Never auditioned for the Hudson Theatre before but got the opportunity once again via casting director Michael Donovan and I'll keep right on submitting for every project he works on! Know that when any casting really likes you, it is up to you to keep yourself spotlighted on. You must do your due diligence in being active about your career, no one will do it for you like you can. Casting may love you but it doesn't mean they'll remember you for every part that comes up or may think you're above a part and not call you in where you may be open to working only one day, one line etc. Don't leave this up to just your "team" to decide...small projects happen, small roles open up and if you're hungry/wanting to work, you must go out there and shout it out as loudly and as fiercely as you can. Learn to toot your own horn, no matter how big or small the piece may be, by keeping everyone in the loop of your works you stay on everyone's mind...or at least in the back of it! This part of the "business" has always been difficult for me but as I grow as an artist and understand the dynamics of the show - you must be on top of your work in all ways and I'm learning just like you.

You don't have to be depressed about "Not getting another one..." - don't put that out in your space. You are creative and as creatives, you deal with so much more rejection but when you start to twist your perspective into "another opportunity, another shot, another chance to explore and express" you begin to see the beautious world of auditioning as what it is. Another shot for them to realize all that is glorious in you, all that you've got to offer and all that you will bring as a professional artist to their project...they'll be lucky to have you. Understand and own that...
I got a call over the weekend letting me know they were still in deliberations...ha, I made their job that much more harder to decide, how happy am I. With another project already needing my commitment, I accepted the other project instead only to find out that the callback decided they wanted me to understudy for the bigger role that was offered out with guaranteed performances and lighter rehearsal time - since my vacay in New Orleans would hinder the process a bit. Happy for the offer but even more happy to play EVE in the upcoming production of Mark Twain's "Adam & Eve" and since the schedule couldn't be worked out between the two, I'm officially only in this production but tickled by all the hoopla my art did open up to! Happy Arting everyone, go out there and share away...the world is awaitin'!
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