The Glamorous Life of Auditions - Day 7 & 8

It's always wonderful being booked for a play you have no idea of because you've never had the opportunity to dabble in the genre ( haven't received script yet but I'm chomping at the bits here ) and then get 3 more auditions, one being for Shakespeare but for 2 roles ( having fun with the text now ) while dealing with more pages although lucky it's only one line for one of them!!! Winner, winner - I love these and am nervous about them all at the same time. My brain is good but with all this text bambling about my head, I get a little leary I may either blank all together or give them a mash up - HA! I've learned that when this happens, I go through all my auditions everyday all together with no space in between. I jump from character role to character role to train my brain to jump into the next scene without too much mishap, this little trick has saved me plenty of times so I don't become too focused on any given sides regardless of how difficult they are. After memorizing them, I bounce them back and forth in my noggin to help with the jumbles! I was able to work out, feel great and get ready for my evening audition in Hollywood with little to no traffic. The first was for a film and only one line which I was able to play around with and throw in some improv if need be so I felt prepared, which is a good thing since it was with one of my favorite casting directors - Ms. Natasha Ward who's doing plenty of projects so get on that, she's actor friendly and truly roots for you in the room. I decided to combine my two separate auditions into one day since I dressed the exact same way down to the hair did. One was for a newscaster and the other for a lawyer, family member...I was prepared and my brain/mouth didn't fail me - WHEW! Arrived on time for the first audition and was solid but was requested to do another one for safety which I read with another improv choice, then I was out. I treated myself to some new menu items ( Mediterranean Salad with hummus & tempura fried green beans which tasted just as good as fries ) at Veggie Grill to celebrate which I'm not able to show because...I was greedy and started to eat and then my phone battery drained. Never said I was good at this! Raced home going over my lines for the next role as a family member via my phone recorder so that I could get that into place for the next evening. Luckily the next day, I was granted a 30 min. early work exit leave and was able to race home, snack and make-up myself but still racing because I was running about 10 min's late which I thankfully had already put in the notes. Arrived and went in ready! Did a few things that pushed the character which they thanked me for and as I exited, I was stopped to read for another role they had in mind for me. It was a monologue!!! This character is someone I haven't had the pleasure of playing yet and so I sunk in, I had about 3 people go in so I prepped as best as I could...I pushed and I had fun being this lady so opposite of me but obviously in me, walking out being told I was one bad mamajamma!!!! Laughed it off, changed and noticed a briefcase/bag with sweater on the floor by the bathroom that had been there since I had been there. I grabbed it, went to the front but had to go find the receptionist and place it in his hands knowing how awful I would've felt if someone didn't turn in my stuff. No matter how many things of mine have been stolen or lost etc., I understand that feeling and wish it on no one...especially another artist struggling just to make it. We all have our own battles but to take from another human being isn't one of them, we're here to do what we can when we can, so understand, we've all felt loss/betrayed - let's choose not to keep repeating the cycle. I rewarded myself once again with another meal from Veggie Grill, a favorite of mine and off I raced home to relax, go over my Twelfth Night lines as I readied myself for work the next day. I worked but today I found out I am officially booked as the 2nd character read, the one I really wanted but knew nothing about but glad I got to read for instead!!!! Paperwork sent, signed and date of shooting in the books but I won't be able to peep a word until...but YAY to another fun role to add to my repertoire, can't wait to really have it and then shoot this monster all worked out on my closing weekend of my play! Where there is a will...there is definitely a way because I was told another day at first that was of course, perfect but then got the correct date only for it to fall on my closing weekend but I told them we could work this out and lets do just that - it's a done dealio now, first one in to make sure I'm done in time for my performance on stage closing weekend.

I've been working my boo-tay off, getting in my 2 hours a day at least 3 days a week along with yoga workouts on at least 2 other days and still feeling great eating vegan 5 days a week, then vegetarian for 1 day as well as having one splurge day. I didn't think my body would adjust, but it has and it's doing it splendidly. There are still some things I haven't the taste for, but I'm growing and learning that my body is a machine I want to keep in top physical condition for as long as I can. Do I still enjoy goodies? You betcha! That won't ever change, it's just different now but look at my lovely purple, sweet potato tacos and vegan spice cup cakes with almonds!!! Delicious, colorful and more than satisfying, loving the food options because it doesn't have to be boring unless you make it so. Another thing, as long as you work on your body, make sure it's a lifestyle change, not something for a reason now but for you - the changes will come, maybe not the way you want them to but working out and eating right for most of the time will make itself known in your body. It's up to you to respect that and appreciate how hard you've been working. In this business we get so caught up on how "skinny" we should be because we get that shoved down our throat with images, with what may be said in the room etc but in the end, it's up to us to allow certain images into our realm. You are your own unique footprint, there is no one like you....SHINE because you know that. It's hard while you're going through the process because I heard too when I was at my biggest and told I needed to tone up but was also told that my martial arts was top notch as well as my acting. I get it, this business can be a look thing, especially if you don't fall immediately into the "character" pile but I've always worked out like a madwoman, I've always eaten fairly well and although I may have a cheat day, I only do vegan treats on other days to celebrate yet my body still doesn't show it in the way "Hollywood" standards are being given. Look, you are stuck with your body and yes you can change it but I've only changed it to a certain point that I'm happy with. Do I look at the smaller females and wish, of course but I'm not willing to sacrifice my health for it. I've already been told what foods I could eat, which is great for my body, I've already went vegan, I already work out practically every day and now I've accepted I've got curves, some jiggle but I love all of it, on me. I feel feminine but strong, that's how my body is built and maybe for a role in the future I may have to lose it all so I'm enjoying it all now while I can. You can fight all this hoopla by just being healthy, if you know you're healthy then that is all that matters, the body tone up will come, your peace of mind is coming but you've gotta feed your brain the images you know are healthy for you and then be strong enough to stand in your own skin. I now understand what this business sees when they look at me, what they would rather see but I also know what I can give them so you keep pushing that. This business rewards the tenacious, not always the talented but if you've got talent and you keep focused, your time regardless of your "look" will win out but you've got to stay in it in order to push the envelope. Understand, someone is counting on you to make the next step, to open that be inspired, so GO INSPIRE - just like this flowered, raspberry cupcake did for me on my cheat day!!!! Yummers in your belly...Yummers in your work!!!

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