The "Glamorous" Life of Auditions - Day 27 ( Audition 31 )

Wish I could say Audition 31 & 32 especially after having to prepare for both...but such is life. I received 2 audition notifications for the following day, one from my manager and one from my own footwork and since I liked the scene from the short, I decided to confirm since I've been passing up on some auditions after getting the sides. You don't have to go to every audition if your intuition is telling you to pass especially if it's something you got yourself. Trust me, they'll be more auditions coming but wasting your time in this business is way too stressful. Notes by the CD that already seems annoyed with you as an actor for some reason - PASS, sides that display this character may not be what you want and you can't spin it - PASS, knowing it's a cattle call - PASS on that too...the low rate isn't enough for you to have to deal with more than you already have to figure out as an actor, rushing to confirm, changing your schedule around, memorizing and creating a full character, race through traffic, sit for some time and be in the room for 2 minutes. All this must factor into your sanity so don't let this business be the death of you...of course be professional, cancel the audition for someone else, try to work out times etc but if you know it's not for you, it's okay to let it go. You as an actor have some say in what you do, it's your business and branding so although it would be great to get to every single one of these auditions, sometimes it just doesn't work out and you must make that choice for your soul's sake. The first audition was for a short film and I have to admit I was intrigued by the scene so I was happy to rearrange my schedule to get to my audition on time of 1:05p although I had another audition set not too far away for a pilot at 2:15p. Made it to my first and saw quite a few people sitting and waiting and the line didn't look like it was moving anywhere fast. I politely asked how long would they be in session and was told to 2:30p and I knew I had to make a decision although I truly wanted to wait this one out because of the potential of the scene. I saw someone come out, grab an actor and apologize to the room for the lateness which was kind but I knew I couldn't push this since I had another audition for a bigger office in Burbank in which I had to change my look completely for as well. She asked if I was on a time constraint, I simply stated I had another audition in Burbank and would try to make it back if it all worked asking the room if I could jump the line, no asking to see if I could just pop in and give them my headshot, just a respectful parting. Everyone's time is important and you as an actor must respect that, I get it you're tempted to see if you could go in before others but understand no matter how pleasant they may be, the fact is, the session is running behind and others have been there waiting way past their audition time as well. If it's only 2 people, I get it to ask but if it's a roomful, just be the thoughtful of other artists as well since we all know how it is to have to work evenings, get to another audition etc. I left realizing I may not make it back and I was bummed about the whole situation because my day could've went differently had I known this was to be the case. Ah well, I didn't want to push this time and have to stress about making it to the other audition, be late and make a bad impression in an office that does so many shows so off I went. Made it about 15 minutes before my scheduled time but had to go into the bathroom and change into a completely different look since I had to go paramedic on this part and went in just a little past my appointment time of 2:15p. She was absolutely kind to give me adjustments and after 3 takes, she got what she difficult in reading one line but that's part of your being when you're starting out. She liked my take on the character but decided to settle her...I already knew going in that was the choice, however, learn to take the risk and play...let the office tell you to bring it down but be bold my arties and see where it all takes you.

Yay to chatting with new people, getting an audition ( my last post ) and now being Morning Glory in "Two Nations" working with Mr. Mark Ridley! Excited for this epic tale and although I came on board late, it's a small role, the fact that they were still open to finding new people and gave me a shot has tickled my soul. We'll see where this all leads...keep hope my friends and another step forward!

With not enough time nor extra money I still have to take care of me and home remedies/masks are always to the rescue. So many people ask about my skin care and hair care and not only is this where my money goes for the most part, but I also have some at home mixes to help out. I've been all about the charcoal lately and have it in my evening facial cleanser but tried this pull off mask which was wonderful and tingly - loved the rejuvenation of my skin since facials aren't always something I can splurge on. $10-$15 can give you months of quick fixes so invest in yourself when you've got the opportunity because your face is your product in this business! A small secret for my scalp and hair is the Pre-Poo products by Shea Moisture and the dandruff control is off the hook for keeping my head healthy. Having curly hair can be murderous on the scalp, especially if you let your hair air dry from wet which creates these "crusties" on the scalp...this product takes care of all that and then some! I spritz my scalp, rub it in, wait 15 minutes as it soaks in, then I do 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar to 3/4 water and dump that all over my scalp to hair letting it drip to the ends and wrapping it all up with a towel to soak another 15-20 minutes. If I'm short on time, it's only one or the other but when I've got the day, I do both to really give my scalp the royal treatment, it does me good with all this hair so I must show how thankful I am to even have this crazy mane. I'll share some more of my products next but this will get you started in the right direction! You don't have to have a lot of money, you just got to know what to get and keep it as chemical free as possible to enjoy full benefits that are meant for you...then make some soy free, dairy free, gluten free, organic strawberry inside and out cuppy cakes so you can go out and be GLORIOUS ya'll!!!!

My heart goes out to all those that have dealt with/dealing with/affected by Harvey and Irma...although I may not be able to do a lot at this time, I'm doing what I can with what I have. Got extra new/gently used blankies - send them, have baby clothes not in use - give them, decide to forgo that coffee so you can donate cash - do it! Don't feel helpless, you can always do something as a human, choose to do it in your own unique way because that my friends is give them HEART!!! <3
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