The "Glamorous" Life of Auditions - Day 25, 26 & 27 (
Auditions #29, #30 & #31 )

VOICEOVER, VOICEOVER, VOICEOVER and usually 2-3 different projects, each time I get an audition - kapow...finding my way in this whole new world! I don't have a reel, I've only got like 2 things I've done for sure by chance ( years apart ) and I'm just learning as I go as you should. Never taken a voice over class but I'm hoping one day to do so but I won't let that hinder my push into these arts...never let your idea of "inexperience" hold you back on trying because there is no rhyme or reason in this business and it could very well be your tenacity, spark and raw talent that may bring about a booking. I've always felt if you've been trained in acting whether it's film/television, voice etc and have pushed your craft/artistry, then you're pretty much equipped to bounce around the mediums. Of course it's not easy, those same casting peeps that love you in one world are a whole different set to get to know in the new and just like you've put your energy/time into making a way for yourself, you must keep doing that exact same thing until you become recognizable where you're in demand. The more you spread yourself out however, the more chances you give yourself to succeed in this business which can also help you segway quickly into another form. This is all to say that you shouldn't limit yourself to what you feel success is...there are voiceover actors creating a financially stable life without you even knowing who they are, getting paid for their voice so it's not based on what they look like. Just doing these auditions at home on the couch, no makeup after I've ate, in my jammies with my hair a mess gives me so much comfort...I'm pushing to get more experience so I keep submitting although I haven't gotten a V.O. job from this thus far. Each tape I get better, I know what format, I can quickly decipher the read and put a spin on it when needed, not as confident yet as I'd like to be but I'm a trained actor, I'll get's my job. Don't let "technicalities" hold your talent back...yes it's tough to break in, there are no sure easy routes in any of it but you can try. If you've been working your art there is no excuse to not give yourself a shot across the board...just do it all whenever you've been offered the opportunity and see what may arise! Don't limit your shine and don't let your inexperience in one field intimidate you into hindering your work because you never know what is going to give you your break and the more doors that are open, the easier it'll be for you to finally step into one and give all that you've been working towards! Get out there and just jump...I...KEEP...DOING...JUST...THAT and you should too...I mean, why not give yourself every opportunity as an artist that you can?!?!!!!

During the slow months, every now and then I get a random call for work and if I'm not in the midst of something, I usually try to do it. This came in from a wonderful gal ( Terri ) whom I've worked with on another job via her recommendation once again years ago as a Brand Ambassador. The pay range isn't bad for a days work and the work isn't usually strenuous or too difficult in tasks...the last one was more of a greeting and making sure the foreign students got to where they were suppose to be with our nightly sleep quarters and most of our food taken care of. This job was actually at the Burbank Studios helping out with the Overwatch League playoffs and I was either sitting in the booth waiting to greet VIPs outside or just outside the skybox in the hallway making sure no one not allowed in the room, didn't slip in - alternating hours. Easy ( except for that last hour of standing time at the end of the shift ) no brainer work to cover some expenses and see the rage in video gaming competition plus bonus finding out a friend is one of the voices in the game so I was able to take some pictures and send love! Although nervous about auditions coming up, I kept in mind I had a fifty/fifty chance since work didn't start until 2p ( will cross that bridge if/when it comes ) and who could complain with the quick turnaround in pay?!?! Get to work and survive doing fun things that give you flexibility to pursue your truth...we gotta make it to the next round so we just gotta keep on swimmin' however it shows up sometimes. There are plenty of "side gigs" to keep you afloat, ask and then do, cross the bridge of double bookings etc., when they's a gamble but sometimes a job to pay the bills is what's needed in this line of work.

Got to see a friend's production of "My Name is Myesha" for the second time, spilling into my realm the heartbreak, tears, pain, frustration and love of life in this hip hop/beatboxing/spoken word indie created by beautiful artists all around.What's painful is the the knowing of a 19 year old shot 23 times in 1998, yes there were some bad choices but understanding the killings have been going on for quite some time and social media is the only reason it's more at a forefront is something to remember. This broke my heart both times as I watched the tragic events occur and understanding for the most part, there are little to no excuses for treating human beings as such. If you see it playing anywhere, do yourself a favor and catch inspired by knowing that art comes in so many forms and it's up to us to keep supporting the good stuff so it can keep on keeping on. Be inspired knowing that whatever talent you may possess, that it could be useful if you keep at it and keep going...hearing a mom apologize to her beat boxing son for driving her crazy while he was growing up and now realizing what a gift it was to tell this story left me inspired. What your art is, is what your art is and it's up to you to make the most out of it...don't let others deter you no matter how silly it may sound, one day you could be using your gift to inspire other artists to do the same. KEEP DOING YOUR ART - PERIOD!!! <3
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