The Glamorous Life of Auditions - Day 26

If it's one thing I can't stand about the business, it's headshots! Urgh!!!! I feel utterly fake and phoney taking them, to capture a look while steadily gazing into a camera and holding on to it until who knows until you get the shot only to not like the crinkle on your forehead or your tense jaw because inside you're screaming to be saved, is hard work. However, this is one of the first tools you must have in order to work in this business and getting the right one takes so much money, time and effort. It takes me a couple of years to gear up for a photo shoot because there is more than just jumping in front of a camera, smiling and calling it a day.

You may be able to get away with it at first but as you begin to want certain particular roles or be seen in a certain way, you start realizing your shots must convey that because most people won't use their imagination to see you in a different way unless it's put on something concrete for them to see. If you have big, curly hair - they just can't imagine it straightened out and pulled back, if you're all smiles - they can't see you as a dark, character killer, if you're all goth - they can't see you all cleaned up and smiling big on a's absolutely nuts the lack of vision this industry can have. It's funny because we all know with the right wardrobe and hair fixed etc., we can be almost anyone we choose to be...we just don't have the team of make-up artists and hairstylists every time we go in for an audition. This is where the need for "looks" per say come in me, I can't stand this part of the process but it is a necessary evil and I want my role opportunities to expand. So here you are in a rock and a hard place as you discover this world of imagination isn't all imagination, so you must guide, you must show your facets of different personalities in order for them to see it because they just don't get it with one shot of you looking like you, especially if your look doesn't fit into a box.

It's taken me quite some time to fill what I feel are the requirements to make my manager/agents job easier but build towards it. Each photo shoot should include another "character type" look to help your process along, this will help get you into more doors without feeling like you're selling your soul. Make sure you get great headshots and that way, you can focus on other shots when needed. Start off with a strong theatrical and commercial shot that is you, through and through, then move onto what characters on shows that you see yourself on, look like. Get the basic feel, no need to have a stethoscope around your neck if you don't have one, a nurse top will do etc. but if you don't look like you can be on a medical show and that's what you want to do, then make them see it and believe it. We're actors...we will embody the character with work but you've got to get that shot first so just do it within your boundaries and let the casting fun begin.

My agent/manager always has a recommendation for photographers but there's one in the family that I trust, so I don't veer off. I know my beast's work and he comes well referred by those who know him so I know it's just a personal preference for my team to shoot. I just ask for reference photos or ideas before I shoot and I chat it over with my vision team (aka Mike Quain/the photographer/beast -, he never disappoints. It's so important you go with someone that will get you the quality shot you need but have a game plan as well to make it easier on the looks you want to achieve for the shoot. So understand you have a choice on who to shoot with, how you want to shoot and what looks you'd like to grab, then go get your "looks" on! These are my new 2015 looks, my manager loves them, my agent is looking but with so many won't be a problem. I tried to cover the basic look, the college professor, the rookie cop, military/tougher look, crazy friend/neighbor and a regal/queenlike persona. First time getting this extensive but with the past auditions of this year, I've had to beef it up more just trying to get by, these characters I work on in my study so now I want them on my reel! This is a shot (to the left) I took awhile ago with quianphoto and it still works for me, so understand the importance of having a basic shot that is you and if done right can last for some time!

2 home auditions to count, one on my camera phone (to the right) & one done on a nice camera (to the left) and what great fun it is to do these from home regardless of your home camera shooting arrangement.. Remember, you can always ask to self tape/eco-cast submit a video to a project that may fit you...I just started doing this and my auditions have definitely increased. Just sent one off to Mississippi and another off to NY, even if it's difficult because of them wanting local hires, don't just not do it because...AUDITION, let them decide and then you may be on your way shooting a fun role in another state that ends up paying for your time there. Why not...what do you have to lose??? You owe it to yourself to give your artistry every opportunity to work, you've made the commitment to do this, so make sure you're doing everything to give your art a shot! Consider it practice before you get all big time and are able to fly in to wherever you need to be to convince them in person - ;)
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