The Glamorous Life of Auditions - Day 31

As artists we beat ourselves up when we think we've missed an opportunity...somehow it is always our fault for not being there, not getting to it, not squeezing it in. It's okay to have a life and allow this business to be a part of it, not the whole of it because you don't want this business dictating what life you want to live. You're going on vacay...GO! You need to be with family...BE! You need to recenter with yourself...DO! These are the decisions you must/will make and understand for you, you must move forward without regrets. Of course, there is always a reaction to your action but if it is in the best interest of you, your spirit, your the end you must be happy, so make the best choice for what you feel is truly right for your career and soul, trust your instincts - it's usually right on more often than not.

This past week was full of rehearsals and picture takin' for another play. In order to optimize my time when I received a confirmation for an audition I decided to reschedule because timing wise, I felt I wanted to go to my audition at a later time in order to go straight to my rehearsals at the Odyssey Theater. I rarely ask but for gas sakes, I needed to see if it was even possible because to drive into Hollywood at 12p and then putz around or even drive back home (25 min's) until my 6p rehearsal time was such a waste of day/time for me. So I sent a message asking very politely if I may come in later if response. I sent another message a couple of hours later just reconfirming they got my message and that it would be helpful to come in during the afternoon session if there was one...still no answer. I then sent one last message stating I'd love to read for this role but just wanted to know if it was a possibility to arrive any later than the given appointment time...nothing. Since this was a low budget, I decided it was a role I didn't necessarily need on my reel if I got it and if the casting couldn't take a moment to just say yes or no or even acknowledge my question, then it wasn't a production I wanted to be a part of. If as an actress, I made production companies ask me if I was available 3 or 4 times and still not get back to them, I wouldn't work why is it acceptable as an artist for them to treat us so indifferently. Know your a professional, you probably ask this rarely because it is something I don't usually do but when I do, I do expect some level of professionalism of just an answer. When I don't receive one, I then have to decide whether this production is worth it and how may they treat me if an emergency may come up....with compassion? I'm a professional but if you can't get back to me about an audition, then will you get back to me about production questions, issues I may have on set etc. You as an artist must draw a line, decide to be treated as a person, you're not asking for the world but if your request is simple there should be no problem just answering it. Understand this, you, your work, what you bring is worth something and you are getting paid way less for doing that at this moment, so demand a certain amount of professionalism. Especially if you're one to give it...I had no problem just not showing up to the audition, it wasn't worth my time, energy nor effort if they weren't willing to put forth any I'd rather save it for a production that is just as excited for me to be there as I am to want to be there. Now understand, I would've went at the original time had they sent me a message stating there wasn't a possibility because I do understand what goes into the casting audition process but since there was no response, I took it as a disinterest in my work. That is unacceptable for me to get up, get ready, take time out of my day, memorize the scene, put work into it, drive over and spend who knows how long there and then drive back for no pay, I get what it takes on both sides but a no answer is completely disrespectful on either side. Again, I'm okay with not's not going to make nor break me, opportunities come and go but don't go, blame yourself and feel bad. It's okay to be a bit selfish, it's okay to try to work around your schedule, it's okay to not want to do it because you just got the sides and realize it's not for you...make your stand as an artist now. Pick your battles and keep it moving - there are plenty of other things happening that would be ecstatic for you to be a part of their body of work...go find those projects, then do what you do best...SHINE!

To keep up with life, I became a God Mother to this beautious gal, I ate a meat hook on my cheat day, went to a back yard BBQ with live blues music/cajun food and had deep fried catfish, caught my beast being a fairy and went to a lovely baby shower to fill my inspiration well in this big, wondrous world! Enjoy the moments folks, when it becomes too busy with work, work, work you'll already know how to balance by practicing now...don't ever feel less than, don't ever allow anyone to make you feel that way because you are a fantastical creature giving art from your soul and you are POWERFUL! Go enjoy life and when it's time...Give it to 'em!!!
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