When you don't have a big agent/management you have to do everything in your power to make sure you're getting into the rooms to see them. "How?" You say....well, for me I've done the workshop thing and I only do it when I can hone in to cd's I truly need to see since it's more money to see them. Some people scream out that you're paying to get in front of casting, that it's not a natural process and to pay to audition is wrong. I get it, but I'm not opposed to it because I've seen results from it from offices I may not have ever got into. I don't make it into a business but every now and then when I've got an extra $30-$50 bucks because of a gig I did and I need to celebrate a booking, sometimes I treat myself to a workshop to see a casting office I haven't had a chance to make a connection with that I know I can be on a show they're working on. I go in, read my scene and I'm out...then I start the process of sending my info via e-mail, getting postcards to them, letting them know I'm out here working and they can come see me in a play or a show just by tuning in. I don't do these often, but when and if I do, I see a cd I can't seem to get in to show my work for a show I can be on right now. This doesn't take place of my acting classes, this is just a bonus to write off at the end of the year towards making a connection. See, your thing may be to go network at a bar party and spend cash on drinks and food as you chat it up...I don't do network parties so I choose to spend money on a workshop, once or twice a year instead. The choice is yours, however you spend it, just do it wisely and if you don't see results...STOP - easy as that.
I also suggest that during the slow months that you really pay attention to the breakdowns. Really focus in on who's casting what. I've noticed that during slow times, some of the big cd's are casting deferred/low budget/plays during their down time, whether to help a friend or just to keep busy or they really like the project etc. This is when I hone in...because this my friends is a "free audition" whether you want the job or not. You can meet the casting, audition for a small project they are working on and then keep in touch during the busy times and remind them of coming in for that production which they are usually very grateful for. So your thing can't be just to see deferred or no pay or theatre and wipe it away...take notice on who is working on the project and submit if it's someone you realize you've been needing to check out, it's not always about the pay - you don't get paid to audition anyway, so just go see them on a smaller job, you may build a relationship from there.

Before or after the hoopla, I must also keep my body and mind healthy - nothing like knowing I'm taking care of myself to make me feel great when I present my work. Upping my workouts to twice a day sometimes has cleared my mind to work at optimal level and I've got to be honest....there's a move I really want to do for a play I'm in that I use to be able to do. I've challenged myself to get there when I perform on Sept. 24th & Oct. 1st at the Odyssey, so I go to Yoga before or after my Zumba class - I'm gonna do this right!!!! Although I'm the understudy/alternate and no one is doing it, I decided for me and in the context of the play, to do something different in my take of the show...wish me fast process cause I got 20 days to get it down. Who's almost ready to be in the show, ha - Let's do dis!!!!
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