The "Glamorous" Life of Auditions - Day 26 ( Audition 30 )

I CAN'T BELIEVE IT...I never "network," never seemed interested in this aspect of our business...I find it contrived for the most part so I have refused to partake in this process. I've made it my job to make it to openings to films especially if I'm a part of it and my usual stance is come in late to miss the red carpet event ( hate speaking about myself and I feel ridiculous doing so, ) chat with whomever I've done scenes with because goodness forbid I talk to anyone else and I rarely speak unless spoken to, watch/stay for the movie/Q&A without standing or coming forward as one of the actresses and then leaving. This isn't coming from a place of ego driven madness, I love seeing my friends walking that carpet, getting that light and shining bright but I've always felt like I don't belong. I know I belong in front of the camera, I know I belong on that stage but all the in betweens escape my introverted sense, maybe its the years from being ignored when I was younger and wore pigtails with bottle cap thick glasses but I can do without the attention. I have learned to act calm but I'm freaking out on the inside when I've been forced to do the step and repeats but my beast has convinced me just how important they are for the show and for myself...I can't think of how I can be interesting to anyone and why would anyone care? However, this aspect is important and I must get better with this part of the show because it can lead to other things sometimes, so I keep reminding myself to be open. This audition wouldn't have happened if I hadn't been able to make it to the screening of the last film I've had the opportunity to be a part of and although I've never really had this happen to me, it did this time. I had gotten downtown earlier than predicted and decided to stop by my old "Korean Market" to grab some items that I can't get any more since the market in my neighborhood just closed. After snacking on some squid ( yes, I said squid because I'm Korean too and I grew up on squid, ) I raced back to the theatre and ended up in line to pay for parking which was extra long at this point, so my extra 15 minutes for hanging out inside turned into just barely making it in to order popcorn and chat it up with Riji whom I had the scene with. While in line, I met a wonderful gentleman who asked if we had met with the conversation leading to me being a part of the film, he had come to support. He gave me a card, we shook hands and I finally got my popcorn. Headed inside, looked for Riji who was going to save me a seat, saw waving hands and went towards them only to notice it was the guy from outside and a few other people. I went ahead and sat down laughing at myself for just sitting with strangers but as they all introduced themselves, they were director friends of our director there to show Mr. Ramsey some love...gotta love support!!! I ended up meeting a director I have followed on FB and Instagram and then when the show was over, the other director, Mr. Ripley, leaned over and told me to get my stuff over to him...that evening since casting was happening the next day.

I thought to myself, why not? Couldn't hurt since I had no real plans except to get into the gym and this would allow me my 2 workouts and still make it on time. I sent over my stuff and received a message back to come in and that I did. I took care of my body by doing Zumba for an hour, then Pilates and raced on over to Hollywood Casting. Found out the cast was the only ones there pretty much and there was me...waiting to read whatever lines they threw at me and improv if needed. I ended up cold reading the lines for the "Old Woman" so they could just see me work and then some light improv. Asked if I could drum, African dance, ride horses, weapons....I let them know although some things I was proficient at, most things I could pick up quickly as long as I was shown. Being a martial artist and now just picking up different workouts, I've done things here and there. This is the part I tell you to not indulge, let them know what you can and can't do but also let them know if it's something you feel you can truly pick up. I do Zumba which some instructors have some African moves in, I've tried a class or two of African dance just to know what that feels like but I was completely honest by saying I can do it as long as it's choreographed and I'm shown, I can't make up those moves and just give you that off the cuff. I've ridden horses but it's been awhile...DON'T LIE...if you haven't ridden and you know you're not scared, state that but don't lead them to believe you can do more than you can. It's a good way of getting on set and getting fired off set and no one wants that! So when they asked about stunts etc., I stated I was a martial artist and I have no problems with dirt, they laughed because they were martial artists too and asked me to do a kick or something. After I got my bearings in my sandals, I threw my roundhouse, stuck it there for him to snap a picture and we all laughed, me knowing I can never turn down the opportunity to still kick or punch when needed!!! I can't believe this audition even to the introverted selves reading this, sometimes getting out is good - HA!!!

Are you still eating well, cleansing or at least trying to? Are you getting sleep and working out whenever you can? These are non negotiables in life, you have to make time for them regardless of how you may feel. I get that you would rather do what you want, when you want to but there is a time and place. I get cleansing isn't pleasant and we'll do everything besides it including looking up how bad it is for you instead of learning how good it can do your body when done with the correct intentions. "I can't go without food..." but what happens when your body shuts down and you can't eat now because you're sick, really sick and for months? You can't afford not to clean out your system because there are things going on, on the inside that you won't have a clue about until it's too late so understand the method of being preventative. One day of no food and drinking fresh pressed juices won't kill you and from that one day you can take it to 3 days, then learn about the harder cleanses like the Master Cleanse...not for weight loss because you're going to gain it back but for the re-energizing of your insides and the cleansing needed to give your kidneys, liver, blood, heart and body a much needed break. I even plan on water fasting for a day soon...just one day to rejuvenate my system and with doing this for over the past 15 years, I'm rarely sick. I had this weird thyroid growing/puffing up on my neck years ago and each year it became more non existent when I cleansed. Once I added my eating habits of now 5 days vegan, 1 day vegetarian and 1 day of anything I want I've had no flair ups. Simple sweet potatoes, with quinoa & beans along shishito peppers or a buffalo "chix" sandwich with salad and even crepes with organic peanut butter & soy/dairy/nut free chocolate chips, so many choices and at the tips of your fingers. Look, we all know our food can heal us or hurt us but you've got to make those good choices way more often because life just catches up to you and one day you're suffering. I'm not saying this is the end all be all, you may be lucky and never have issues but you are one in a million. Diabetes is running rampant, cholesterol/blood pressure out of sync, kidney stones ( I've never had one yet so I'll keep cleansing since I've heard how painful they can be, ) gall stones and at some point and time you've got to get focused on what you're doing to your body. Yes, I enjoy that shake at times or have a really rich meal but it is a special occasion time and once I do that, I know what I must do to get it out of my system as well. YOU MUST TAKE CARE OF YOU. My dad was recently diagnosed with a rare blood disease that happens to mostly men around the age of 60 - 70 called Amyloidosis, it's when the bone marrow in your body starts producing protein and instead of your body ridding it, it makes deposits in your muscles...your heart, your kidneys, your liver with little to no warning. You don't feel symptoms until it's too late, then you're diagnosed if you're lucky and then begins cancer treatments for the rest of your life because it's incurable. These are the things happening on the inside, that you can't see but you can try to combat these types of diseases by flushing the system thoroughly out by cleansing, watching what you put in your body including most of these milk products, reading labels to see sugar placed everywhere and understanding that you can do all of this with balance. You don't have to jump on the raw, vegan lifestyle if it isn't you but by being mindful and understanding every bit of what you're putting into your system, including that "healthy shake made of whey protein" by the popular company your friends are selling to you, you begin to grasp just how much crap is actually going into your body with or without your knowledge. You have a choice to take care of you the best way you can, that way when some of the sickness decides to attack your well being, you are able to fight because you are at your strongest. We can't stop everything, but we can try by being mindful...I celebrate you beautiful creatures and I wish you all nothing but the upmost in health! Eat well, play well and keep fighting for those dreams....

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