The Glamorous Life of Auditions - Day 37

My very first voice over film audition for a full length, animated feature film which I decided to do with the microphone and just my voice which was fun because I got to just roll outta bed and do it - I think I like this process even more so. Guess who gave me the audition - the same casting office I sent the wrong audition to last week, wowsers! It's moments like this I have to keep reminding myself to just keep doing my work at the best level always and when I don't book, I do know I've made fans in the room. I've been told about my voice and I hope to make good on it more this year. I saw a few posts about it from other actors and have to say I'm just proud that Lifebook Acting ( he's offering a free 4 weeks of classes right now but it won't last long - use my name if you want to check it out) is finally making it's rounds in the Show Biz World of L.A. See, I truly believe our community cultivates some of the best actors around because of our instructor Allen Levin who always pushes for the truth and allows nothing to go untouched. His meticulous eyes that seem to dig into your work mercilessly at times has changed the regular actors into aspiring truth seekers if you allow it to be so and if you want it to be so, because you as an artist must choose how far you will go into your work and the further you decide to push, the further Allen's nudges will come. He allows you to go so deep and wants that so much for your work that it is only time until he wears you out to get there and keep going there until you are so comfortable in your skin you can create in a blink of an eye if given the opportunity. That's what instructors do...they're not there to cripple you, make you feel like you need privates to create your character, tear into your soul so you never want to bear it or act like such a guru that you as an artist can't see what is real and what isn't. He will tell you I never needed as much instruction as the need for confidence to pursue my characters to the depths of the darkness and back...see, when I go dark, it is deep to the point it scares people because I can become so intense that people think I'm working something out when all I'm doing is finding the depths into which I can push this person so that you can see the truth. This is why I believe I can tell fakeness from realness in an instant's my SUPERPOWER! I have dug into some of the darkest chambers of life I can connect to all sorts of different beings because we all have that in us...we all are connected...we all share that in the blood of our being so if there is a killer amongst us...hence the reason why I believe you can create the most hated/feared person into someone vulnerable and wanting because it is human but you must allow yourself as an artist to understand that and know even though that isn't you, it is in you and that is where the truth of it all lies. I now can see people that claim they are mother earth and are far from it, they're still trying to convince themselves...I can see people hurting inside when they are smiling so big for the world...I can denote self hatred because of the lack of love by really listening...I can see it by really watching and looking to see the truth because as actors that is our job. I was terrified of people seeing all that strength and pain in my work but that was the only way I knew how to express it and my instructor embraced it and pushed it further. I cried saying "I don't book because of it - I think I scare them in the room," "I'm too much for what they wanted to see," "I don't think they get me..." - his reply always - "GOOD! They will wake up to you, keep giving them your truth." Now when I act/audition, there is no burden - just simple, pure freedom to create and push the way I feel like I need to in the room. The job is the job but my interpretation of it is everything so I have learned that quietness in the room as they drink up all that I have poured out to be their awakening as to see the work in another view, that I take my pride in, that's where the creative process that is all mine is developed. Too much - good, too far - good, too deep - good...the director can pull you back, the casting can ask for another way, the character when you know more about her may not have to go there but you as an artist must for a moment just to see where that takes you. So go, make it your own and shine, don't be like the others, don't you dare even try for that is not your truth - you are you and there isn't anyone exactly like you so use that to your advantage to wake this industry up from the same ole same ole...WE CAN DO is our truth, so go do that and keep doing that until they understand it.

Just completed another stage play for the wonderful Kimba Henderson in which I got to dress up like a princess and watch other talents in dancing/singing/rapping as well. Coming together and making this very subtle faith based play, something I knew I wanted to be a part of. We even got headsets ya'll, which was a first for me so I have to say, allowing myself to do this really helped me see another facet of theatre acting that is just different yet oh, so fun - fun!!! This play became extra special because when one of the characters had to drop out, I was able to refer a couple of great actors and Jared (another Lifebooker) got working with people I know and being able to see them do what they love as well, is so fulfilling. I could hear the crowd murmur throughout because they were just so sucked in to the beauty of the play, although this wasn't done on the larger scale of my last few plays, I had a blast being involved with something so meaningful for so many people out there and seeing their faces after because they just needed to say how much they loved the show. I was so moved by everyone's dedication (especially the youth) that I got mini cuppy cakes for the stage peeps (they never get told enough how much we appreciate them) & made my gluten free, soy free, dairy free & even egg free brownies with and without nuts. With so many people with allergens, I've found my treats to be a hit for everyone and there is no one that can tell the brownies are made so clean unless I tell them. Vegan desserts can be the business and so good for everyone too! I even made sure to treat myself in the process since I wanted to celebrate doing 3 plays back to back and not going crazy ( reg cuppy cakes for the day and my vegan brownies for the week - yes, I celebrate for as long as I can...when I can...2 down, one to go - WAHOO!!! Even got massive bruises for the love of Mark Twain's "Adam & Eve!" Ah...the things you put your body through to express art!

