The "Glamorous" Life of Auditions - Day 17 ( Audition #21 )

Sometimes we get so caught up in our own "daily" struggles that we forget to try to do good each and every day. I check myself periodically and state, what have I done or said that has put a smile on someone's face or helped them in some capacity or just listened even if it made me late to somewhere else because moments are to be cherished. I decided long ago that I would combat negative with all the love and positive I could's made me a happier person, competitive but only with myself and truly understanding of people's pain as they give back handed compliments, lash out or drop even a smidge of shade. It's a tough business and what you feel you may deserve hasn't arrived yet but if you truly understand that you are the only you and there is no other - "younger" doesn't hold you..."prettier" doesn't grasp you..."popularity" doesn't phase you..."who's gettin' to see the light quicker" doesn't deter you...YOU WORKING ON YOU IS ALL THAT "talent" inspires you...someone else's shine doesn't fade you...and you're not here to just be kind to those who you think can help you but to those you may feel need help as well. How do you not see another human looking beautiful and not say it or feel that someone is uncomfortable and not compliment them somehow or see jealousy and smile rays of sunshine their way - regardless of outcome? We must take responsibility as artists not only to shine for ourselves but for others as well..."WE IN THIS JOURNEY TOGETHER!!!" That's the very reason why when me and my beast offered a professional photo shoot to that wonderful, young fan of mine and ended up only having time on the day of my audition...I said YES! Raced her way in the morning to make sure she not only felt comfortable in her first shoot but that she saw the face that she had waited for to get a moment to chat with the actress that she felt connected to on stage was there. Although I knew I was going to be slightly late to my audition, I risked it because this moment was more, I put on my make-up while she shot for the most part and was able to watch, help and still prep for my commercial audition. Got video and a pic with us together before racing out 15 minutes behind schedule but completely at peace with knowing it was all for a great cause...another artist finding her way! Just a bit late but all went well without a hitch. Saw a lovely young Hispanic actress who smiled when I came in and I noticed her shoes, so on the way out I complimented her...just as simple as that. We as women need to stop with the stereotypical thought of competing and begin to not only understand the shoes we wear but to have compassion for the ones others may wear as well. I truly have no jealousy on you...when I smile, I smile realness - when I compliment you, it's true - when I wish you legs broken...I mean it - HA, and I mean to get what is already written as yours! We all deserve, we all need, we all want and we all have to support in the getting of such...I am happy for you and all your successes, please keep gettin' em and inspire me to get mine!

If you're looking for a wonderful show to catch, her daddy James Farr is no joke in community work - check him out at:

CALLBACK happens, TRX workout done did, dressed the same and I'm there, this time 10 minutes early and of course it's behind schedule...this is why I try not to stress about times when something calls to me to spare my attention. Yes, I'd like to be early to everything but I'd rather not miss an important moment that is necessary to my growth in art and humanity. Paired with a beautiful, young black woman whom I complimented not only on her amazing body in that dress, but also her glitter purse that made me smile...something that she treasured, that brought her joy and in turn I recognized it...I mean a glitter purse - come on, you gotta say you love it, period! 4 pairs and some direction as well as improv of lines were given and although we were the only black females and the first to go up in our group, everyone pretty much followed suit on our improv which was fantastic to watch...I think I would've tried to come up with something different had I been after, hence the training of improv is so necessary and relevant. You may see something that works but if given just a bit of time, you can also come up with a different is the life of art, don't ever think you've got it all down. YAY to this experience because it was the same casting that I had to leave on my last callbacks for a commercial audition ( first cb in years for a commercial ) because they were running behind and I was early with a job on the production of "HOME." 2 for 2 with this commercial casting and although no booking, there's interest and that's more than I've had for quite some I celebrate good with finishing up some delicious rye! Life's short...

While it's slow, workout harder, sleep more, eat better, grab up some wondrous art and get prepped for the next round because it's comin'! No need to feel like you're in a rut, tell yourself you're getting ready for this upcoming season and you'll be more ready than you've ever been...don't fall into the negative, just keep swimming my arties as you make your way towards your purpose because it takes one job to move you from where you're at to where you want to be. KEEP ON... <3
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