The "Glamorous" Life of Auditions - 50, 51 & 52 (
Auditions #59, #60 & #61 )

If at first you don't succeed, try, try and try again! Pulled together a major audition for a video game weeks ago for a character I felt I was perfect for and although they were seeing actresses from NY, London and L.A., with my background, I felt I could at least compete. Gave it my all with using a bo on top of the read aaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddddddddddddd! I get it, they may have had some major peeps and I may not be the ideal look they were going for, so as with all auditions, it was let go! That means I celebrated the fact that I threw myself all in with the process and called it a day. A couple of weeks go by and there's another audition for a younger character but something I could play, so instead of saying since I didn't get it on the first go, they're not looking for me so why do it...I say "why not? I'll give them something completely different, in my read, in my characterization, in my physicality...why not?" It wasn't even for them, it became for me to see if I had enough thought to actually give them something completely different in feel and look. See, I don't want to be recognizable in every role I play. I don't want to be the same character, over and over and over again. I want to play ball like Johnny Depp gets to play! I want to dig deep and get lost like Meryl Streep! I don't want just costume changes and hair did differently but me being the same ole me cause that's what I've got to give kinda work flow. I want the same opportunities to change as my counterparts and not be stuck as a typecasted artist...I'm not knocking it, it's good money, there's nothing wrong with just ain't for me. I've fought hard to play/depict different characters so that one day, this may come easier. Whatever road you choose, just make sure it makes you happy as an artist, you'll go a lot further and keep yourself inspired by being what you want to be no matter how the odds are stacked against you because honestly...all you need is a that chance to come in with guns a blazing and then when the next shot comes in, you can navigate your way into a clearer focus of what you want to do. That's why it's absolutely important that you fight some of your battles now - aren't considered sexy? Do a short that changes that opinion. Don't look "professional" - do a web series that has you in a position of "professionalism" as you see it. Aren't viewed as comedic - do that comedy...much easier to gain the confidence/experience now although you're fighting that up hill battle because if you wait, you can possibly be stuck fighting up a mountain instead. Heard nothing again but no worries, I've got two super cute warrior characters in the bag waiting to play the next time along with my doctor to teacher feel...gotta develop them all! GO PLAY and get dat bag of characters to work with 😂

Decided to pick up a Brand Ambassador job for Michael Kors ( whom I took a picture of ) & Kate Hudson's venture of ending world hunger via their non-profit by the giving away of fun goodies at UCLA along with selling a few t-shirts designed by Brazilian artist Eli Sadbrack near Rodeo Drive. Although the day started stressful with full on traffic that made me late to the first location, once there, I went all in for such a worthy cause and even shot a quick Instagram commercial promoting the event for their account. Being an actress has it's perks of coming up with dialogue on the fly as well as reciting a few facts given a few minutes earlier with some personality to deliver it all. Practice where ever and whenever given the opening but go back to being human and helping even more! That's where the good stuff lies, where that inspiration springs up from, it ain't all glitz and glamour, but being of service to someone other than yourself will always open your eyes/heart/mind for extra motivation on doing the things that matter most to your soul! Get that foundation to grow on...💞
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