The "Glamorous" Life of Auditions - Day 10 & 11 ( Auditions #13 & #14 )

How do you keep yourself in this game? When instagram/YouTube followers are more important than having honed into your craft? When you're told that tweeting is the new "networking?" On top of being told you're too old, too colored, too woman, too big, too tall, not black enough, not the look of Asians, too eccentric, too good, too experienced ( whatever does that even mean , ) not exposed enough etc., etc., etc... YOU MUST, you absolutely must be willing to jump ship, flow on, take your career into your own hands, stop listening, remake and be open to doing the small stuff. I was told many "negative/realistic" things about myself and my career path from this moment on and I gave my middle fingers taking what I needed then discarding the crap. Who knew even a few years ago, I'd be trying my way through voice over auditions as well...yes, it was always on the back of my mind but how? I just went with the flow and when I booked the VR game "Arch Angel" last year, my agent decided to reopen her voice over part of the agency shortly there after and I jumped in with no experience except that I'm an actress. Lucky for me, my agent signed me by seeing my work without me even knowing she was an agent watching me. I love that she's a soft spoken woman but firm and picked me because of my acting alone, not my looks so although I go through times of not booking, she knows eventually I will! In her eyes, I'm a well trained actress not seen yet but once that time comes, it won't be a hard sell...this relationship was something I've always dreamed of having with my team. Looks fade, skills do not, time changes and I still grow, get better...that is the only thing that matters to us, so I stay afloat until it's my time. I take the smaller jobs to stay on everyone's radar for the auditions of bigger roles. So give me that short film, web series, theatre production at a reputable house and indies to develop relationships based on my work. Forget about the big pay day, that'll keep you trapped into thinking and having tunnel vision, be open to submitting away and auditioning some then maybe booking interesting things. I only get annoyed at cattle calls, other than that, a little money and a great project goes a long way and you as a struggling artist must be open to that. It'll keep you working - doing something you love as you shuffle your way through this business. If I become a voice over artist ( no makeup, chill clothes, I can have bed hair ) making a living in this industry and no one knows my face...SUPER FANTASTIC, I've got no pretense on what "famous" should be except happy and able to live doing what I love. Red Carpets? No Carpets here, just working actress...change that mindset and get some work, you deserve it and these social media pop up stars can only do so much, be the next choice by being around to give them that!!!

It's that time of slow down, pilot season is pretty much out except for a few stragglers so I'm thankful to be seen in another new office, hopefully to make some more fans!!! This role was for a more harder/edgier type so I had my hair in braids from a wash and decided that was going to be the look, small tight high bun with 2 braids near my face and on my neck dangling. Layered look and black boots only to be complimented on how comfortable/cute I was - ha, ha, ha! Although I had the weekend, it was a heavy work time and I didn't get to feel as comfortable off the page but I knew who this person was for me. I went in and because the room was so warm and inviting immediately, we chatted about my "cute" clothing setting the tone of ease. Of course I lost my focus but I stopped the take quickly and asked to restart in which I was given a note and ran with it. ( Do this whenever you must, it's your audition, take control - no need to go crazy but feel like you can stop and start over if needed - then let them have it! ) 2nd time, no stops and great timing I had envisioned in the first place and I was outta there crossing fingers to be called in again...just keep 'em coming please!!! We all get nervous, have butterflies, get a weird start and know it's okay that you weren't on point at "ACTION!" Take a moment to collect yourself, get back into the game, make no excuses, don't explain, just ask to restart and shine...that's professional!

"Raisin In The Sun" officially closed and lucky for me I didn't have to go up once as the understudy although paid. I'm so glad I accepted the job under the challenge of losing my Appa and being out of town but knowing my art could've handled all of it under this type of pressure. Being a stand in years ago has taught me the importance of hitting the mark, paying attention to someone else for lighting and understanding the importance of it all. Don't knock a job you've got now because it doesn't seem to have the shine you wish for the moment, if it teaches you how to do something in a profession you're seeking, use it, use every last bit of it because it does come in handy eventually and people do take notice. I was referred for this job because the directors I've worked for in the past, noticed my meticulous view on where I needed to be on the stage once given my directions. I will correct someone that has told me to stand somewhere and then ask me why I'm there now...don't play, I already wrote it down, I know where I'm suppose to be - HA! I've always wanted to be in this production and I'm sure I'll get my opportunity soon enough, lucky for me, I'm all memorized up for the most part so I'll have a whole leg up when the time comes. Gotta love being prepped for opportunity...go on, fill your plate and watch your art take ova!!!!
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