Had this baby, small audition that also turned into a callback at Westwood Productions for a short film called "Smile." I finally got to be a mom, which I've been told I don't look like which is funny...because what does a "mom" look like? It's as if once you reach parenthood, you change your whole physical being and become a washed out version of yourself to fit in or because you have no time now? I don't get this Hollywood Industry's vision of what "mom's" are and since I've always had a tiff with this issue, I'll go in on it as well. I've been told I'm not a "mom" type over and over again, I don't have the feel...hilarious, because only in L.A. and the fact that most stars are moms still doesn't change the idea for this business what a mom should look like...capris, flats and a loose type top - attractive, but not too attractive. HA! Which is why this audition with a French director was so eye opening as well as refreshing. I was ushered in the room alone and had my hair pulled back like many of the other auditions that require a professional look and upon looking at my picture, he politely asked if my hair actually looked like my headshot I had given him. I said "When it's pulled out, it looks exactly like that." He then asked for me to let it all go...WOW! He wanted full glory of hair at a "mom style" audition...YES!!!! And I released the Kracken!!!!
I realized at that moment (although I noticed it from foreign films/travel etc), that the world views "Moms" differently, they can see them as sexy, free, fun, beautiful etc...there was no "MOM TYPE" because there truly isn't one and people outside the corporations of the U.S. industry don't have the same perceived notions as to what is sexy...how old must you be, or what is a mom...how must you dress and look. Taking this in I realized this battle with whether I should straighten my hair all the time to look more conformed went out the window. I as an actress must change this "idea" I've had to fight against, not go along with it. I have a bohemian soul and look, why not in business, or as a mom or whatever!!! It is up to me to be strong and not change who I am, because I am all of these things with curly big hair...yes, I'll tame it or pull it back or whatnot but I will no longer fight the fact that this is who I am and there are people in business that look like me - there are moms out there that have hair wild and free and untamed - there are all different types of people out there that look just like you somewhere, no matter how "exotic" you've been told you were, so roll up those sleeves and get to work on creating your own box. Is it difficult...INDEED, will you get more rejection...YES, will you be the you that you want to represent and be...I HOPE SO. This business is already hard enough on just trying to be you, why add the element on trying to be something/someone else just to book. Some people fit into the requirements - GREAT for them...but if it isn't you, don't become disheartened, it is now your job to change their mind and respect you in the process for it. Now although I was the mom, this audition was soley based on the kid they chose and even though it stated in the script the kid was a boy, I saw girls and boys of all different nationalities that made my heart smile. They were open...open to any good possibilities that may lie behind someone that just wanted to audition and this is where we all strive to be. To be taken for our art, not what we look like but for what we bring to the role. There are more creative beings that are pushing for this, in front as well as behind the camera so let's join this good fight shall we and be the unique individuals that we are, so that we may represent this beautiful world! At my callback, the girl that came in with me, had long, curly, flowy hair and she looked like she could be my daughter. Be you, be bold, it'll come and you will make the mark needed for someone else needing a helping hand in. Let's change this industry's preconceived notions, one step at a time because that's what artist's do!

https://youtu.be/mLLyv61BjPw - New Season, new episode...so happy to be a part of this project!

Then you go eat...celebrate your survival and your goodness because you are making a difference, you do matter and the only way there is change is if you decide to do something about it! I treated myself to a vegan Sage lunch with cashew chocolate mousse cheesecake to boot...and yes, I ate it all!

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