A few lines for another short film I got to do at home! Practice, practice, practice makes mo perfect - even when I think it's just delivering lines, I find something else to fill in the gaps and why not?!? I have to tape this, I should make it more interesting for myself in doing so...and so I did. Creating something else to do within the scene on top of the directions given can create more depth in character, it may not be something they need to see per say, but it may be something you need to do as an artist to feel like you're not just coming in, saying a line and exiting. Sometimes that may be what they want but if I'm at home, putting this tape up, I'm pretty inclined to do what I want to do - take it or leave it. So with these moments of getting an opportunity to audition, I push the envelope by creating as much as I can since I'm in the comforts of my own surroundings. Things I would have to mime are no longer an issue, need to drink in my scene...voila, glass with drink in hand is how I roll. This may be too much information for some casting offices etc. but remember we're discussing how we feel as an artist putting up tape for them to view. I'd rather have a "set" per say in my audition than a "professional" look of a blank wall...I've heard the word distracting...is a movie distracting? Seriously, whatever makes you happy as you go through this process is the only thing that matters! I'd rather them see what I may do on set with props etc, than just staring blankly into the camera saying my line because that's not what is going to happen in the scene anyway...you're going to have to walk in, knock on the door, wait a beat, push the door open, wait for camera, look at blocking etc, etc, etc. Just make it happen in whatever you feel is professional for you but don't not do it because you feel it's not good enough...don't ever miss an opportunity just because you think it's not in the "right" setting. Get it done and do it the way that makes you smile as you send the tape in, that way you practice all the things you need to do so to feel comfortable that pertains to the scene/character - this will prep you for the set in so many ways without you even considering it. Drinking and saying your lines at the right moment is an art form guys, as well as chewing so don't knock the chance to work it out every chance you get! This scene was just coming in, seeing the girls drinking, taking a swig delivering my lines and exiting to leave...I decided to make my character look for her shoes as she raced in whilst putting her earrings on, taking a swig still trying to talk and enjoy the drink, kiss my baby girl and race out. I need life in my scenes, I'll always choose some kind of life and with these home auditions, I'm able to put my training into good uses without feeling rushed or pushed...because no one is there to tell me otherwise. Take creative freedom, use all you've got and leave whatever you can possibly in that audition...don't let the word "professional" hinder you into the safety of the masses - SHINE like you were meant to and keep it moving! You've made their job easier so enjoy doing it at the very least!!! I frame the camera to show the glasses but keep it at the edge so when I go in to kiss my 'lil girl, it's actually out of frame for the shot so it doesn't look like I'm kissing air on the camera. Consider all of your choices whenever possible before you shoot so you can create clean takes without a bunch of fuss because even though you're at home, no one wants to be taking a half day on this madness, you've got other things to work on so get to it!
With all the make-up plastered on my face for days on end, it's a difficult matter to keep your skin in tip top shape while on set but regardless of the time you must make an effort to protect your skin so that it may look just as fresh and anew the next day. It's your face that's on camera so if you don't have a routine for these days of layered stuff on your skin, let me suggest my favorite daily cleansing routine set for "set life." Coconut oil is your best friend...use it! It's a wonderful make up remover to start so take a handful and get it all over your skin...really rub it in good and get that caked on mascara off your eye lashes, let it sit for maybe a minute or so and then tissue off feeling the junk just melt away. Take a look at that tissue...that's just the surface of it all, that make up is embedded into the crevices/pores of your skin. 1st step down, onto the next prepping of clean skin phase and you go in with some witch hazel. I'm out of my Dickinson's brand but I've got a back up from Target for moments like these, so always have some handy, it's great for the skin and not as drying as well. Cotton swiff your face and take another look at that madness...you're two layers in and you've barely cracked the goo! Whatever mask you have in your cabinet that you use, grab that and gets to masking the dirt away. I usually have several different choices to use on any given evening pending on what my skin calls for but I usually do a clay/mud mask to start. Let that sit for 10 min's or so and then finally you gets to wash with your facial cleanser. You're still not done, nope not yet it's not that easy to keep your skin glowing on set days. Go to the fridge and grab that apple cider vinegar, pour, dilute with water, cotton ball it and swipe over your face allowing it all to air dry. Now, finally now you're ready for whatever your evening moisturizer is, so slather that on and now you may get your shut eye for the next day knowing your skin is thoroughly cleansed and set ready with little to no chance of pesky pimples to form. This may seem like a process but having to cover up skin break outs during camera time is harder so go for the steps in order to make sure your face is camera ready after a day of make-up, powder, powder and more powder has been dumped on your lovely skin. I do this every time it's a foundation, make-up day because my skin just wants to be left alone and will act up at every given opportunity to let me know who's boss, I just have my methods on fighting back and appeasing the beast! No one wants to spend an extra 20-30 minutes at night cleansing the skin but it beats waking up and dealing with the unknown for the next's day shoot...so make it a ritual and know you're treating your body/skin right and that's all it wants...to feel appreciated as well.
