Who doesn't love a good junkie/prostitute outta jail role and I love it more when I get a shot at being seen on parts like these. Nothing's worse than being a character actress, not being seen that way and not getting the call to even give 'em your take, hence the reason I just keep going for it. I get there are roles that could better suit me, but it's these types of work that gets my heart a buzzin', so when it comes up, it's a big deal and I plan on going as all get out as I possibly can. It's funny because it's the same casting that I didn't hear anything back from after my so called "booking" of the last film after giving my height. I almost didn't submit when I put 2 and 2 together but I thought, why not just do this my way - with a "no slate" instruction except for name, I decided I'd throw in my height as well since it became the issue during the last process. I still got dressed as I saw fit and I went all in as far as I could go during the audition with no partner but I got it done regardless because again, you gotta let crazy be crazy and you focused on your possibilities. This role was too much fun to pass up since I know the "type" they're actually in search for, but doing you and being an option is such a fun way to work on your character development and is what dreams are made of. Glad I got the opportunity to do a whole different role to show my range every chance I'm presented with...get out there and just do it with a smile because you know that they know, that you know...😂...celebration cake pop by the wonderful Michele to say "Well Done!"
DON'T GIVE UP! No matter the odds, no matter how much it feels like you're not being heard/noticed, no matter how you may feel at this moment, no matter what others may say for the good...DON'T PRESS THE QUIT BUTTON! Most people are gone within months of trying because the quick idea of fame and fortune doesn't hit. Then there are those who stay awhile...until something better comes along, whether that be a mate or a stable job etc., then they dabble if they can, when they can but it's just a hobby. Then there are those of us who understand this long game but are more aware that we can't breathe without this form of expression being released from our souls and it may take years upon years to get something out and we may still not have made it to our peak but we BELIEVE, we KNOW and we UNDERSTAND that we are all better for getting moments to do our craft than not to have. It truly sucks because I've known more talented people to quit, to walk away, to dabble than the ones that seem to "break out" at times and all I can say is persistence. When the going gets rough, PERSIST - when it seems like you've received nothing in return, PERSIST - when everyone around you seems to rise but you feel stuck, PERSIST because you can honestly say, looking back, you're not at the same place you were when you decided you were going to do this and that's because of your persistence. Yes, it's been a struggle - Yes, it's been truly one of the hardest things you've done - Yes, it's glorious and heartbreaking and gut wrenching and exciting yet so unstable right now but you've come a long way baby! Open yourself up to new investments of oneself whenever possible. For $60, my beast gifted me with a microphone set and I've been able to send voice over auditions whenever possible which have upped my opportunities, a whole different world for me to explore and be inspired by. No, I'm not the many accented gal, naturally gifted in gab but I make do with what I've done via acting for film/t.v./stage working tirelessly to get my tone known/recognized. Flexing my vocals to play a 12-14 year old Brit was a challenge I accepted and felt really good about and although I gave a great read, I'm sure they have a line of people they've worked with as well, so I persist. My 2nd day of a voice over audition of 2019 with a fun character read of a snobby, self indulgent fighter and I'm absolutely excited to see what this year has in store but I wouldn't know anything about it, had I not been open to pushing myself with this gift. I could've been too nervous, too scared, too whatever and let this chance slip away because I knew nothing about this side of the industry but I also knew I'd still be acting, just in a different way so why not? Take a chance on yourself, you've trained your art, fought hard to get here and you deserve as many opportunities to explore, challenge and share your work, so step into your light and shine!

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