It's been awhile but having a chemistry, screen test callback is so much fun! Realize when you get this far, they like you...they really like you and that is all that matters. Yes - you want the job, Yes - your hopes are high but now comes the process that is completely out of your hands. Trust that they like your work and they believe in you but do you match the leads? Too tall...too big...too exotic...too different...WHAT EVS!!!! This is like a booking guys, celebrate it as such - you've done everything in your power and you've made it right here, right now and the rest is left up to chance because you don't know what goes into the thought process after. The other person may have more of a following than you - doesn't make them better than you, the other person is a friend of cast/crew - doesn't make your shine any less, the other person has worked with them before - doesn't make it right but it has nothing to do with you. YOU were brilliant, YOU were liked maybe even loved, YOU made it thus far and YOU did YOU, that is all you can ask of your art. It will be your turn, it is coming but don't let the fact that they didn't pick you be a cause of are this close don't you dare give up now! So smile and smile real big, you've earned this moment.
A few weeks ago I saw a post in Actor's Access and submitted because the role sounded fun - a female character named "The Punisher." Yes, please! I also noticed it was through a casting director that had me called in a couple of times before and I had booked "Classic Alice" - through her, so I sent a quick note stating how much I'd just love the opportunity to audition. See, I truly love to audition whether I book or not. I love getting up, getting ready, racing across town (not in traffic) and searching for the character in the words just to have a moment to be them in me. It's in this process that I enjoy every second to see how far I can push or how differently I can look at the scene to make it a bit different from what others may play. If you can't find joy in this ( and you must ), this business won't make you happy and you've got to find what makes you happy in order for your art to thrive. Most of us will be in this catch 22 of auditions for a very long time...years...before even seeing a silver lining so you must figure out how to make this fun and enjoyable as you wait your turn. See, I believe we each have a turn and it is up to you to hang in until your number is called and then it's preparation meets opportunity...then you soar and no one will be able to bring you down because you've put in the blood, sweat and tears to be right where you are. So, I get the notification that they're calling me in and I'm off...with a start of a good breakfast of course.
Since this role sounds fun, I make myself gluten free pancakes with blueberries and slivered almonds...with strawberries on top...and whip...yes, lots of whip because a well fed body makes for a stronghold against tension and stress when dealing with these nerve wracking situations of auditioning - HA. Eat well, perform better!!! Make your auditions mini celebrations of good treats and you'll see how much your art thanks you back...whatever your ritual of thanks to your body/mind, let that keep you on your path, you need it and your work will shine through because of it.
The sides are fun...a full page monologuing and then a scene...3 pages total but a blast. The room is full with the director, producer, writer, casting and lead actors, nice to feel this type of energy in the room on the first audition, so you never know, be prepared. I like to read my audition pieces in classes because it's not always one on one when you walk in and having a room full of people just watching every move you make can be off putting so practice alone and practice with peeps just to get some of the nervous ticks out. Some of them recognize me from the "Colony" and we speak about that and just like that, I'm done. Outta the room and back into my car and home. I hear nothing in the next couple of days so I let it go.
About a week later, I get a text from my manager saying the producer is trying to get a hold of me. YAY, it's for a chemistry, screen test callback. They want to see how I work with the leads as well as the other actors involved with 5 new pages and a day to get them in my brain. I know the character as I see her so I just have to get these words into my brain which is a done deal because when you get on a roll with auditions, you start seeing the same phrasing of words which will make the memorizing easier since you know the intention. No need to stress, the words come because you know the character so don't feel overwhelmed when this happens. Also realize, if your callback is with the same lines, don't change a thing unless you're tweaking it to make your choice more complete but don't do a different read, don't go get help unless they understand how you read it the first time, DO NOT CHANGE, be ready for change but don't you do something you think they may now want to see because they want to see what you've done and if you can do it again with maybe different ideas. I didn't have time to read this with anyone else but my beast but it was enough to get my intentions and to listen. I arrive an hour early, the window on their building is pretty cool so, since I'm auditioning for a fun character, I decide a selfie with a female superhero is in order for inspiration of course ( don't judge ) and I'm in the bathroom taking selfies after I was hot and there was no way I'm wearing a jacket, jumpsuit and boots walking around.
There's 2 of us for the "Punisher" role at 1p along with 2 Big Guys playing the same role and another female playing another character. The set up is with lights and 3 cameras set at different angles with the director, writer/actor, producer, casting and leads along with us auditioning. I go in first with the other female since we have a scene together, get to read it twice which I'm happy for because I totally flubbed somewhere in the first take because that's how I roll. The scene after I nail but the director liked both takes and asked me to do a couple of things different for the second just to see how that may look. They keep the other gal and I'm sent outside as the other gal playing the role of "Punisher" now steps in...I take a selfie, because round 2 is coming up! The other gal I had a scene with comes out and one of the Big Guys go in with the other gal playing the Punisher, she then exits and I get called back in with one of the big guys and now the leads are in the scene. I get to fake kick (threw that said punch but why punch when I also know how to kick) and punch the lead with a few notes on the next take. They let the other guy go and bring the other 6'7 enormous guy in and we do the scene, then one more time with notes and I get to improv 3 different endings because they like what I'm doing. Improv is real guys and not always in the context of comedy...I'm beginning to see more theatrical auditions ending with some improv so get into a class that does theatrical real improv as well as the comedy - I have to keep up with that myself, maybe a Groundlings/Second City/UCB course is in order but since my passion lies in theatrics for now, I'm being slow on the go. Luckily, my classes at Lifebook - push the theatrical improv and I feel ready regardless for these moments so make sure you're doing all that you can do to feel fantastic so there is no excuses in the room. You can leave it all in there, you give it all you got and walk out with no regrets, that's the way I've felt leaving rooms now...knowing you did your job to the best of your abilities is a gift. There is no would've, should've, could've at that moment and you don't beat yourself up in the car. You did your thang and they'd be lucky to have a professional like you on set! So I celebrate...with food from my other favorite vegetarian spot because I'm still 5 days on and 2 days off...even on my audition days - I celebrate, just differently now but it's all good and delicious because I can't do otherwise!
Then I go get inspired by supporting other works of art by other artists and just having at kids birthday parties. Nothing takes you back to wonderment like getting lost in something else, so go see something new, something old but marry yourself to this idea that you're in this for the long ride and therefore must stimulate your senses on other art besides your own to keep focus and grounded on what you want to do as well! Yes, that's my balloon bulldog courtesy of Tianna's 12th because I'm a kid at heart, "Tony Tango" on the big screen was hilarious - a mix of Napoleon Dynamite with Nacho Libre in the Tango world, seeing my friends Brendan & Stina at the 2015 Hollywood Fringe Festival (did 4 Tree Plays because of him last year) in "Catherine" -, one show left tonight & tomorrow (6/26 & 6/27) as pay what you can and "The Heir Apparent" at because I've performed there in "Flyin' West" and I auditioned for this. It's great to be in your own projects but it's always nice to see what you didn't book or audition in as'll motivate you to no ends! GO GET 'EM!!!
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