Again, Rebecca and Samantha were super welcoming. They remembered me in the room last week and we went right to it after the slate. They asked for my height again, which makes me leery, since I'm a tall girl and I know that can be a factor but I do not allow it affect me, it's just part of the process! The scene was heavy and although she had the first line, for me to get in after chatting I had to take my time. Don't ever feel rushed to jump in, this is your time...your work - I made it a slower, deliberate entrance but it was for me to get into the scene. I had reason, I made it my reason and I made it work within the scene. What a glorious time to get the chance to cry, laugh a bit and even get angry/scared...I felt my work taking over as tears streamed down my face and I left once again with no redirection. They thanked me again, told me "awesome job" and I skaddled, thanking my art for going to such a place to give me what I needed in the room. I gave my body a proper celebration meal for it's focus and determination with some good eating at Veggie Grill - vegan nachos and salad, with a proper vegan carrot cake treat to boot! I'm so proud of my art...and you gotta be too. It doesn't make you vain or actory because it doesn't come from a boastful place rather than a celebratory/acknowleding space. It's okay to say "You did good today!" We're so quick to say how horrible we did, how we messed it up, how we missed a moment - that we don't even pat ourselves on the back when we slay it. We just say "Yeah, it was good..." as if it was nothing...IT'S NOT NOTHING! Thank yourself for showing up early, having the work put in, taking that nervous energy and using it, going into the room focused, putting it down and leaving knowing you did your art. It's okay to feel it and say it and then celebrate it...your art needs more of it and when you give it that from this absolutely clear place, your work will show up for you, each and every time...even when you don't expect it to, something happens and your work kicks in. How beautious is that?!?!
Although I started this on March 17th and have had only 35 auditions or so, it has been a phenomenal ride so far this year and it isn't even close to being over. With a couple of bookings and plenty of call backs and producer sessions, what a fantastical journey to share but I hope you realize the effort and hard work. You don't just wake up and come to L.A. and everything is handed to you...for a handful, that may be your life (and congrats on that) but for the rest of us, it is waking up, taking care of ourselves, working hard, taking the time to hone in on our craft and do the business of this show. Years will be put in, time and energy expended but you will be rewarded by hanging in there. You are doing your dream, you gotta let it work and you never, ever, ever give up...you can let it change because this business can do that for you if you're open, but if you're happiest here, like I am - KEEP PUSHING ON!!!
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