My last post I did some fast foodie options on the vegan side, so I wanted to show the other side of goodness as well. When you've got some time to cook, you can make an array of fun delicious foods that can be quick yet more "home cooked" as well. I grew up on kimchee and when my mom comes over, we make buckets of it together and that ferments in the fridge or containers in the garage until I eat my way through slowly. Kimchee can last for as long as you want it and it's just as good for you fresh as it is fermented, being inexpensive to make with so many options to explore as well. One of my favorites is kimchee fried rice...I don't add anything but kimchee, some of the juice along with sesame seeds and green onions and voila...a meal that can be eaten over and over again - so good for you as well. For me, learning to make this vegetarian dish has saved me so much money when I was struggling to eat while surviving living in L.A. because money had to be used else where so food had to be a small expense and learning to stretch vegetables into meals all week became a necessity. Meat was a luxury I could afford here and there but to learn how to buy little meat and make it last for a week with other foods was a learning process I am glad I got used to. Full salads with beans I cooked up in what felt like 2 days make my meals more filling and still in my 5-6 day vegan range, I add quinoa and everything else including sweet potatoes I had baked for the week and any other veggie in my reach with hearty dressings made via solar power that are tastier than the other stuff with no soy as well. Vegan tacos with the beans I made can make my tacos even heartier, although I do add vegetable ground meats along with rice and my own home made pico de gallo with left over veggies that needed to be used asap! I'm learning and it's not as difficult as I had imagined to eat this way and the more I do, the less I need because my body seems to get all the fuel it needs from every nutrient rich molecule I'm feeding myself now. Veg chorizo with a soy free egg on an organic muffin with a coffee shake (with coffee flavor cashew milk ice cream, coconut milk, cacoa nibs and cacoa powder) make for a very filling breakfast. With all this goodness, sometimes your food just sends you love...

I even wash my plastic bags out more so than my mom - ha! If it touches meat, it gets thrown out, but if it has only stored bread/veggies/fruits, then I reuse, reuse, reuse, even been composting for quite some time but I'll save that for another day but does your dish rack look like this???? Proud to do my very small part in helping the environment, sometimes I think it's not much but I always say it is better than nothing. You gotta take steps in life as you do in your art, keep pushing because You are making a difference and when you least expect it, you're inspiring someone who's been silently watching you all along.

Through all of this, no matter how busy you are, you must take care of that machine of yours. You've been eating better, you've been trying to get your rest, you're taking care of your community and you must make sure your body keeps going. While everyone was sick in the cast of "When Stars Align" I missed this virus mostly because I was juice cleansing during the time and flushing out toxins as well as gyming it out and I kissed my very sick partner. Now, I felt a bit off for 3 days because this bug was nasty but because I had treated my body with care, it fought to make sure I didn't feel it like everyone else. I knew I was feeling something when I slept for 10 hours for 3 nights in a row with family in town...that just doesn't happen but my body fought it out and I won with just dealing with slight fatigue and lots of sleep. Yoga with my sauna time - check, water zumba - checkie, still stretching at home - double check and adding weights to my legs and arms for regular zumba class - checksies!!! Mental stress is no joke and just trying to chill after the day isn't always the answer, push your body to release all that negativity, stress and unwanted baggage you've been carrying around. Simply exercising will release your mind to stay focused and alert, I won't let this part of the routine slide because doing 3 plays back to back with no understudy requires me to be at optimal performance level. Just walking around your neighborhood or trails will help align you to your now being, leave the phone in the car unless it may be for music but try to unplug, even just for an hour and see how you feel after. Now you're ready to tackle on this business and fight back with all your might, you were meant for this challenge, don't let "realistic views" sway you from changing this industry, it takes us all in our unique glory to shift what is normal...lets get all of us who don't quite fit in, the chance to make a difference. PUSH ON and see you soon!
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