The business of show business can be daunting...not only do we have to keep focus on our craft but it's the business that will keep you steadfast. There are more talented people that have quit than have kept fighting because there is no rhyme or reason in the "making." People who could care less about the work and are in it to become famous can make it tomorrow and the people who take classes, work their craft, study and know how to break down a scene can be in this for 20 - 30+ years before becoming recognized. Unfair...truly but as artists we're in it for the long haul regardless and we rejoice when we see other artists that have fought, clawed and damn near knocked people over with their talent. They kept going when others decided it was over because it's too difficult to keep on sometimes...the rejection can and will get to you at some point and time but it is up to you to start enjoying this process. Realize that an audition is a chance, a call back is significant - you're just inches away but you have no control over anything but you at this point and the booking is great but not the end all be all. The casting director now knows your work, they like you, they remember you, they become your fans and they call you in repeatedly when no one else does because they know you deserve it. Thus creating a fan base for your work...they know they can rely on you and they'll keep pushing you until you book from them and then it's a relationship. Keep at 'em, drop postcards in the mail for them, send them updates of your work, let them know what you're doing now because they will remember you for years whether you book from them or not. As an artist, you have to stay on top of this part of the business...we all want to create but we also need a network of people that believe in us and know what we're doing outside of just coming in to see them every once in awhile. I try to keep up with everyone by sending postcards (especially when doing theatre) and newsletters after a booking etc. at least once every 2-3 months. Time consuming, indeed but not only do you keep yourself in the loop of these busy bodies, you build a net for yourself of claiming you're working and you'll keep working until you see them again. Audition, callback, repeat...then boom, you're booking!
Quitting the business for some time and then coming back, I realized how many fans I had created although it was different. I realized how close I was to getting over the hump and had I known what I know now, I would've never stepped away. I was inches away and yet I couldn't see it because all I knew was that I was making it into producer sessions, getting that 3rd/4th callback, screen testing and still broke with no job 2 years later. Now there are short films, web series, indies etc all at the palm of your hands with more opportunities - DON'T WASTE IT! The time is now for us artists to create and get to these chances of expressing our art, the door is wide open and you just have to keep plugging away - to be able to submit yourself on a project instead of just hoping to hear from your agent, those days can be over if you choose it to be but you gotta put in business work. I'm learning to promote myself, be my own cheerleader because if not me, then who? My agent that gets 10%? It makes their job easier when it comes to pitching if you've been on top of the business because the CD feels like they know you, maybe have been wanting to call you in but now with this talk from your agent and all of your due diligence, they want to see you and that's how you got in the door. Then you blow them away with your work, you shine and you create that relationship of fans in which they keep calling you in until you book!
A couple of my newsletters to cd's website, free newsletters...FREE, no excuses!
I audition more now with keeping up my business, I'm starting to have a network of casting directors that believe in me regardless of whether I book or not. They know what happens in the room, they've even pushed for me but there are things that are out of their control as well so you've just got to keep giving them you. Yes it seems to take so long at times, but you'll become the better artist because of it, no one hit wonder for you because you know what this wacky business takes in order for you to survive.
I go into this audition for a pilot presentation and I don't hear anything for almost a week, Monday morning, I'm getting a call from my manager and agent that they want to see me today in a few hours for the callback. I look over the role, my outfit, my hair, eat real good for brain energy and I'm out the door to Hollywood Production Center. Paired up with other actors one at a time, then repeat with notes, don't know if I got it but I celebrated big time...this was an audition I knew I did what I could do, did better at the callback because I knew my character so the 8 pages thrown at me wasn't a big deal and realizing it's between me & another gal. That's all there is...that is all you can do because then it's about what they prefer and there is nothing you can do about that part, so let it go. Having the producer/writer/director pull you into the room and tell you how much they appreciate your work and your time/energy is your proof enough that you've done your art! Enjoy that moment...relish in it...CELEBRATE, don't worry about the "job," that'll come, that will definitely come!
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