to make sure I left an impression that I too, could be given this opportunity and nail it as well if needed. Getting 8 pages instead of one line can give you the moments you need to show a big office that you know what you're doing and I was given that. Years ago, this was the place I was at for a couple years before I had quit, not knowing how close I was and I'm just thankful to be back at getting these types of shots once again. Booking, no booking - doesn't matter, the fact I can give it and knowing now my time is coming is all I want to art speaks for itself and the more eyes that gets to see it, the better my odds will be.

I left the room high...I woke up to another email from my agent letting me know they wanted to see me again. Same episode, guest star role in a day...YES to that!!! Again, I have no cares that this role will probably go to someone else known but I know that I made enough of an impression to be called back into the same office I haven't been called into since a line from "Dexter" and they were going to see me twice in one week with a totally different character choice. WAHOO to that goodness! I'm in the midst of my last shoot day as a detective on a show I did last year, so I'm getting to spew the Miranda Rights and memorize my scene while on set all day Thursday. In I went on a Friday morning dressed like an office personnel and although the lines didn't feel like they sticked as I wanted, I knew who she was. I decided to add a slight touch of comedy to her instead, nothing big but a risk I wanted to show since the last role was me more serious and emotional. I had them laugh, they asked to see a more punched version of her and I did that, getting a few more laughs and after 3 times, I was outta there. I went out passing the girls wishing them all luck, down the hall into the waiting room to put on my flip flops to change and I heard someone running down the hall calling my name over and over again....they were calling me back into the room! I quickly put my heels back on and raced with them back into the room to be asked to show them one more side of this character, a more serious tone to her and that I did. I switched it all up and hoped that I let them see I could do whatever was needed...this time I left for good as I noticed more women and most of them recognizable names. Changed and realized I went through what I had always wanted to happen in an acting fantasy, I've heard about this, never had it happened to me. Whether I get this or not, a movie moment happened and the universe showed me I was doing exactly what I should be doing - PERIOD! I ended up walking out of the building with the lovely and very friendly actress Vanessa Williams ( from Soul Food ) whom I had just auditioned against and was chatting on the street for a bit in front of the studios with her. What a way to end a magical time, speaking to a very working actress who didn't know me but was absolutely kind and me being able to give her some info. Savor the's not about the booking!

Love these days, want more and now I know for sure, I'm getting as well, just keep going my arties!!!
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