The "Glamorous" Life of Auditions - Day 23, 24 & 25 ( Auditions 27, 28 & 29 )

3 lovely auditions happened when I least expect them to and I can't be happier because now is the slow time. It's August and nothing is really going on...most shows are on hiatus so I lean towards whatever films/web series/theatre that seem to speak to me because now is a great time to be involved with projects without too much worry as to the scheduling. You can submit, submit, submit and see just what may fall into your lap - while waiting, go work out and get back to your regular routine, cook better foods since you have more time and go through your acting lists to see what you need to gear you up for the new season. No time to feel down because auditions aren't happening, it's time to focus on yourself and still try to get out there whenever you can. While doing so, you'll get a few straggling auditions to fill some of that void so just be present, get your mind, spirit and being realigned and get ready for the new incoming of hecticness that will soon take you away from the "normal" routine you've built for yourself once again. First incoming audition was during the week for a big comedy company and I got a chance to read for reporter/journalist with some improv towards the ends of each at Universal. First time in the office and hopefully not the last seeing that I had made her chuckle and not want to give me any redirects, just some fun-fun for this quick and easy chance to show me. 2nd audition was for a low budget film at Canvas Casting for a role playing a woman in a shelter, comedy as well and although I had to come in with my hair down instead of braided like the picture submitted, I hope that they saw the crazy character I created instead. I even asked if the writer was in the room and if improv on some of the lines were okay in which this wonderful woman who was the director/writer stated she loved improv. I always ask in the room, no need to offend a writer especially if it's just some extra grunts and uh huhs that could be funny if thrown in properly. Then to round out this weekend extravaganza of auditions, a self submission was requested for a pilot in San Fran...I was exhausted but the tape was to be in by Sunday at 2p and since I work in the morning, no need to put myself under more stress so I knew Saturday evening was going to be a tape night. So, it was work to audition, audition to reading for a musical ( I DO NOT SING as of yet...) and then to for some good, late night lighting so my tape didn't look ridiculous since no real light was available at 9p. Got some rest and was able to send everything needed by 9:30a as I walked out the door to work - WHEW!!! One was from my manager, one from my own footwork and the other from my agent...remember, it takes everyone working for you so that you can claw your way towards your dreams so find that manager/agent that truly believes in you and what you're representing, then hold on for the ride!!!

During the down time, not only am I working out like a mad woman, but I'm arting it up as well and nothing like hitting up Huntington Library in Pasadena for a wonderful exhibit of a Sci-Fi woman that has passed but was one of the few recognized person of color as well in this genre. Reading her letters of how lonely she was and seeing the pictures of her surrounded by no one that looked like her but knowing that in her heart, this was what called to her...and she did it. As many times of wanting to give up had probably hit her, her affirmations changed her viewpoints every time that
doubt/fear crept in. I cried looking over these private moments of self doubt and seeing that she had only herself many times but used that to remind herself what she desired, dreamed of and wanted out of her work/life. We must be diligent in speaking our truths, even the strongest of us will crack if you don't believe in self but in order to do so, you must remind yourself constantly in this business - NO
ONE can do that for you but YOU and YOU are usually fighting with YOU!!! You will convince yourself that you're not going anywhere, you will say you're not good enough and you can allow others to drain your soul, so you must be in constant guard against outside forces as well as yourself so make sure to inspire yourself whenever possible. Museums, good food, great drinks with wonderful people, video game play to say hello to your younger self, amazing movies that make you question it all and as much pampering whenever you can to realize your body is your vessel and you speak with it..take cares of yous...DREAM BIG but find INSPIRATION and clutch it tight because it takes strength, courage and fortitude to deal in this industry of rejection. You CAN and YOU WILL...just BELIEVE...then eat/drink/play/do/work something delicious to remind yourself just why you're here - fighting the good fight!
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