The "Glamorous" Life of Auditions - Day 30 (
Audition # 34 )

Had a nice audition for a big voice over casting office who decided to give me a shot without a reel for a big company - had to sign an NDA to boot. Never heard of them but my agent knew they were looking for a specific type of voice and instead of not dealing with it all for me because I have no reel as of yet, she pulled one of my files I've submitted and they decided to give me an audition because of it. This is what I mean when I say "TEAM...," not having the biggest agency or agent out there but someone who truly believes in you and your art and is willing to do what it takes to get you heard/seen. Most big agencies don't want you until you're doing some big things and even if you do get on their roster, they're not fighting for you like they can...they've already got celebrities to deal with along with "B level" clientele so just because you're rocking their agency name on your resume, doesn't actually mean their out there doing all the things they need to do to ensure your career gets to the next step. I know it's prestigious to say you're with these guys but unless you know beyond a shadow of doubt that they're grinding this business for you...don't rely on any of it. I love small, boutique agencies...the ones with a good reputation with some working actors and although they may have plenty of diversity, no two really look alike. The ones that make you feel like family and when/if you need a meeting, they do their best to get you in the door to chat. They may not be known ( just like you ) but they've got heart and when they decide they're repping you, they're out there fighting for you just to get in the door because they believe in you and know you'll do the rest. Remember these times, understand who believed in you when no one else really did the work and then treat them like family whenever you get the opportunity. This business is full of talk, lies, deceit and wasted time, find the "TEAM" that not only talks to you about what you need but will work with whatever you've got as well. I'm in a happy place for the most part and that allows me to focus on my craft so make sure to search/find the peace, those rocks that won't drop you because you're older, bigger, more different then they imagined and hang on as you fight side by side to get to your dreams. Don't ever underestimate a fighter with heart...they'll prove you wrong every time!

During my trip to Utah, I was notified by a post that a close friend of mine had passed. I was visiting every week ( driving 1+ hour there and 1 1/2+ back ) to Santa Monica to bring home made fresh, organic, juiced, juices or home made kimchees or bringing over her favorite vegan dish from one of her top spots. She deserved it and so much more, she was one of the most beautiful souls around with enough energy to put you on your butt. I truly loved her and her spirit left a mark on my soul. I got into this business not knowing anyone and being the introvert that I am, I was happy to keep it that way. I started off as an extra on shows since I happen to meet a writer ( more on that another time ) but eventually you ran into Colleen. She was the "Queen Bee" of the sets, always working, always knowing everyone in front of and behind the camera and had an in at all the extra casting offices. She was always smiling and always trying to bring everyone together...she was unnerving to say the least, but as you got to know her, she was a genuine, kind soul that loved sharing information and helping - whereas I was just content with either reading the bible/books/acting sides for classes. She chipped away at my resistant heart...I didn't need no friends and I sure as hell didn't want to make any from sets but the universe had other plans and she weaseled her way into my life so to speak. She helped me to get work since she was always busy visiting, updating her pictures or finding out who the new extra casting offices were in town, so I became the tag a long listening to her about getting work and staying on top of that as an extra. I taught her not all the girls were as giving as us and to start being discerning with sharing info since I was terrible at being an extra and was starting to get auditions. I'd let her know what I was auditioning for, she'd put the bull horn out and people would crash if they could since we were all close to the specs - back when crashing an audition wasn't as big of a deal. I started noticing some of the more popular gals would only share music video auditions or trashy auditions I didn't want to be a part of so I distanced myself from them but not her, letting it be known that I saw their true intentions. On one of her Born Day celebrations, I cooked her a full meal and through miscommunication of after activities, I sat on the phone downstairs chatting away as she waited on me upstairs although our conversation had consisted of her going to sleep. She went to her room upset and I went to sleep bewildered and hoping for a talk after all cooled down in the morning but was left a note to my chagrin. She was my girl, my ace, my sister and I decided I had to nip this in the bud so I called...and called...and called...and called over 8 times wanting to just talk and see what happened and where it went wrong and to apologize. was one of the saddest moments of my life and I let it go...I stated to myself and to the universe that when and if she wanted to talk, I'd be available. We didn't talk for over 10 plus years...I went on to focus on acting/speaking parts and she was always booked on high paying extra commercial gigs but my heart remembered her fondly. Someway, somehow we reconnected and because of her openness, I invited her to my beast's Born Day party and she came with another actress she stood in for. I kept trying to push the fantastic peanut butter cake slice on her but she wouldn't have it, I was to later find out that she had cancer and she had cut out dairy, gluten, soy etc and was on a strict vegan diet. I never pushed any other food but what I usually ate since it was right in line with her routine. She apologized for our time missed - wanting to rehash about it and I didn't want to waste time with egos etc, so I stated it was already forgotten, that I was only thankful and humbled to have her back in my life so lets get to living it, we had lost time to make up for. 3 years would go by and I'd have her at my side for screenings, wrap parties, plays and NAACP award shows when the beast or my other close friend wasn't avail. We went hiking, bike riding and eating whenever she could meet up all the while deteriorating slowly but she always smiled. Saw her one day after she had started chemo and I immediately said hello beautiful which made her tear up as she made some excuse as to why she didn't feel that way in which I just stopped her and said that "I see you beautiful..." I wish I had more time, more time to make up for all that lost time but I'm grateful to have been able to spend and make time to do things regardless, all up until the last week before I left for my trip. I get that life gets in the way but always do your best to make things happen for the people around you, your mind will rest easier, your soul benefiting and your spirit in tuned with what's most important because one day, that'll be you and hopefully you've spent your time here celebrating life. We fight for every inch, make sure you're fighting for good things so you can art in peace without bringing more suffering and pain into your world. We have enough as artists, we don't need to pack more on because of our lack of insight and be beautiful and enjoy this very precious time by creating magic because of the wondrous lives that have made it so! 💗 Can't wait for her to peek in on me with my Appa & Buddy at her side from time to time and be proud of all we've accomplished...because I've got as much time to do all of it as I've got and I'm not wasting moments! CHEERS to you, our lives and the real pursuit of it all and celebrating this by sharing our light...

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