The "Glamorous" Life of Auditions - Day 8 & 9 with a Callback to boot ( Auditions #11 & #12 )

Ahhhhhhh, all the joy of show biz man - HA! I mean who doesn't want to wake up an hour and a half before leaving to get as ready as you can, even with light make-up, the shower with my morning routine to make me feel like myself before a 10am audition is tough because I need at least an hour and 15 minutes to get to my destination regardless which still means...TRAFFIC...urghhhhhh. Oil pull ( coconut oil swished in the mouth for 20 minutes before brushing to take some of the toxins outta my body, ) morning immunity tea ( 1 tbsp of vinegar/apv etc, 1tbsp of local honey, 1 sliver of ginger, a pinch of tumeric, a slice of lemon/lime, 3 pellets of Himalaya sea salt and a bit of coconut oil for a cold busting, hydration and cleansing, ) and then the process of everything else to look presentable to portray an "African Woman." More of a fresh look and hair pulled up into a bun, I was ready to hit the unknown of L.A. mean streets dressed in my most dashiki dress I had because it's a new office and I'm going straight to producers on tape because it's a call back for some. I left quickly and dealt with an hour and 10 minutes of getting to my destination...then it was almost 10 minutes of just trying to find parking in this small industrial, business packed streets, finally getting lucky and being able to head in right at 10a...raced to bathroom for my hair bun since I released it from my braids on my drive, small wait in the room and finally in the room with new casting I've been wanting to meet! Usually I jump into an audition and although it's only a few lines, it's still a mom so my question stemmed from why she was stating what she was saying...there had to be more to it instead of just a statement. There was of course more to it than the words and I was able to create a more meaningful portrayal instead of just saying it and getting out. You as an artist must find out when to dive in and when to ask is there more going on in the scene than you're aware of because it can change your read which I'm glad I asked. Of course, most of the women looked a bit older and a bit more darker but again, I'm here to try and be the difference, so even though this place in Hollywood has it's stereo types of what Africans may look like, you must keep banging at the door. My DNA is half Nigerian...HALF so I will keep showing up and getting better with my accent, then maybe one day I can do the same with my Asian side until I change what people categorize others as. Keep working, do what you must but be so good that they recognize what is in the room and remember they may be able to deny you now, but you CAN make them see - just PERSIST! Now after 3 minutes in the room, I get a 40 minute ride home...GLAMOUR!!!!

Thank goodness this audition is only 20 minutes or so away and at a decent driving time so not to stress. It's in an office I've now been in several times in the past year...from never having a shot even after dropping off pictures at least once a week for years, now I'm slowly making my way through this big casting office. It's the little steps in this business, it's the moments of creating fans in the room and getting those people to trust your work. Whether you book or not, if they know they're gonna get interesting choices from you, you can win at this game because a part of all of this is to build relationships so that they can champion you when the time comes. Although I asked how heavy the scene was since I was portraying an officer and they stated not that heightened, I still went in with 50% instead of 75% because it is better to go in a bit heavier than expected. Let them pull you back, once he stated even less, I was able to get there quickly and effortlessly which showed range without being too crazy with it all. He stated lovely and I'm out the door, crossing fingers for another audition with this office because now they've seen me portray some different characters - just waiting my time. Don't get frustrated with this slow process, sometimes you book off the bat and sometimes your reputation is built brick by brick, it's a win and huge compliment to be kept in the loop as they try to see where you fit in. Give it to them every opportunity you're given and trust your work, it's not the's who you want this character to be and giving them the chance to see it in a new light and if they're lucky, they get you giving them something different on set. Risk it, it's so worth it all...even without all the bookings in my pocket immediately, when I get the chance, I definitely take it on another road because each booking pushes me towards new and different opportunities that I create a space for but I must forge my path by becoming a beast in that room with strong, definitive choices that speak to my soul during an audition. In turn, eventually, it'll speak to them as well...slowly but surely. Don't you dare dim your art to fit in...I won't, I plan on fighting every step of the way because they gonna know me, they gonna see me...all of me and they should see you!!!!

Finally got through the self submit taped audition to callbacks for the theatre in Ventura and although I haven't heard a word, it was a pleasant surprise to get on their radar. The breakdown for the role even stated they were looking for a "name" actress but for the rest of us, we've got to remember that just getting into a room to be seen is a victory. Don't let their closed minds feed into any doubts of oneself...go in and show them what they'd be missing, yes it may all be in vain but it puts in in their minds. You can be number #4 on the list but after some bookings and mishaps in schedules for these high profile actors, you may very well become the #1 so put yourself into a position that they may call and be happy that they saw you. The writer, the director and the artistic director was in the room if I'm correct and I was able to read a scene in which they laughed, took notice of my resume and even nodded knowingly at each other. I gave every emotion I could think of in a small 3 page scene just to give range but my only focus was for them to remember me, if not for this, the next project until I've gotten the shot to grace their stages. My goal is still to hit most of the big stages in the L.A. and surrounding areas...I'm getting there, one baby step atta time. PERSIST and then PERSIST some mo' - you can, you will and you must do it!!! Gum - pai, let's celebrate <3

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