The Glamorous Life of Auditions - Day 28

This was a fun of my "acting wishes" on my list of roles to play - a prostitute! I have an "actors/actresses wish list" to work with as well as directors and soon I'll have casting offices. You must know what offices you'd love to go in as well as shows you'd like to work and who'd you like to work with behind and in front of the'll show you how far you've come when all that negativity pushes up against you. I never dreamed of having an opportunity to be in a scene with Sally Field (she was the reason I started acting after watching her in Mrs. Doubtfire) and Tyne Daly (my dad was obsessed with Cagney & Lacey) - 2 for oner in a film or Ving Rhames etc. All these people sprinkled here and there have let me know that I'm on track and it's steadily moving in the right direction. People in your life will tell you it's all for can't make're just a number and it won't happen. You've got to believe that it will...there is no way you can't make it by putting in your time, getting into classes and expanding your art, sacrificing, getting the headshot that's you and doing your business...THERE IS NO WAY YOU CAN'T MAKE IT - IF YOU DO THESE THINGS with focus and determination. It may be slow, it may not come when you expect, it may not be all that you want in the immediate scope but hang're on the right path. Look from where you started to where you're at now...are you more confident in your technique? Do you feel like you can act on the drop of a hat if need be? Do you just know this is for you and are willing to wait your time out and as you do so, you work your craft? If so, you can make can do can be in this industry but it's not for the faint of heart. Don't give yourself a timeline, just go make art - whatever that may mean for you and enjoy this crazy process, then watch this journey unfold. You may get into voice overs or theatre or film or television or soaps or children programming or behind the camera, you just gotta work your magic and let it take itself from there. Have faith in you, push you and in return for all this madness you've taken on, you'll see progress.
This audition was fun but when presented with the fact that they wanted a stereo type, I stuck to my guns. That may cost you a job guys, but it's up to you on what you decide you want to do. I prefer playing certain characters a certain way because if it's one thing I've worked so hard to play's stereotypes. I improv'd, I stayed in and I stayed true...they laughed, they saw different things from me and they asked me to stereotype her. I did slightly but I knew how I wanted to play this character for myself and if I'm doing low budget, barely pay, I need it to speak to what I'm looking for as well. So, I gave them a little but I dug in harder to the text, making them laugh harder at things they hadn't even thought of and I left knowing I was true to myself, my choices. After changing (because I don't want nor need to walk Santa Monica Blvd. dressed in my outfit) I ran into the producer/writer/director/reader outside and he told me how much my work blew the room away. He shook my hand and thanked me profusely...I DIDN'T GET THE ROLE, but I don't care. I did the role true to me and I walked out with their respects...that is all that matters. You can make people understand your work and show how different it can be as well but you've gotta stay strong and knock it out of the park. You may not book the job but you'll leave the impression of a different understanding of their just gotta make them see it!
I went to Nawlins for a few days with family and had put $100 away for things...I decided on Art - to keep motivating and moving me in countless ways. I didn't have much but I was able to walk away with some cool pieces for myself to keep me inspired. You don't have to have a lot of money to enjoy the finer things in just gotta dig and look and work for it but what you come up with are jewels...kinda like your craft. =) GO GET 'EM!!!!
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