Happy to announce my clip on the "Mistresses" was shown via FB (link below) with the full episode shown last night on the 4th of July (what a way to celebrate)- catch the clip here and got to ABC for a full episode https://www.facebook.com/Mistresses/videos/1319310238098927/
Also a scene I will remember for the rest of my life and oh so happy it made it in the film (thanks Michael Showalter for keeping my dream alive) is officially out on Blu-Ray at: https://www.amazon.com/Hello-My-Name-Doris-Blu-ray/dp/B01F08XCAG/?tag=sphe-hmnid-media-fb-20 as well as some streaming services! Please check out "Hello My Name is Doris" and watch Sally with Tyne kill it being the legends that they are...trailer below!
While all of this is happening I'm still pressed hard against the wall and challenging my art in my first ever production of Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night" as Maria. Feeling overwhelmed by the text of it but enjoying the fact that I'm in the wondrous hands of our female director Kate Jopson who has not only decided to take this charming piece into a more grounded, real and dark direction but has included a plethera of ethnic actors who will be speaking their native tongue throughout. You'll hear Tagalog because we've got Filipino leads, Portuguese as well and even some Korean words thrown around by yours truly...whatever your idea may be about Shakespeare, come get another perspective starting July 16th by Coeurage Theatre in Burbank - it's pay what you can! Loving the fact that I get to be a part of such a diverse cast once again with a set built by "Flyin' West's" set designer - JR Bruce as well as seeing a female director who knows this work so well, she's willing to go there and risk!!! Gloriousness!
Don't ever stop believing, it may take years, it may feel like trudging through mud but if you truly are passionate about your craft, there is no time limit, just moments of dreams coming true. Hold on to that and celebrate...celebrate each hard earned step towards your goals in this business and never let anyone nor yourself deter you from giving yourself the chance to do what you love! Go on...let the fear move you into being FEARLESS!!! Had some first timers at Korean BBQ (thanks for trusting me Eugene & Tuka - kimchee & meats celebrating...FEARLESSNESS!
Great post! Totally agree on the home auditions. I'll always see casting directors posting on what "professional" is - but I love the creativity and people doing the read in a "real" setting... Miss you my friend!
You're a true creative which helps in our process. I always feel bad for artists, we already have so much on our mind and to be beat down on what's "professional or not" isn't the headspace we should enter into our audition on. Love that you think outside the box, miss you much and truly, can't wait to work with you again!!! Keep shining bright - am inspired by you!
Great post! Totally agree on the home auditions. I'll always see casting directors posting on what "professional" is - but I love the creativity and people doing the read in a "real" setting... Miss you my friend!
ReplyDeleteYou're a true creative which helps in our process. I always feel bad for artists, we already have so much on our mind and to be beat down on what's "professional or not" isn't the headspace we should enter into our audition on. Love that you think outside the box, miss you much and truly, can't wait to work with you again!!! Keep shining bright - am inspired by you!