The "Glamorous" Life of Auditions - Day 4 ( Audition #5, #6 and #7 )

The week of the do it yo'self!!!! 3 auditions, 3 self tapings and no extra gas/time spent for travel. I hate to admit it but I'm beginning to fall in love with this new aspect of the industry...resistant at first, but now I see. Figure out how to adapt because this trend won't be stopping anytime soon and although it may seem out of touch ( that feeling of walking into the room and actually seeing faces, ) the benefits far outweigh the negatives. How many times have you given a forced slate? Spat while you talked? Wished for another take? Flubbed lines and felt disconnected? All resolved because you're the captain of this audition ship now. More light, less light forget that yellow light that makes you look sick in the cd's office and say hello to multiple takes. Of course there's the problem of being over critical of ourselves through this process but if you can learn to give yourself a 5 take max, you will realize the absolute ease of creating your space this way. Taping at home is comfortable and that reads on camera giving you a natural feel. Having a friend/mate read for you can turn out better than the crap shoot at the office so you're more in as you wish. You can literally roll out of bed, dress if needed, skip brushing your teeth, say your words and get back into bed if you choose - how awesome is that!!! Embrace it...celebrity actors have been doing this for quite some time, being on location, shooting other projects at the same time etc, so view you as an in demand artist reclaiming your time!!! Those panic attacks, hitting L.A. traffic, dealing with confused mommy managers at the gate causing you to be an extra 15 minutes past your time because you have to still trek another 15 minutes across the WB lot and end up missing your set time frame and now the office doesn't/can't see you and you walk back crying to your car hearing from your beast "C'est la vie" which still doesn't help in that moment, are almost GONE ( yeah, I went through that years ago ) and I say BYE, bi-yatch!!! Nothing like getting to a reading you need to be centered on, stressed out from everything you just had to deal with to get there...I don't want that every single time or even most of the times and self taping cuts the anxiety of dealing with auditions in half. Get a hold of a decent camera phone with good audio, a quiet space with a wall or chair that suits the scene and you're in...finding a back drop, getting a mic etc are all extras, understand this part, you truly need
nothing else to get a self tape in to whatever part of the country that needs it.

#5 was for a paid sci-fi short as a teacher/counselor. I was a bit jittery because of a small monologue within the dialogue and only an evening to spend on the page but I made sure of my choices/nuances which came through after flubbing three times and getting it finally on the 4th try. I chose a flowy shirt dress that became the only thing I loved about my audition. Liked my moments but not my read and my hair seemed like it had a mind of it's own although I had put enough gel oil with a clip to hold it down to no avail. I cringed when I saw it all, only wanting another day with it but since that was impossible, now was it. THEY LOVED MY READ...HA!!! Callback set and I can't wait to show them more.

#6 was for a shoot in Texas with scenes set in the 1990's. Low budget but enough for a day's work if I find someone I can stay with. Small bit parts, but parts nonetheless to fill in a hospital scene as a nurse/orderly which they hinted will be aplenty. Texas isn't far and I've got some people I know that I could possibly stay with, making this all possible so submission done did and now we wait. Simple pink nurse shirt I received as a gift from my beast and some sweats make the easy look complete. You can find them at thrift stores etc. but invest in one if you can, you'll get use out of it for the most part in this business, I consider it an essential piece and I'm not one for costumes.

#7 was for a lead, character role in a low budget film set to shoot in Utah. I submitted understanding I wouldn't get a call...period piece set in the late 1800's but the role looked absolutely delicious and I couldn't deny my art. Got the eco-cast self submission notice with about 3 days to create for 2 scenes, 8 pages of dialogue, with 2 days losing 8 hours each day for work. A bit stressed but when I read those scenes I became rejuvenated in the strength I could create within my character. During my 10 minute breaks and lunches I focused on my intentions and in the evenings I let the words sink in. Since this was such a good role, my beast decided studio time was called for and I even enlisted my bestie Christianne to be my reader, knowing he was going to make me look my best and she was going to give me what I needed to get to where I had to go. Decided to forgo my usual workout for the morning, simple make up and since my hair was already in braids, I pulled it back into a tight bun. Red, long sleeve top to contrast the black background, black shaw for a scene and a long skirt with boots to feel somewhat in the time frame without having to go out and buy pieces to look the part. Worked out an axe swing that didn't work so it was scratched but held the wood stick in my hands to give the scene a slight feel to what was written. I don't mime, either I do it or don't, but I like to use a prop if it makes sense and doesn't take away from my audition, another bonus to home auditions. After a couple of rough starts in losing lines for both scenes, I was able to get a take that I was fully present in and off we went to mimosa celebrate! YAY to this wondrous, artful life, YAY to opportunities and YAY to celebrations - big and small!!!

So enjoy every moment, soak in every bit of good because sometimes life happens.... (to be continued)
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